will this motorcylce/scooter be trust worthy?

I'd try & stay on roads posted 35mph & lower given the l o n g run to 50s mentioned in the review. Besides around here EVERYBODY adds 5-7mph to the posted limit. At only 7.8hp I wouldn't expect a long life if pushed to 35mph+ all day, everyday. Plus if you're much over 150lbs (my guess) you might BE the load limit of the scooter or VERY near it. It's the one spec I haven't been able to find.

[There's a couple 250 Honda MCs in the local CL which are really all street legal, have a top speed near 90mph, get 85mpg & a load limit near 300lbs; that might be a better answer to this question.]
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You just bought a bike,,
also, what about your e-bike?<

Me thinks there'll be some interesting electric scooters (mopeds) soon.
Honda makes good stuff. It is, however, entry level. If you want one that will last get a Gold Wing.
Price is right.. and it has a storage compartment. I'd trust Honda reliability.. I wouldn't trust other cars in road. Make sure to buy full face helmet and have fun!
Ive experienced that going under the speed limit is often more dangerous then over. It provokes people to overtake, often recklessly. Justified or not its how it is. Id say get something a bit more beefy & with more steam like 3gun suggested. But im really not a motorcycle guy, just an observation Ive made.
ill hardly ride it just to get my fat butt to store lol . the bike i had the pain in my knees made me give up on riding it. im 50 and falling apart lol
Raggie just needs transportation to store and doc.. He's not going to Sturgis. Bigger is not nesseccary. Small bikes maneuver quickly, much faster than a large touring m/c..
No matter what 2 wheels you ride on the roadways, riders must be defensive, have eyes in back of your head.
I got a 38yo Honda 700 V4 that looks like a time machine for $2200. Turn key, looks n rides like new. If you're over 150lbs a smaller 250-500cc bike is without a doubt a better way to go AND it will be highway legal in every state. This would be a great bike for a "golf cart" community
The bike that you have linked too is very small and doesn't appear suitable for having panniers fitted etc.

That will limit you to a back pack for your groceries, will that be enough?

If it's not enough then consider a used Honda NC700S, they have a frunk which will accept a full face helmet or a bag of groceries, they can be fitted with panniers and they are also available with an automatic transmission. They were released about 10 years ago so there should be plenty of used example available, Honda's are reliable and well built.


I used a Honda NC700X for commuting and did 10,000 miles on it in 12 months, the fuel consumption was over 60 mpg (US Gallons).
well i guess it was just a dream i thought it would cost 1800 dollar but i see now there are many extra fees .bummer . guess ill walk for now
looking at ebikes now my last one sucked was real weird and super low center of gravity 14 inch wheels.
I could be wrong but don't the e-bikes batteries only get about 20 miles between charges?

If you're healthy enough for pedal power, that's the way to go. Get a few low gears on the bike for hills and your set to go..
i just need a boost even a slight boost with no motor at all my knees hurts so bad on hills
I just checked out Cushman. They're still made right here in Augusta, GA..
Also check out new Vespa GTS and Honda makes a clone too.. Small wheels and low gravity they handle squirrelly like a skateboard.. Hey, that might be a good choice as well. An old skool longboard with wide truks and road wheels, built for transportation. You won't have to worry about filling up the gas tank.. Just some thoughts (-;
Well, it's a Honda. Forget cars, the company's experience with building motorcycles is what's truly impressive. Though honestly, motorcycles are a young man's thing. You could be the best rider in the world, still get plowed into by a careless clown in a car. Doctor's visits would be one thing. But grocery shopping? Where would you put the bags?