I've been looking for a daylight-visible flashing LED for a while for my recumbent. After trying lots of lights with multiple little LEDs, I got a Planet Bike Superflash, which has a 1/2W luxeon. It's brighter than all the ones with multiple little LEDs, but I really want something with a 3W flashing red cree or something else at over 100 lumens. There are a lot of white LED options out there far more powerful than a 1/2W luxeon.
The only one I've found is the amazing Dinotte which comes in 140 or 280 lumens, but it's expensive and runs on 4AAs or a dedicated separate lithium pack, which is far bigger than I'd like.
Cree R2s, Rebels, Seoul P4s flashlights abound, but the flashing red lights available seem to have stagnated. I don't want to put a red filter on, as LEDs lose a lot of output with a filter.
Does anyone know of a little AA light, preferably 1AA, with a flashing red Cree, Luxeon or whatever that would fit the bill?
I'm picturing a red Fenix or similar that would be seriously visible in daylight.
The only one I've found is the amazing Dinotte which comes in 140 or 280 lumens, but it's expensive and runs on 4AAs or a dedicated separate lithium pack, which is far bigger than I'd like.
Cree R2s, Rebels, Seoul P4s flashlights abound, but the flashing red lights available seem to have stagnated. I don't want to put a red filter on, as LEDs lose a lot of output with a filter.
Does anyone know of a little AA light, preferably 1AA, with a flashing red Cree, Luxeon or whatever that would fit the bill?
I'm picturing a red Fenix or similar that would be seriously visible in daylight.
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