As time goes by, you'll wonder why you didn't buy the D675 sooner. One of the best pieces of mill tooling you can buy. EBay?
Ebay - missed a new one a few times, and made an offer on someones $275 but make an offer - With shipping it came out just about $300. Vise is in perfect shape except for the jaws, which have been milled a bit
Bought 2 sets of jaws, a hard and a soft
What convinced me was that the Kent paddle I have (and which I hope to offer the mod service on)JUST missed fitting on the D40, so I needed the size
I'll tell you, the D40 has been no slouch as a vise. It's done it's job for what, 9 years for me, and last week was the first time I felt the need for larger - everything else fit quite nicely in the D40
I don't really expect to be surprised by the 675 - other than size, and the newer style of label (the D40 I have is old enough that it has the engraved label on the moving jaw), it's pretty much the same thing - it's just "bigger"
One thing I WON'T like about the 676 as I get older - the D40, you just unbolt, pick up and move - probably weighs maybe 35-40 lbs - the 675 is what, 70?