

Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2008
So I have decided to take the plunge into DIY anodizing:
I have
1. Sodium hydroxide
2. Sulfuric acid
3. Distilled water
4. RIT- colorant
5. Bucket
6. Containers to clean the parts
7. Battery charger for 6v, 12v (5amp and 2amp)
8. Aluminum wire for hanging stuff
9. A piece of aluminum for the anode
10. A Piece of metal bar to hang stuff on.

And of course, safety gear glover, faceshield etc.

Am I mising something?
Do you have a way of cooling the acid solution? Placing the acid container in a larger container of ice water seems typical.
If you aren't already familiar with them, go to Caswellplating-dot-com and get their manual on anodizing. I did a bit of anodizing with their methods, and have had several shops do work for me as well, and it is as much art as it is science in trying to maintain uniform color.
OK, so I have it running right now... BTW, that website is great. They have everything you need and at good prices! Thanks.

When I started everything up, amps were high like 13A. After about 10 minutes dropped to about 0.2 and have stayed there. Still bubling up, though, just not as much. The aluminum wire has turned dark but the parts are still light in color. I am hoping that it's working. Twenty more minutes... I'll post some pics of my bucket set up later.

Oh, and I have a bag of ice in it to cool. The oversized bucket idea I like better.
OK, so the parts are out. They are kind of a dull golden color (yellowish may be) probably indicating too much power was applied. They would not take color for anything. One did but not much. Useing the Rit stuff for clothes. More fine tuning to come!