Jean-Luc Descarte

Jul 29, 2020
Where the sun sets fast
Are you really pro Iran? If they finish making nukes, which by all accounts could be as little as in two weeks if they started enriching the uranium today, and put it in their hypersonic missiles (which breached the Iron Dome defenses), they could hit the United States with nukes. Remember, the U.S. is the "big Satan" and Israel is the "little Satan" to them. All that is stopping them is Israel. So if you live in the U.S. or any of it's allied nations and you hate Israel, remember they are the only thing keeping you alive when it comes to these crazy people in Iran who want to light the world on fire. By the way, Israel is about the only nation in the Middle East that values life.

Don't believe propaganda from Hamas who use their own citizens as human shields, build tunnels under hospitals, schools, and mosques to endanger their own people. They take all the financial aid for their citizens to build their tunnel networks, tear apart the piping Israel paid for to build Gaza a water distribution network to make rockets (which is why Israel now has to truck in bottled water to them), and steal fuel going to hospitals for their generators to run their tunnel network.

Israel is still at war with Hamas. Part of Hitler's Third Reich was made up of Muslims who wanted to kill Jews in that area and some of Hitler's books were found in Hamas tunnels. Israel is dealing with what is basically left of the Nazis and they are still at war. People are complaining they aren't doing enough to help the Palestinians during the war. A majority of these people voted Hamas into power. This would be like people complaining that nobody is giving financial and humanitarian aid to the Germans during WWII. You don't do that unless it is limited and controlled to ensure that those resources don't fall into enemy hands and extend the conflict, thereby killing more people. The fact that Israel is willing to give aid on the battlefield when they can't be sure who is friend or foe says tons about their character, and anyone who takes the side those terrorists who kidnapped and killed the Jews on October 7, 2023, who raped the women, cut off people's heads and played soccer with them, and to this day hasn't given back the surviving hostages, may God have mercy on their soul.
I'm not US or allied with it, god forbid.
Two, Hamas was Israel's own creation, whoever birthed Matthew must rock his cradle.
Third, Iran does not think at all in the same way Yanks and Brits do, so talking like they're Westerners is nothing but projection. The US never made an effort to understand the Koreans, never made an effort to understand the Vietnamese, or the Iraqis, or the Afghans. That sure has left a track record.
Fourth, the Fourth Reich uses the Star of David as its motif to be a terrorist nation, and don't bring Judaism into this when it was the rich Jews in control of Western banks and financial institutions that gave oodles of money for the painter. I challenge you, choose among the 10.000 richest Jews of the past century and point me to a single one that died in a concentration camp or gas chamber.

You tell me to be careful when listening to Hamas, and I am. I'm not on their side either, don't fall into the trapping of manichaeisms. But then tell me, what's the US doing so far from its home? 800 bases worldwide, a number astronomically higher than anyone else ever had or will have? Maybe America should look into itself for once and stop this world domination chicanery... Unless it wants to wait until one of its vaunted aircraft carrier gets sunk. Or until the dollar's fiduciary bubble bursts and the debt breaks the country apart. Both are likely.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Ok, let me set some things straight now that I know you're not from the U.S., maybe from Iran or the Middle East. The passage about Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39 ends with "Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come," declares the Lord". As I understand, the people of Iran are living in poverty as their government is taking all their money and putting it toward weapons to destroy Israel. The passage isn't saying all the people of Iran will be wiped out (who would the fortunes go to?). The government and military power that are trying to destroy Israel and hurting their own people would be wiped out. God has a future for the remnant in Iran. "In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will gather to him, and his place of rest will be glorious. In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from lower Egypt, from upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea." -Isaiah 11:10-11.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Fourth, the Fourth Reich uses the Star of David as its motif to be a terrorist nation, and don't bring Judaism into this when it was the rich Jews in control of Western banks and financial institutions that gave oodles of money for the painter. I challenge you, choose among the 10.000 richest Jews of the past century and point me to a single one that died in a concentration camp or gas chamber.

