25 million CP Spotlight - Reviews?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2010
Rocky Mts.
Anyone have one of these and want to comment on it?

I'm a new flashaholic, so go easy on me, but how many lumens does 25 million cp equate to?

(I bought 2 lights from China, and couldn't wait for them, so bought 3 smaller ones in the US, quick delivery, including the Quark 123 Mini.:party:.
Don't guess this has happened to anyone else.)

Here's that 25 million one... http://www.thisnext.com/item/93C76F88/25-Million-Candlepower-Hid
There is no real easy way to convert candlepower to lumens.

Candlepower is the concentration of light at a certain distance.

Lumens is overall output.

They are not one and the same. An example would be a laser and a lightbulb. The laser would have much higher "candlepower" than the lightbulb at any distance, because the small amount of light that is emitted is concentrated so tightly. But the bulb would have more output in lumens.
I have the Sunforce one and I absolutely love it. When it comes to price versus throw distance, I have not found anything close to it other than maybe the Stanly HID spotlight. Northern Tool increased the price of the Sunforce HID spotlight since I bought mine for $90 though, so it's not the killer deal that it once was.
Thanks John Galt, that's the best explanation i"ve heard about lumen vs cp.

And thanks, L.Hound, i'll read that thread.

Yeah, LocoBoy, i heard those Yellow Sunforce ones had some trouble with them.(tho I"m not sure what) Now they're selling for $57 plus shipping, and heard that the new black ones were better, the kinks worked out, selling for $109.
So this yellow one above is not HID then... is LED what we've been talking about all along?
EDIT: Now I"m confused. The above yellow one says LED. But some are HID. Which is better?
3rd EDIT: Now, after more searching, I think the old yellow HID one with the BLUE throw light can't be found.

It's been replaced by the Black/Grey HID one... So my final question, does the new black/grey one still throw the BLUE light? Thanks.
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It's been replaced by the Black/Grey HID one... So my final question, does the new black/grey one still throw the BLUE light? Thanks.

Yep, mine is the black and gray HID one and it throws out a blue beam of light.
Thanks. Great, I'm doomed. :paypal:

It's backordered though, at least 30 days till can be shipped. I can't find it in stock anywhere.
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Hehe, welcome to the spotlight club! :)

Once you kick that HID bulb on and see that tight pencil beam throw way out there into the night sky, you'll know that it was money well spent, trust me. ;) Please post your opinions of your new spotlight when it arrives.