Anyone have a CB radio handle?

DUUUUDE... back in the late 80s (when I was in middle school) CB was ALL the rage in my home town. Channel 17 was the all-night party line. Handle back then was "Lost Bird," I know, it's corny.
I never got into that, but the best I ever heard was a Louisana man - the "Alligator Castrator".
It has been a decade or more since I've used a CB, but me a some friends used them frequently travelling to and from music festivals when we were younger. My handle was "Papa Smurf". Don't ask :(
Got rid of the rig long ago, but while I had it I was White Fang! :grin2:

...from the dog duo of White Fang and Black Tooth from the Soupy Sales Show.
I still C.B. occasionaly. I like to work skip. On my desk sets a Cobra 2000 freaked and peaked, D104 silver eagle mike, Moon raker antenna and an old palomar tube amp. But my favorite old school rig is my Browning Golden eagle MK3 with VFO... love to let people hear my eagle "scream" if you know what I mean ..."Badger" is my handle
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They are new in boxes. All original and unmodified. I'm a collector, what can I say. Never had a CB handle but I love radios! :twothumbs
You're gonna make me dust off the Tram D201A!!! I usually use the Cobra 142GTL with a silver eagle mic and a big stick on the roof.
Last time I turned the radio on, it was QUIET. Not like it used to be. Only a couple of OTW truckers.
Oh yeah, the handle was "Apache", then "Robin Hood" and my "number" was 175. That also happens to be where the 175 in my username comes from.
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I had a Midland CB radio in the mid-80s. I was ~15. I had an antenna on the roof too. It was a fun hobby. I forget all the lingo, pet phrases and stuff though.

Do people still do this for kicks? My local Frys still sells base stations and mobile units, so someone out there must still be into it.

My handle was Eddie... as in...

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still use cb when i travel. my handle is "scarecrow". still have my license (kqd2877) from the old days when they sold them. use a ranger 10m when at home. it can slide 30 channels out. i was amazed at how many people were on these channels(above & below 40 ch)when i first listened.
Back in the late-1970s and early-1980s when I was more heavily "into" it, my handle was "Byte Bandit".
And in the mid-1990s when I used a handheld, my handle was "Telephony" {pronounced "tell-uh-FOA'nee"}.

And on that little handheld (40-channel, telescoping antenna with center-mounted balun), I talked with somebody in Ohio - yet it was ~2:00pm on a midsummer day in a park just north of downtown Seattle!!! I thought that atmospheric "skip" was primarily a night time phenomena until then.
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Have a Pierce-Simpson Lion but haven't used it for years. Used to go by "Fuzzy Face"---I had and still have a beard.

58 Facet was the handle..... from '85 to '89

Spent many hours being a "long winded cotton-picker ratchet jaw" and even more "sandbagging on da side" off a Cobra 2000 with a Silver K Eagle D104. My Silver Eagle had the little "Dee Da Dee" (roger beep) when you let go of the key, But always loved the "Clank" from the other old time Mics from way back when.

I still have my little mobile Uniden President AX 144 (pre PC 244) but lost track of the Astatic Teardrop Mic. I ran around being a little "bare-foot mud duck" while the big boys ran with their 2000 watt liniers and 16 to 32 pill boxes but had lots of fun going down to channel 6 "The Super Bowl" and listening to them shoot skip to the mainland.

Good times no doubt caus das what we all about....Keep the shiny side up and da greasy side down...10-4 I'm outta here and I ain't coming back no more.

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Got rid of the rig long ago, but while I had it I was White Fang! :grin2:

...from the dog duo of White Fang and Black Tooth from the Soupy Sales Show.
Holy Cow......I think I talked to you back in the day. I used to have a unit, I believe it was a Concord and a D104 mic plus a 500 watt linear amp. My D104 made avery distinctive and loud "Clack" when I keyed up. My handle was in Kilowatt and I always talked with a guy that went by Moby **** and another guy that went by Granatelli. There was another guy that had a pretty powerful rig in Chicago that went by the handle "Engineer" he was a Mason and had a real deep voice.