Zebralight H30 Supposed to Drain Batteries?


Sep 25, 2008
Hey I noticed that whenever I leave a battery in my H30, a day or two later I try to use it, the battery is completely drained. Is this normal? Does this happen to anyone else?

No, that is not normal, either the battery or the light is faulty.
Or perhaps you accidentily switched it on? Unscrew the tailcap a little to prevent that.

The switch construction do drain some energy, but it is very little.
It sounds like it has a problem.

Now, I should mention that when I carry might it has been occasionally activated because the switch isn't recessed. I've probably killed my light three times due to that. Anyhow, as long as your light isn't being switched on without your knowing, it does indeed sound like it has an issue.

If you purchased it from 4Sevens he will take good care of you and get the problem resolved.
In addition to accidental activation of the switch, you may want to measure the standby current. I got a H30 recently and the standby current is several milli-amps. See the following for details:


I am hoping that I got a bad unit and will attempt to exchange it for a normal one. I look forward to the conclusion of your investigation. Good luck !