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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D

It would Seem that cats need their whiskers to gauge things like distance and openings to things before they get there at full speed. That could be a photoshopped photo. However, I don't do photoshop but my wife is one of the earliest users, a real pioneer, and one of the best in the world at it, I'll forward her a copy of the kitty photo, and see what she thinks.


Red Cameras lenses lighting LED


Dec 2, 2019
My cats don't seem to be very concerned, they hardly took a break from their busy day of napping


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind

It would Seem that cats need their whiskers to gauge things like distance and openings to things before they get there at full speed. That could be a photoshopped photo. However, I don't do photoshop but my wife is one of the earliest users, a real pioneer, and one of the best in the world at it, I'll forward her a copy of the kitty photo, and see what she thinks.


Red Cameras lenses lighting LED

RedLED is really Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a flashoholic. Woohoo!!

But seriously folks, that photo was sent by a friend of mine in China back when corona first hit and locals did not know what it was. All they knew was literally everybody around them was getting sick. Some of the village idiot folks said cats could spread it.
Photoshop'd? I dunno, it was a post he showed at fakebook to make fun of how crazy everybody was acting back then.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA

14 seconds of humanity, thanks for sharing!

Some studies show vitamin C not really being helpful for common cold; that high doses are expelled in urine. Emergen-C (?) has worked for me the same way as it has for Bykfixer. Perhaps the added minerals in a readily assimilated form are helpful. It is not cheap but less expensive than conventional options. Some believe in Zicam. The key is to take Emergen-C as early as you sense something coming on, seems like.


Dec 4, 2007
California Republic
Slate asks a prepper store owner about current Coronavirus business; masks and more masks..

CNN investigates the phenomenon of mass quantity toilet paper buying; I was hoping it wasn't insecure Pavlovian response to what everyone else is doing, spoiler alert: at least the savings are incredible..

Had lunch at Benihana today, it's in the middle of a corporate district so it's bustling with professionals at the lunch hour - it was just us and roughly ten other non-business people at two tables. Guess the stocks-and-bonds set didn't feel like spending on lunch..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D
For earthquake preparations you need water and TP because the water may be shot off for days. This virus will not cause the water to be shut off so you don't need bottled water or TP. You need food, medications and Liquor! People are stocking up on the wrong items for the virus.

It's funny to me that in a state that could unleash a catotrophic earthquake at any second, that people do not stock up on the things they really need. If you have running water, you do not need TP! Just get in the shower! Now, you should have TP and water, however, the people stocking up on this should have it for an earthquake, and don't. Cleaning out the TP aisle shows how out of touch people really are.

Something allmost all homes have in Europe is a Bidet. Even in expensive custom homes and five star hotels here in America, we don't have them, plus Japan had the amazing toilets with water to replace TP. Why not here?

People are really stupid. That's why I say do not listen to network TV news or cable news. And I say that as a 28 year national and world level photojournalist.

Don't worry, it will be OK.

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Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
The people with CV19 are the ones who need to be wearing masks(of course many wont know for days........week/s) not the ones without. Very limited protection, changing masks every 30 mins , as once moist they are useless. The danger is the false sense of protection, potential risks people may take thinking safe.
They have even started wearing them at work in the security lodge, only for me to see one remove then touch their mouth. So ........

Stay safe and wash hands regular.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
FOMO. Fear of missing out. Mrs Soccer Mom walks down the toilet paper ailes at a Target unsuspecting her settled but hectic life as a single mom is about to change. She casually pushes her cart loaded with all brand named items in case one of her neighbors from Respectable St pops in for a jug of Lancers table wine. Suddenly she notices there is a large gap in between the two ply and the kind with butterflies on it. Little Graham mentions the brand with puppy dogs on the package is missing. Mrs Soccer mom thinks to herself that at home they are down to less than 50 rolls so perhaps she should go ahead and buy a 12 pack. The kind with bunny rabbit prints.

