What was your first loved flashlight?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2007
My first loved light was also a yellow fisher price light with blue bezel. I used to give my parents fits at night as they thought some burglar was wondering around the house and it was just me walking around in awe of the light. As I grew up I always loved flashlights but never imagined there was a market of lights such as surefire and others. Then one day I was looking in an outdoor magazine at the doctor's office and it had a Surefire ad in it. :rock: I thought I was going to explode! I wanted one so bad! I still don't have a SF but I intend on changing that very soon....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2005
Slaughter, WA
iveseenthelight said:
My first loved light was also a yellow fisher price light with blue bezel. I used to give my parents fits at night as they thought some burglar was wondering around the house and it was just me walking around in awe of the light. As I grew up I always loved flashlights but never imagined there was a market of lights such as surefire and others. Then one day I was looking in an outdoor magazine at the doctor's office and it had a Surefire ad in it. :rock: I thought I was going to explode! I wanted one so bad! I still don't have a SF but I intend on changing that very soon....

Was this it?


Aug 1, 2004
S/E Wisconsin
Another trip down memory lane. They take a lot longer these days and I get lost easily, too many side paths to peek down.

The Radio Shack battery card, simply a reason to go back and go through all the stuff they carried at that time in my life. I did indeed have one of the cheap 5C "search lights" at one time. It was an awesome light for a kid like me. More of a lust thing though. Don't know what became of it. This past summer I was mysteriously drawn to a garage sale out of my planed route. Lo and behold, for the mere sum of fifty cents, I was re-united with a reasonable replacement RS Cheapo 5C. It's obviously of later vintage, but it'll do the trick.


Here it is next to the light that sealed my fate when I realized there were lights out there that were meant to last a lifetime. A 30 yr old Bianchi B-Lite, 4C. That baby never sees the back of the closet. Just popped a 3 cell xenon bulb in to spruce her up a bit.

The B-Lite would be my first lasting love.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2005
Slaughter, WA
iveseenthelight said:
My first loved light was also a yellow fisher price light with blue bezel. I used to give my parents fits at night as they thought some burglar was wondering around the house and it was just me walking around in awe of the light.

I still wander around the house with one similar to this one.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 5, 2006
palm coast, florida
Well the year was 1969.. I a 20 year old wounded Marine... was on a medical evac flight from danang,south vietnam(at the time) the plane was dark and I asked one of the nurses for a flashlight to read a letter from home..I must be getting older because I remember far more about the flashlight than the nurse....it was a sanyo rec argeable light that was very popular with pilots&stues for many years,,,white with over&under white&red lenses,the chargeing plug folded out of the rear of the light and was very compact.I owned 4 or 5 for years afterward. It was called the sanyo cadnica.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 6, 2004
la bonne vie en Amérique
For those of you who had Fisher Price lights as kids-

That's cool. Were your folks flashaholics? I've never heard of a Fisher price light before...I don't think they had them when I was a kid.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2005
Slaughter, WA
Well the year was 1969.. I a 20 year old wounded Marine... was on a medical evac flight from danang,south vietnam(at the time) the plane was dark and I asked one of the nurses for a flashlight to read a letter from home..I must be getting older because I remember far more about the flashlight than the nurse....it was a sanyo rec argeable light that was very popular with pilots&stues for many years,,,white with over&under white&red lenses,the chargeing plug folded out of the rear of the light and was very compact.I owned 4 or 5 for years afterward.

this looks to be a real useful light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 20, 2006
Ampang, Malaysia
It was in 1994 when I first started working with construction company. First job was constructing a hydro power plant. Was introduced to the MiniMag 2AA by Austrian Clients. Fell in love with the 4D Maglite and bought one. Still have it with me, still a workhorse and have lots of battle scars.

Shall post pictures of it later..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2004
I honestly can not remember what flashlight was my first love.

Mike 208

Nov 15, 2006
East San Gabriel Valley, CA
My first loved flashlight was also a B-Lite (4-D cell); my father bought that light for me in 1974, when I was a Sheriff's Explorer. Thanks to some very kind people on this site (who directed me to a company that had replacement switches), the light is up and running again.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2006
Tampa, FL
My first love was a blue plastic, large turbo-head diving flashlight way back in the early 1980s. It was either 3 or 4 x C or D cells. I picked it up from a Longs Drugs store that I worked at. It was the only one we got in stock, and I know it was mispriced (too low) at the time at $29.99. It was the real deal with multiple O-ring gaskets and a magnetic switch. It threw like nothing else back then and had a pretty good runtime too. I used it while swimming at Drake's Bay and Stinson at night, at night time beach parties at Drake's and Stinson, hiking in the hills of Marin County, etc. I had it for many years until a cell ruptured and damaged the reflector. Sigh.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2006
Athens / Greece
My very first one is a Minimaglite in silver. I used it a lot in my job and never let me down. Very sad that i have lost it some years ago.

