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Big thanks to Mark @ Peak Led Solutions!

Beacon of Light

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
I called yesterday to check order status on my 2 Eiger #0s. We got to talking and I was mentioning how I was initially wanting even lower output than the #0s and he said no problem. The #0 has a 56 ohm resistor and a lower one he will do will have either an 80 or 100 ohm resistor. I will call it my Eiger "Less Than Zero"!!! I'm psyched!!!! Run-time test to follow!
I'm going to have to call tomorrow now... Are these quasi custom for you or a semi production kind of thing?:)
I guess just call and ask, that's all I did. I'm not betting they'd be doing production runs of something with so little output as Mark was questioning why I'd want something so low, and he was letting me know that it might not even be as bright as a match and I said, "Great, perfect!!!"
I guess just call and ask, that's all I did. I'm not betting they'd be doing production runs of something with so little output as Mark was questioning why I'd want something so low, and he was letting me know that it might not even be as bright as a match and I said, "Great, perfect!!!"

spoken like a true "low-low" fan....you sure you weren't talking to Curt?
Are these quasi custom for you or a semi production kind of thing?:)

Peak builds stuff to order, so its simpler to just think of models vs configurations. Within a model 'line', its whatever the customer or dealers requests, within the limits of whats possible/practical.
Mark also told me that they revamped the power levels so there is a set difference between levels. He said #1-#3 were closely spaced together where now everything has the same separation. I forget if he said everything is separated by 50% between levels but don't quote me as I wasn't that concerned about that. I asked if this was done at the time of the switch to XP-G, and he said this is even more recent.
I called yesterday to check order status on my 2 Eiger #0s. We got to talking and I was mentioning how I was initially wanting even lower output than the #0s and he said no problem. The #0 has a 56 ohm resistor and a lower one he will do will have either an 80 or 100 ohm resistor. I will call it my Eiger "Less Than Zero"!!! I'm psyched!!!! Run-time test to follow!

What do you use something with that low of an output for.
What do you use something with that low of an output for.

I usually prefer those incredible #8's, but here are some possible scenarios for the #-1 Eiger:

A. Stumbling around the inside of a giant pyramid, looking for the secret way out before the battery dies.

B. Slinking around the bedroom and searching, without waking the sleeping wife, for those pictures of the ex-girlfriend.

C. Leading a force of commandos through a tunnel under the Pacific Ocean with only a single 8-pack of AAA's.

Well, on a more serious note, there have been countless posts in CPF about the desire for less light, so no doubt there are plenty of uses for so low a level. It would seem that all such uses would involve at least one of these attributes: (i) a need or desire for extreme runtime, or (ii) no need or desire for more light, either because of conditions or because of the availability of higher output lights. It will be interesting to read the comments of those who order such lights.
I went camping this weekend, no lights anywhere, no moon either, and I have to say, my Arc AAA Ti which I modded with a Cree XP-E was still at the lower end of useful in the field where people had their tents set up. Something this low seems like it would only be useful as a locator device for a backpack or something.
I'm keenly interested to see what tint yours come in at. I received my two gorgeous stainless #1's, but the XP-G tint is decidedly green vs my older Luxeon #1 (which is white as snow).

I talked to Curt about it and it's a cree thing for sure... I'm hoping that he gets a run of new Luxeons in so I can grab a few white ones!
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the XP-G tint is decidedly green

I talked to Curt about it and it's a cree thing for sure

Its less about brands then models. As a given LED develops, they get better at 'neutralizing' the color. If you bought an XPE, for example, much warmer and whiter bins are available (still Cree). But when starting over with a new LED, they largely have to start over with developing better tints. But everyone wants lumens, so it doesn't make sense to sell lights with older/whiter options.

When the XPG is mature enough to have great color, the next major advancement will come out and it will start again.
I'm keenly interested to see what tint yours come in at. I received my two gorgeous stainless #1's, but the XP-G tint is decidedly green vs my older Luxeon #1 (which is white as snow).

I talked to Curt about it and it's a cree thing for sure... I'm hoping that he gets a run of new Luxeons in so I can grab a few white ones!

Hey Darvis, did you order the cool or neutral tints? I ask as I recently got a #2 eiger neutral and it has a green cast to it as well. I have to admit, it's alot cooler than I was expecting, especially when compared to my Malkoff M61W and quark mini warm.

I'm not even sure what neutral LED Peak is using. Anyone know?
I ordered cool actually, and was sort of thinking it would look closer to the cool luxeons (I think they were Luxeons) in my other eigers... Which are all a sweet snow white tint.

I'm not a warm tint fan at all, but I do have a few lights that bend towards the warm spectrum and have one warm Quark. I did some white wall tint comparisons since I thought the eiger may just be a warm tinted one, but the comparison just reinforced what I thought I was seeing all along... green.

Now, granted, it's not terrible, more of along the lines of how a Fenix e01 is blue-ish. Useful and beautifully made, just greenish. (And no, this is not Peak's fault at all, it's just as EG noted above... XP-G newish-ness)

I'm not sure which neutral one their using, or if there is one.

I'm going to call them in a few days when I have some time and see if I can score some of the older heads, though, as I really want a cool pure white for these little guys.
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Your Eiger Rebels have a snow-white tint? How strange, mine is clearly leaning towards warm, compared to the Logan XP-G I used to have. Granted, Philips' definition of "cool" is a lot warmer than Cree's...

I know the Rebels are harder to work with, but Philips does neutral tints so well I think it would be worth it to keep using Rebel ES emitters for people who order neutral-tint lights. Most people will be fine with the cool tints offered by Cree, so the actual increase in effort to assemble a few lights with Rebels in them should be minimal.
Yeah, I'd go with white for sure. My un-official comparison utilized my Ra 140 edc, Malkoff m60LL, e01, McKinley HP, and the XP-G eigers along with my very white nailbender sst-50. Not as warm as the Ra or malkoff, not at all blue like the e01 and very close to the sst-50, maybe a tad bit more warm... but not by much. certainly shades whiter than the xp-g
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