Suddenly from behind, a crazed lunatic wearing a dust mask and hollering "we're doomed, CNN says so" and starts frantically adding 24 packs of toilet paper to a shopping cart. "uh oh" thinks the soccer mom. "I'd better hurry up and get some too". Well low and behold all of a sudden the toilet paper row is packed with people clamoring for toilet paper. The postman, the clergyman, two policeman and a fireman. People with crazy tatoos and piercings, people wearing pajamas, fat people, skinny people, that neighbor from Respectable St, even Mr Magoo are in there clamoring for toilet paper. But so far so good. Things are hectic but orderly as people are chatting about the weather, the Grammys or the price of tea in China.

Everything was cool until little Graham announced that awful man in the red MAGA hat stole all of the bunny rabbit toilet paper. Suddenly Mrs Soccer Mom's eyes opened widely like coffee cup saucers. Suddenly she knew karate too. Watching those ultimate fighting matches with the neighbor from Respectable St's husband……we'll leave that part out…… anyway things turned ugly fast. An hour later Mrs Soccer Mom has a rap sheet, the mailman went postal, the cops shot the mailman, the clergyman is in ICU with a massive concusion after being bashed over the head with an XL sized box of alluminum foil while praying for peace, the fireman managed to get little Graham out unharmed, fat people are skinny now, skinny people left with stolen oreo cookies and ice cream, the lady from Respectable St is divorcing her husband after finding out about the affair with that Soccer Mom tramp, the store burned to the ground and Mr Magoo drives off in his model T with the last 6 pack of toilet paper in the whole city.

Folks, it's governmental mind control. Works everytime. ;)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year (including related complications)
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Folks thought Howard Hughes was nuts for being anal about touching a door knob on the way out of a restroom yet many public facilities have little tissue dispensers beside the door. Use them.

If you wash your hand every 22 seconds but touch a door knob some jerk just touched with wet hands…… or left the corona virus on it.

My company has actually implimented an elbow bump policy until the coast is clear.
Oh, lol, I bought some toilet paper afternoon just in case.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
We get the government and fourth estate 'mind control' that we deserve... Allow me to submit that it is our contemporary culture that craves security and protection from ALL that might harm. True, more authoritarian entities are able to be more controlling, But from extravagant insurance policies to being forced to walk in socks before boarding a plane, what was once the standard salute when leaving for a journey, "Bon Voyage", has become "Have a safe trip". Our culture wants to live, even if it is a coward's life. What honor is in that?

To some, COVID-19 is another aspect of being. Those with compromised immune systems should take precautions and hope for an effective treatment and vaccine. What if we choose to marvel at this miracle of our Life, and live it with richness and beauty? Being all the more thankful BECAUSE of its transitory nature.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2003
Got sick a few weeks ago, a non-corona-related bug my kid brought home and coughed directly into my hypothalamus.

All better, but now fighting 1) a lingering cough, and also 2) paranoid stares from people when I cough.


Jun 2, 2009
Is this pandemic what we've all been preparing for? I'd prefer the Zombie Apocalypse. At least I could see them coming.


Jun 2, 2009
We get the government and fourth estate 'mind control' that we deserve... Allow me to submit that it is our contemporary culture that craves security and protection from ALL that might harm. True, more authoritarian entities are able to be more controlling, But from extravagant insurance policies to being forced to walk in socks before boarding a plane, what was once the standard salute when leaving for a journey, "Bon Voyage", has become "Have a safe trip". Our culture wants to live, even if it is a coward's life. What honor is in that?

To some, COVID-19 is another aspect of being. Those with compromised immune systems should take precautions and hope for an effective treatment and vaccine. What if we choose to marvel at this miracle of our Life, and live it with richness and beauty? Being all the more thankful BECAUSE of its transitory nature.
I have severe asthma. It is difficult for me to look at this threat with circumspect or wonder. It is here to kill me and testing that could have slowed its path was delayed. No electronics can help me to see it coming.


Dec 5, 2009
Northern Victoria, Australia
Tazers deployed in Queensland ( state of Australia ) over toilet paper rage, with three women fighting over a couple of packs of bog roll. The tissue issue is really out of hand here. Imagine a flock of 20,000,000 sheep. For the other 5 Million inhabitants of this fair island, its just plain embarrasing. Common sense has taken a vacation. Even supermarkets have placed full page spreads in major tabloids stating the need for restrained purchases of bathroom tissue!!
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