You tell me to be careful when listening to Hamas, and I am. I'm not on their side either, don't fall into the trapping of manichaeisms. But then tell me, what's the US doing so far from its home? 800 bases worldwide, a number astronomically higher than anyone else ever had or will have? Maybe America should look into itself for once and stop this world domination chicanery... Unless it wants to wait until one of its vaunted aircraft carrier gets sunk. Or until the dollar's fiduciary bubble bursts and the debt breaks the country apart. Both are likely.
That first bit, not worth commenting over. During WWII, NAZIs prohibited Jews from owning property, so they did what they could to survive and got into banking, one of the few things they were allowed to do. Many got greedy and despite what the Torah said about usury, they felt mistreated and did it anyway. Once you go down the road of greed, you stop serving God and stop caring about others. As Matthew 6:24 says, "…You cannot serve both God and money." Some even betrayed their own for the NAZIs such as George Soros out of greed. This does not make all Jews that survived the Holocaust NAZIs as you suggest, but I'll admit some were NAZI sympathizers that betrayed they're own. I agree with you that the U.S. has made enemies by putting bases worldwide, trying to be the world's referee, and overturning dictators with other dictators that are slightly more in line with our interests. This has gotten a lot of people angry at the U.S. over the years. I know our dollar is unsustainable and has been since OPEC started letting China buy oil in their currency and we pissed off enough countries over Russian sanctions that they went from the SWIFT banking system to China's CIPS system. Biden saying we were going to go completely off oil probably didn't help our alliances in the Middle East who's primary export is oil, then saying we were going to go all electric, taking away all our manufacturing jobs and giving them to China.

The U.S. isn't perfect, Israel isn't perfect, Iran isn't perfect, and China isn't perfect. There is some good and bad in all these nations. Some in the government, some in certain individuals. Let's not write off an entire group of people because of it's bad apples. I should have specified the government of Iran in my previous post, not Iran in general.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007




Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
It L@@Ks like I was wrong. A little older, a little wiser. Nothing wrong with wearing PPG. 👍 👍

I saw a guy leaping down a hand rail and when he was about to wipe out, he threw his hands in front of him in order to begin a rotation where he used his helmet clad melon as a pivot point, and completed the rotation then landed on his feet then run few steps like he meant to do it.
Seemed like a good idea to wear a helmet.

My trouble is by the time I realize I'm falling I've already hit the ground, bounced and hit it again.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Back in the early 80s, I attended a Hwa Rang Do class instructed by a man who was also a bouncer. He told us street fights almost always end up (ha ha) on the ground. His experience was that many people received more injuries from being pushed or thrown to the ground than they did from throwing punches. So he had us practice running and jumping over fellow students, completing a forward roll by landing on our bent at a 90-degree angle forward arm. We practiced this every class. Over and over and over.

Fast forward ten years sans one fight, when a friend and I were enjoying some mellow sidewalk skateboarding. My friend was in front as we were descending a slight downhill section of the sidewalk when his board came to an abrupt stop. He wasn't going very fast and managed to stay upright. I, on the other hand, was traveling much faster when my front wheels sunk into the crack. The board stopped. I became airborne, body instantly parallel with the human eraser. Think of Superman flying. Half a second later I was standing upright, while my friend was staring in disbelief, yelling - "ARE YOU OK?!" Also in disbelief, I checked my knees and elbows. Not a scratch. Our riding was so mellow neither one of us dreamed we'd need a helmet.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
I want to see a picture of that first one on a sidewalk crossing sign somewhere, maybe by a retirement home.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 11, 2017
NorCal, Central Coast
My skating days were pre ramps, no parks. Goes way back to when kids just starting to ride swimming pools. My first 'pro' trucks had clay wheels and didn't last long on concrete. Hand built decks, long boards and big hills. No knee/elbow pads, helmets who needs stinkin helmets 🤪


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
My skating days were pre ramps, no parks. Goes way back to when kids just starting to ride swimming pools. My first 'pro' trucks had clay wheels and didn't last long on concrete. Hand built decks, long boards and big hills. No knee/elbow pads, helmets who needs stinkin helmets 🤪
We were the crash test dummies back then KG. The only pads were for volleyball. Only helmets were for hockey. Neither were any good for skateboarding. Leather gloves were ok though.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 11, 2017
NorCal, Central Coast
Nothing worse than palm grind. We bought boxes of those Ace hardware store buckskin work gloves that had little red plastic ball on end of pull sting. They'd last about a day an a half.