will this motorcylce/scooter be trust worthy?

I used to have a kmx 125cc until I crashed it and fractured my spine and smashed my heel.
Full body brace for 6 weeks after 10 days flat on my back in hospital and 3 months in a cast, not allowed to put my foot down.

I still sometimes dream of getting another bike but if I crashed It again I would be kicking myself
i have probaly damn near 100000 miles rideing. and man o man i had some crap bikes my first tbike was so bad my freind said he has no idea how i even ride it lol. i recall thinking before that that motorcycle suck lol .but it was just how bad mine was
My issue with this Honda is that for the same kinda $$ (or less) you can get a real MC with none of the use, load & range limits the Navi suffers.

Had a MC license (@18) before my car license (@19). Have over (well over) 350k/mi on bikes to date. Been to two Superbike schools + Motorcycle Safety Foundation advance class under my belt & so far (fingers crossed,prayers said) I haven't hit or been hit by anything. I live in an area that only has a 7-8 month "normal riding season but I'm not normal. I've been out in 8 degree weather(snowmobile suit), caught in biblical down pours(Aerostich gear) & see a trip to Iowa as a single days ride, I haven't exactly played it safe or been a weekend rider. I hurt myself worse last weekend getting out of a chair than I've even been hurt riding & that include busting up a race bike into 5 pieces at over 75mph & getting up without a scratch on me (thanks Aerostich) on the track.

I LOVE RIDING. The first thing I did after fully recovering from a full hip replacement last year was start looking for a new ride. Found it in a 1984 Honda VF700 Magna in almost showroom shape, turnkey, ready to ride for $2200. 1k/mi in the last 3 weeks, taking it easy getting use to a "new" ride. I might not get back to putting 25k/mi a year or more on a bike but if riding kills me know I didn't go easy & I had a smile on my face (+ a flashlight in my pocket)
i live on lanier in gainesville ga.no highways but one busy road
i live on lanier in gainesville ga.no highways but one busy road
With the limited information you provided, and lack of experience on this end, it may be that you could use Lyft to get to Krogers for maybe $12.

I went on Lyft(dot)com and used their fare estimate feature. Point being is that buying a motorcycle with fuel, insurance, purchase and repair costs is probably more expensive than getting a ride when needed, seems like.

I love the ebike but will not use it in the rain, freezing weather, or if it is super hot.
can you bring grocieres in a lyft i never seen anyone doing that .but with the things i dont know i can fill a book lol
Hoping another member with experience can help out here.

Having had motorcycles in the past, it is a singular experience with rich rewards but just not sure it is the answer for a primary transport plan, with limitations regarding drivability and safety.
i may go with a china scotter they based there engine on honda so much so i thin they can use each others parts. plus the ladys love a fat old guy on a 50 cc scotter with a full face helmet and a pink flord tshirt

Nope nope nope, no motorcycle for this flashaholic
The rider is now a parts donor KG. Two days in a row at my work. A bicyclist and a donor cycle rider.

Guy on a bicycle lurched across 3 lanes in rush hour traffic and paid the ultimate price.

Next day going the opposite direction a motor cycle rider passed a dump truck and cut in front too soon. He soon after found out the hard way that physics was not his friend at that point.
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Can't fix stupid CG.

Just this morning I saw 4 spandex wearing rolling billboards on bicycles cross the same ramp the cyclist was killed at just two days ago. They did not slow down at all as cars on the ramp going about 45mph approached them.
The other day the cyclist faced with being run over, gambled and lurched across 3 lanes of traffic going 55mph. He lost. Today "team suicide" forced motorists to slam on brakes.
In my neck of the woods, you have individuals who ride electric stand-up scooters across busy eight lane, two-way streets. Brilliant! Anything to save a buck. If a person lives that close to work, they can walk! If they live very far and are relying on such things for transport, better to buy a small cheap car. Forget dealerships. Look for private sellers. Small and cheap, forget Make or Model. Use that, instead.

Still haven't seen them on Expressways, but wouldn't be surprised if one day I did.
Oh, I watched a dummy on one of those single wheel tire jobs. Riding with his back to oncoming traffic he shot thru a red light, all the time grooving to music in his ears.
Hey, what don't see won't hurt.. 🤕
Oh, I watched a dummy on one of those single wheel tire jobs. Riding with his back to oncoming traffic he shot thru a red light, all the time grooving to music in his ears.
Hey, what don't see won't hurt.. 🤕
Oh, I've seen those. Even worse, despite having de-monitized all of my videos on my main channel myself, YouTube still puts ads. on my more popular videos. Give you one guess which ad. for which product shows up most of the time. 😠