35W homemade HID xenon spotlight mod finished!


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2009
Haarlem, the Netherlands
hey everyone,

as some of you might have already known, i have been working on a homemade HID spotlight using a 55W halogen spotlight and a 35W mitsubishi 8000k HID kit. it's finished now.......
it took me quite some time to finish this as it is my first mod ever. i would really like to hear some opinions(once i posted the pics :p) and maybe some improvements?

technical specs:

ballast: mitsubishi 35W HID open circuit voltage: 400V output
lamp: mitsubishi 35W xenon 8000k d2s bulb
battery: 2 in series connectet SLA's wich combined deliver a voltage of 13,28V at 3,21A - 4A
charging time: 12 to 15 hours
burningtime: about 20 mins (longer is possible but that might damage my batteries)

and uhmmm......this might sound a little stupid but how do i post pics?
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As an HID fan I'll look forward to it.

Regarding the posting of pictures you'll need a site to host them.

Many of us use photobucket.com

Once signed up, go to your account by clicking on your user name in the upper center/right.

Then Click a "Browse" button on the uploader window and look in the place where your pictures were saved. Let's just say it's "My Pictures"

Once you find the picture you want to use, double click it and it will be added to the uploader's temporary file. Then click "Upload" and the picture will be added to your Photobucket album.

To link the picture to a forum thread, place the pointer over the album picture that you intend to use. Below the picture you'll see this:

Email & IM
Direct Link
IMG Code
Flash Code

Left click on IMG Code then right click the link on the right which will now be highlighted in blue. Select "Copy"

Over in the forum thread right click and select "paste"

It will look something like this but without the spaces before and after the .

[IMG] [URL]http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t98/Patriot36[/URL]
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this is the 55W halogen before mod

and here are some pics of the building proces (wich i didnt fotograph entirely) and the finishing product :D









hey everyone as i tried to take the beamshots i promised you, one of the battery clamps( im still using those since i didnt found a switch yet)
fell off and when i tried to switch on the light again, it only flashed a couple of times. is this normal? could it be that, because i had the light on for like 3 mins or so the batteries didnt had enough power to light it up again? im using to series connectet SLA 4AH 6volt batteries.
hey everyone as i tried to take the beamshots i promised you, one of the battery clamps( im still using those since i didnt found a switch yet)
fell off and when i tried to switch on the light again, it only flashed a couple of times. is this normal? could it be that, because i had the light on for like 3 mins or so the batteries didnt had enough power to light it up again? im using to series connectet SLA 4AH 6volt batteries.

How long was it off? Maybe it doesn't do hot restrike...
Nice mod!

Almost all HIDs require some time to cool off before restriking, I think it's to improve bulb life or not to destroy the bulb.

Ask a mod to move the thread, also the rules say that pictures can't be over 800x600. You have great pictures, but they are a wee bit too big;)
I'm wondering why you didn't use a bigger host to fit everything inside.


i didn't find one ;) and ordering one from ebay would have costed me 35 euros more so i decided to use a small, cheap host to mod. as you can seee it turned out ok :p beamshots will be added within 3 hours i think....
They make some 6 amp sla batteries the same size as the 4 amp ones,hard to find though,I have a few around here I scrounged up for a dive light project I was working on. Nice hid project,I might have to try one of those.:thumbsup:

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