What did you use your flashlight for today?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 10, 2011
28th state
Used new Zebralight SC31 to inspect garage door. All is well. Also used it to read to my 8 and 6 year old last night.


Mar 10, 2011
Used my Zebralight SC51w to fix the dishwasher. Internal filter needed cleaning. Got a little wet, good thing it's water resistant.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2008
Same old stuff here:

Using the Quark HCRI Mini AA as headlamp all day and night for cooking, eating, reading, cleaning, etc.


May 24, 2009
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Went for an early morning hike up a hill with a couple of friends (4am). Lent 2 of them the Eagletac T100C2 and a DX skyray XM-L. I used the Quark mini 123 and the Fenix TK35 myself. Reached the top and blasted downhill the TK35 at max (820 OTF lumens) and someone shouted, wooaahhh, who brought a spotlight? Lol.


Nov 10, 2011
I guess this could count as to what I used my HDS 200 rotary, 140 twisty, ZLSC600, Armytek predator CRI-90, and peak el capitan(brass) Took apart, cleaned and lubed while waiting for the superbowl to start. Passing time in this instance.
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Jul 8, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Yesterday, instead of carrying my Surefire L1, I carried my Fenix P2D, as the L1 has a broken pocket clip, and I had removed it in preparation for the new one arriving in the mail. In the early evening, I was pruning some sort of weed creeper that had taken over one of the Hibiscus trees in the garden. As I was pruning, one of the branches of the Hibiscus brushed across my face, knocking my glasses. All of a sudden, my vision went blurry, and I had trouble focusing. It turned out the branch had dislodged one of the lenses, flicking it into the garden somewhere.

Immediately I went down on all fours to look for the lens. Although it was still daylight, it was fading fast. There was not enough to search by. I pulled my P2D out of my pocket, and flicked it on low. After scouring the ground, half blind for a few seconds, I found the ambient light was still too bright for low mode to be effective, so I twisted the bezel and put it on 180 lumen turbo, and began to sift through the old leaves and underbrush for the lens. I have a spare set of glasses, but they are 30 mins drive away at work. My wife is heavily pregnant with our first child, expecting any day now. Visions of how I couldn't drive to the hospital half blind went through my mind as I desperately searched for the lens.

After about 15 minutes of me sifting through the dense growth, I was toying with the idea of giving up, when I noticed he P2D's head had became uncomfortably hot in my hand. "Don't you burn out on me" I hissed at the light. "If you do, I'll complain about you on candlepowerforums, and how that's why I always carry Surefires!" This thought gave me resolve. I may not find the lens to my glasses, but at the very least I would burn out this little light, thereby justifying my purchases of high quality American lights.

Another 20 minutes I searched, with the little light soldiering on. I continued around the base of the tree that I had been pruning, before I noticed a glint out of the corner of my eye. The lost lens was reflecting the light from the edge of the P2D's floody beam. It had been flung into the underbrush of a completely different tree. Astounded, I quickly grabbed the lens.

Now it could be said, that if the L1's clip hadn't broke, I would have been using it to find the lost glasses lens. And with it's more throwy spot beam, it may not have picked up the lost lens. Who knows. What I do know is the Fenix P2D did the trick, and it kept on soldiering well after to 20 minute mark they reccomend you use it for.


Jun 9, 2011
My headband-mounted Fenix LD15 helped me install a freshly charged battery into a car. Luckily the 21 year old VW turbodiesel started without much hassle. It was -12C (10F) last evening, sixth consecutive day of snowfall.




Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2012
3 x AAA 9 LED used to check no. 2 daughter early this morning (she has a cold)
Everlight app on iPhone 4 to check cabling in wiring closet at work
LED Lenser D14 used to check oil level on the car at the service (gas) station as their forecourt lighting was marginal


Jan 3, 2012
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Jetbeam PC10 - had to recalibrate the voltage regulators on my rear-projection Sony TV. The Low-Low setting was perfect for reading the labels on the dials. The compactness allowed me to shoot light from any direction to find all screws for dismantling.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 4, 2011
I used my Tiny Monster to save someone's life! I was walking my sons dog, a Shorthaired German Pointer the other night. It was fairly late for the walk, around 22:00. I as walked down the street I noticed someone pulling the car into their garage. I was about 30-40 feet away and saw someone standing / hiding behind the wall that was at the entrance to the driveway.
Upon a closer look as saw the person had a pistol in his hands. To be precise it looked like a Berretta model 92. It gives you an idea of how close I was! Without thinking I lit the crouching wanna be car-jacker with my Tiny Monster – you can imagine at that range he was well lit up and blind!
I realised that the only weapon I have on me is a SpyderCo Native and the Tiny Monster! Not good if you are facing someone with a firearm about to commit a crime.... I shouted, tried to retreat to some cover and continued to light up the crook. Thank God he decided to jump in the get-away car without firing of a shot!
The net effect is that my light prevented a car-jacking and most probably saved the persons live as a couple of minutes later the cops came past and told us a person was just car-jacked around the corner and shot!
Thank you, thank you for a effective light in my hand!


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 5, 2010
Hove, UK
I used my Tiny Monster to save someone's life! I was walking my sons dog, a Shorthaired German Pointer the other night. It was fairly late for the walk, around 22:00. I as walked down the street I noticed someone pulling the car into their garage. I was about 30-40 feet away and saw someone standing / hiding behind the wall that was at the entrance to the driveway.
Upon a closer look as saw the person had a pistol in his hands. To be precise it looked like a Berretta model 92. It gives you an idea of how close I was! Without thinking I lit the crouching wanna be car-jacker with my Tiny Monster – you can imagine at that range he was well lit up and blind!
I realised that the only weapon I have on me is a SpyderCo Native and the Tiny Monster! Not good if you are facing someone with a firearm about to commit a crime.... I shouted, tried to retreat to some cover and continued to light up the crook. Thank God he decided to jump in the get-away car without firing of a shot!
The net effect is that my light prevented a car-jacking and most probably saved the persons live as a couple of minutes later the cops came past and told us a person was just car-jacked around the corner and shot!
Thank you, thank you for a effective light in my hand!

Where do you live! This is both a good and terrible story. Good that by simply throwing a lot of light on the perp, he ran away, but terrible that someone should loose their life for the sake of a possession.