Northern Lights

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2006
I worked for a wholesaler of Law Enforcement products while in college, late 60's and early 70's and maintained a business relationship after I graduated for years while I worked for "the government". The Kel-lite was a favorite of mine until the Bianchi B-lite came out. It had a faceted reflector. My first experience with beam improvement. They were supplied with clear, red and amber windows too! The windows had three or four concentric circular ribs that apparently had no optical affect, just a trade mark feature I guess. Often my cohorts refered to defensive tactic techniques as "advanced Kel-lite". Some folks got the long 6 D's just for the defensive aspect but the popular size for handling and illlumination was the 4D. I had a 4D B-lite (circa 1974) that saw tactical service. There were not many choices for bright bulbs. Some tried over driving standard PR bulbs. Eventually I had a streamlight, SL-20 and I put SL-35 bulbs in it. Was that my first hot wire mod? When the Mag Charger hit the street, I got one, got it still. That is over 20 years ago. It is featured in a few of my posts. The Mag Charger must be my favorite.
Because of the nature of the wholesaler I associated with I had met and worked with John Bianchi of Bianchi Leather and Neil Perkins of Safariland (Kel-Lite) along with personalities from the firearms industry. I miss the days of shot shows and IACP conventions and getting my hands on the new "toys" first! I spend all my time now, for the last 20 years working exclusively for the "G". You know, some time in late 2005 I wanted a better flashlight, I accidently found CPF, well, you know the rest, happened to all of us.
PS, Thanks for the picture of the B-lite, Niteowl, brings back flashbacks, and I still have one of those Radio Shack grey 5 cells, they were given away free with a clipped coupon from the Radio Shack flyer that would arrive in the mail.
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Newly Enlightened
Jan 22, 2007
carbine15 said:
What was the first flashlight that made you love flashlights?

For me it was this 2d Eveready that was waterproof. It was black and had a red button switch on the side. I loved how bright it was. I remember one summer swimming in the lake at night with my buddies and I was starring a big old fish right in the eyes underwater and he took a bite at my nipple! Scared the crap outa me. I yelled "piranha!" My buddies all heard the urgency in my tone as we escaped with our lives. You've never seen four teenage boys run so fast out of the water. My ex wife ended up with this gem in the divorce..:rant:

Image from flashlightmuseum.com

I owned one like this. I am sure is the same. In black and grey button.

Present me my girlfriend 20 years ago (today my wife). Was my first halogen and broken me a metallic piece between the back spiral and the bulb.

The brand in spain was UCAR.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 21, 2005
Lost in NY
carbine15 said:

That's it right there! Wow I thought I was going to have to search out a picture for myself. My grandmother gave me one of these for my very first boyscout campout. I felt weird 'cause everyone else had the old military "L" head lights but it was great after dark because this one was so much brighter.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2006
Land of the Bean and the Cod
Here's a quiz for you all. Back in the late 1960s I had a palm-sized, single bulb incandescent that was shaped kind of like a squished oval in cross-section and had a battery pack that I remember unplugging from the head and plugging into a 120v AC outlet to recharge. Does anyone remember a light like that?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2005
Slaughter, WA
JNewell said:
Here's a quiz for you all. Back in the late 1960s I had a palm-sized, single bulb incandescent that was shaped kind of like a squished oval in cross-section and had a battery pack that I remember unplugging from the head and plugging into a 120v AC outlet to recharge. Does anyone remember a light like that?
Was this it?

YOu guys should check out the flashlightmuseum.com.
I'm getting all the pics from there.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2000
Dunsmuir, Ca.
This started my addiction way back around 1956. It's a 1955 Eveready 1XAA "little Jim". I loved that thing and I slept with it under my pillow and carried it everywhere. It was about as bright as a match but I loved it because it was so tiny. It cost 50 cents and that was a lot of money back then! That was finding 25 pop bottles to return for the 2 cents deposit on each! :)

Photo courtesy of www.flashlightmuseum.com