Words to Live By.

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And you can talk politics to a horse of course
That is, of course, except when the horse, is the owner Mister. Ed.

Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll give you the answer that he'll endorse.
He's always on a steady course.
Don't talk politics to Mister Ed.

People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day
But Mister Ed will never talk unless he has something to say.

A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And this one won't ask 'til his voice is hoarse.
You never heard of a moderating horse?

Well listen to this.

I am @Mister Ed.​

I think we can all agree on two things; One is that Mister Ed has posted political discussions are verboten on CPF. The second thing is Mister Ed has been very patient allowing threads to run their course .... and then even a little further. :lovecpf:
When I was the Sr. Project Mgr. for So Cal Edison's IT Disaster Recovery & BCP, this was my email signature:

"The nicest thing about not planning for a disaster is that it comes as a complete surprise and is not preceded by a period of worry and depression"
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I shall attempt to rejuvenate this thread with:

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."
-Harlan Ellison
IMO I'm entitled to my own opinions and feelings. However I'm not entitled to force them upon others, especially by arrogance or hubris. And it works both ways.
Yeah, one can hope folks have studied alternate narratives before pontificating. But really, who gets to decide what is, and what is not an informed opinion?

Having worked with elementary school aged individuals, sometimes the innocent, inexperienced and uninformed can be profound in their to-the-point accuracy.

The maxim "No one is entitled to be ignorant" sounds like it is from the realm of elites and their striving wannabe's. Once again, who decides what is ignorant? Being able to spout beliefs with no measurable basis in reality seems to be quite popular in these times.
I like threads that get rejuvenated in this way!

This topic comes down to belief in absolute truth; which I certainly hold to. To anyone who says otherwise, I would respectfully assert they are speaking nonsense. They say, in effect, "I'm telling you the truth, there is no truth"
I ask, is that statement true?

Now, having reasonably established the existence of absolute truth, ignorance can be clearly defined as a lack of understanding of such truth; while knowledge, wisdom, understanding, etc. can be defined as a persons acquisition and grasp of such truth.

Now opinions, on the other hand - THAT is another topic altogether! especially when it comes to entitlement thereof…. I shall refrain from commenting on that. ;)
"belief in absolute truth"? And anyone who disagrees with your absolute truth is speaking nonsense?
More beliefs.

Perhaps the word 'truth' in this discussion should be more clarified?

'Religious truth' seems would fall in Fuzzywuzzies' absolute category. Hopefully we all have truths we live by, but thinking it should be the same for everyone, everything, everywhere, for all time? Existence is so much bigger than that.

Classical physics and quantum physics; Are their truths in measurable harmony?

We humans only see part of the universe. It's easy to not consider that.

One opinion.
"belief in absolute truth"? And anyone who disagrees with your absolute truth is speaking nonsense?
More beliefs.

Perhaps the word 'truth' in this discussion should be more clarified?

'Religious truth' seems would fall in Fuzzywuzzies' absolute category. Hopefully we all have truths we live by, but thinking it should be the same for everyone, everything, everywhere, for all time? Existence is so much bigger than that.

Classical physics and quantum physics; Are their truths in measurable harmony?

We humans only see part of the universe. It's easy to not consider that.

One opinion.

No offence intended, Kitro.

You'll notice I did not say "my" or "your" or even "God's" truth. I chose the phrase "absolute truth", because I meant just that. Just because we don't understand it or can't properly measure it, doesn't mean it isn't absolute.

Take for example the experience of driving a computerised car such as a Tesla. Reverse engineering the decisions made within the software algorithms would be virtually impossible. But that doesn't mean that it isn't governed by absolute code, stored on a binary digital storage medium, for example.

Principles to live by, opinions, and so on, may be conflated with truth, but are not what I'm referring to here.

I do not want to have an argument on the Internet over the details of such things, just simply to point out that absolute truth must, by necessity, exist. It is impossible to be otherwise.

I'd gladly have a prolonged and enjoyable discussion over a coffee with you any time though! :)

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