Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on and why..


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2012
Stamford, CT
What is the best Everyday Carry (EDC) flashlight that you can depend on and why did you choose that one?

Let us assume for this that price is NOT an issue. If you had an unlimited supply of money which flashlight would you choose to EDC.

HDS Systems Flashlight.

Reasons: sealed from the elements - water, sleet, snow; an electronic switch that is dependable, durable, and quiet; solid and quality construction; potted electronics, programmable lumen levels and features, battery suspended by spring on each terminal end for shock resistance; takes primary and rechargeable batteries.

Also, on Mode Access with the HDS when you are in one Mode you can go directly and immediately to any one of the other three programmed modes without having to waste time cycling through a fixed menu.
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Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

Money isn't an issue?

I'd still go with a pairing of the Surefire Tactician and a Streamlight Microstream. I have yet to find a task that can't be covered by these two lights, and they have been able to handle all of my abuse with barely a scratch!

I don't need fancy things...I just need them to work; and this pair sure does work!
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

Another vote for surefire, I've had dozens of them over the years, still do, everything from hand held to weapon lights and I've never had a failure or even an issue with one. They just work and have proven reliable!
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

I'd go with my surefire EDCL1-T. Best UI ever, favorite beam profile and brightness settings of any light, pocket carry, built like a tank, utterly reliable.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

unlimited money something made of titanium likely a haiku or klarus
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

EDCL1T plus keyring Titan A.

Never let me down. Neither did the predecessors: E1D, L1, LX2, G2L, 6PL, 6P heck all of em dead reliable.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

If and when durability + reliability are the criteria, I choose Peak (for small flashlights) and Malkoff (for medium and large) flashlights.

Why ? Because I have had the least problems with those particular makers, after lots of experience with lots of brands.

Now, do I sometimes "EDC" other brands ? I do, because sometimes differences in other features outweigh the absolute best durability and reliability ... and, for me, I usually have multiple backup sources of lighting readily available.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

My #1 EDC with me 23/7 for about 5 years now. Photon Freedom Covert. Has not failed me. I did do a Yuji LED mod which is nice. So no matter how many Billions you have, I would always have this light. Reliability+Durability+Affordability+Practicality+UI that was way ahead of it's time and still relevant today.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

Gotta go with Peak and Malkoff also. Malkoff AA gets mostly nightstand duty but do enjoy carrying it sometimes. Peak mostly. Both simple, reliable and about as rugged as you can get.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

I can buy whatever I want. I chose the Titan+.

Small enough to fit in the watch pocket of jeans. If I need a little extra brightness in a AAA it's got it, and I like the finish and feel.

Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

As much as I love HDS I'm going to have to say Malkoff. MD2 or his other small carry lights. Hds are great light but WAY to much electronic stuff going on in there. They are tough no questions but there is a lot that can and does go wrong with them. A MD2 has a tube a potted LED and a readily field repair switch. Ain't no elf in a Malkoff.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

Hmmm... I EDC a light for work every night, and have for years, and because I don't buy a lot of lights, I'm free to purchase any light I feel is the best tool for my particular needs, and that has been a Zebralight for the past 10 years or so, currently the ZL SC600 Mk IV+, or, when I want the absolutely smallest light that still fits my needs, the ZL SC62w.

I'm looking for the best balance between size, weight, reliability, ease of use, versatility, runtime, and beam profile, and the SC600 seems to balance all those requirements perfectly for my needs.

It's nice that we have so many great lights to choose from when selecting our own personal EDC.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

I have to agree with Archimedes. Peak and Malkoff. Potted electronics and simple, effective design.

I do, of course carry other lights at times also. I have a Ti foursevens 1xcr123 that I put a Nichia in. I have to give it pocket time, and sometimes you really need to go back to an Incan.

But for dependability, the aforementioned pair. Peak and Malkoff.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

Gotta go with Peak and Malkoff also. Malkoff AA gets mostly nightstand duty but do enjoy carrying it sometimes. Peak mostly. Both simple, reliable and about as rugged as you can get.

The peak is a nice light! I'm on my second copper one, only because I lost the first. Never let me down
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

At this point I've used a Zebralight H600 variant for much more time than any other lights.
Had one go bad while breaking it in during the first days of warranty, no issues ever from the other 6.
My H600w MK II gets used everyday and night all the time, whenever I need light even for a second or two, and it only takes a second to pull out from where it stays clipped in front pocket, a second to clip it back.
Reliable as a Bic, and handing it off to someone to use is no big deal, neither is dropping or scratching it.
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Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

I've had multiple nitecore/klarus/jetbeam lights over the years. My current edc is a nitecore MH12GTS. Super bright, long throw and USB rechargeable is perfect for me.
Re: Best EDC flashlight that you can depend on...

My #1 EDC with me 23/7 for about 5 years now. Photon Freedom Covert. Has not failed me. I did do a Yuji LED mod which is nice. So no matter how many Billions you have, I would always have this light. Reliability+Durability+Affordability+Practicality+UI that was way ahead of it's time and still relevant today.

+1 Not quite 5 years, but it's constantly with me on a neck chain. My Freedom has survived a lot of surf, chop and sand.