Bye-bye CPF....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
This flashlight fetish is taking up a little too much of my time. I think I'm going to call it quits for now. I'm not saying I won't be back in the future, but it will be awhile. I had pneumonia last week and it puts some things in perspective. I catch you guys later....
Look at his post count...

It's about 2 posts per day for 5 years.

I ain't talking about his post count....

I want to know how this website takes up his time...

Like how much hours he spends a day on CPF....

B/c to be honest, it takes me about 1 hr to look through CPF and make

posts and I do this twice a day.
Could be the Cat5 cable hardwired into this head, he gets a constant feeding of CPF. :p
Always nice to take a step back and enjoy other activities. Enjoy the time away from the pooter. :)
I ain't talking about his post count....

I want to know how this website takes up his time...

Like how much hours he spends a day on CPF....

B/c to be honest, it takes me about 1 hr to look through CPF and make

posts and I do this twice a day.

Well, if his posting habits are similar to your own perhaps those two hours or 1/12th of his 24 hour day is exactly what he's talking about. Evidently he'd rather put that time into something else.

Hope to see ya back KDOG3 :wave:
You could spend 10 - 20 minutes a day or not even get on but still not abandon it and be able to do everything you need to and then some in a day.

However, you are leaving out the reason this came about which would probably help many to understand.

Good luck in your future.

Whilst many on here do not know each other, having someone who understands your hobby can mean a lot (in a non gay way that no one else could understand :) )
Glad you got over the pneumonia. Hope you find happiness and fulfillment elsewhere. I'm sure CPF will be there when you want it again.
