Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Image 2.jpg

Introducing HAIII Java
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
This picture from the above article -


55 to 70K for the EVVW, ID.BUZZ, which is probably less than a fully restored original from back in the day.
330 hp dual motor AWD. Seven passenger seating. All it needs is surfboards racks.

Image 1.jpg

Jean-Luc Descarte

Jul 29, 2020
Where the sun sets fast
I was enjoying a Strawberry, Ensure PLUS this morning when I flashed back to this childhood memory -

View attachment 59821

Ah, good times. 😁
Quik is a blast from the past! I liked it but was more partial to chocolate powder, until I grew up and only enjoy milk pure or with coffee. My brother, though? He LOVES that stuff even today. Make him a glass of milk and Quik, and you have a happy middle-aged manchild :crackup:

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Looks like things are heating up in Israel. Looks like this could kick off World War III.

About this, they are already talking about the possibility of Israel going after Iran's nuclear facilities. Jeremiah 49:34-39 of the Bible talks about Elam (a part of Iran located right around the area of the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant) and that God will "break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might" (lran's might is nuclear power/weapons). Then He will "scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam's exiles do not go." From the whole passage, it sounds like Iran's nuclear facilities get attacked, they have to flee from the fallout, and they scatter to all the nations as they are pursued by their enemies. I could be wrong from the interpretation, but this is looking like a likely possibility in the very near future.

Israel just hit Iran's nuclear facilities.

Iran said if Israel hit Iran, which it just did, Iran would finish making their nuclear missiles. The missiles that got through Israel's defenses were Iran's hypersonic missiles which they were testing for use so they could later use as nuclear, hitting targets anywhere in the world. Iran said they know where Israel's nuclear facilities are as well.

On the eve of Passover in Israel, when they want to sacrifice the Red Heifer, which would anger all Muslims worldwide, Israel and Iran just pulled the world into World War III. Iran is almost capable of attacking the U.S. with nukes with no known defense, and our defense system already tested and failed in Israel and now the world knows it.

So do I win as the official thread killer?

Jean-Luc Descarte

Jul 29, 2020
Where the sun sets fast
[...]From the whole passage, it sounds like Iran's nuclear facilities get attacked, they have to flee from the fallout, and they scatter to all the nations as they are pursued by their enemies. I could be wrong from the interpretation, but this is looking like a likely possibility in the very near future.
Yes, that's what the zionist cabal is desperate to be reality.

But did the Iranians agree to that role?

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Yes, that's what the zionist cabal is desperate to be reality.

But did the Iranians agree to that role?
Are you really pro Iran? If they finish making nukes, which by all accounts could be as little as in two weeks if they started enriching the uranium today, and put it in their hypersonic missiles (which breached the Iron Dome defenses), they could hit the United States with nukes. Remember, the U.S. is the "big Satan" and Israel is the "little Satan" to them. All that is stopping them is Israel. So if you live in the U.S. or any of it's allied nations and you hate Israel, remember they are the only thing keeping you alive when it comes to these crazy people in Iran who want to light the world on fire. By the way, Israel is about the only nation in the Middle East that values life.

Don't believe propaganda from Hamas who use their own citizens as human shields, build tunnels under hospitals, schools, and mosques to endanger their own people. They take all the financial aid for their citizens to build their tunnel networks, tear apart the piping Israel paid for to build Gaza a water distribution network to make rockets (which is why Israel now has to truck in bottled water to them), and steal fuel going to hospitals for their generators to run their tunnel network.

Israel is still at war with Hamas. Part of Hitler's Third Reich was made up of Muslims who wanted to kill Jews in that area and some of Hitler's books were found in Hamas tunnels. Israel is dealing with what is basically left of the Nazis and they are still at war. People are complaining they aren't doing enough to help the Palestinians during the war. A majority of these people voted Hamas into power. This would be like people complaining that nobody is giving financial and humanitarian aid to the Germans during WWII. You don't do that unless it is limited and controlled to ensure that those resources don't fall into enemy hands and extend the conflict, thereby killing more people. The fact that Israel is willing to give aid on the battlefield when they can't be sure who is friend or foe says tons about their character, and anyone who takes the side those terrorists who kidnapped and killed the Jews on October 7, 2023, who raped the women, cut off people's heads and played soccer with them, and to this day hasn't given back the surviving hostages, may God have mercy on their soul.