wow paypal realy wasnt worth it


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i finaly got paypal but i go to by something at newegg and they said i need a credit card which i dont have. fenix store was cool and acepted it there a way ya know to remedy this?
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Debit card tied to the same bank account as PayPal. Works just like a credit card, but has limited damages if you only keep a small amount in the account.
ok thank ya so much i got me a kilwatt meter for cheap or at least i hope i did i clciked credit card not paypal is that corect?
I don't understand the credit card thing. PayPal has my credit card, but I never use it for PayPal payments. PayPal always sucks the money from my bank account. When I pay with PayPal, the credit card is shown as a backup funding source.

I have the option of using the credit card when I make a PayPal purchase but I always use the bank account option. This works for every vendor including Newegg. I guess Newegg wants to know you have a credit card to help prevent fraudulent purchases.
You'll have to go to options everytime to manually select credit card to pay with it. Paypal will always try to make you pay with bank account because it's less fee for them (even thou they charge the reciepiant the same). I always choose CC because if something screws up PP tells you tough luck, I can always go to my CC company.

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