ahhh, the old question, is this a good knife...Well thats a personal question really sicne what knife you should carry is really up to you...All depedns on what your going to use it for...how much you want to spedn, and so on...all the knives mentioned here I consider to be nice knives, Mcusta is one of those bradns that I have yet to hold in my hand, but I onyl hear good thgins about them, I too would like to ahve one eventually...lol...Anyway, I think 2 thgins really matter when buyign a knife...
1) confort - If its uncofortabel you wont want to use it, so if you ahve the chance hold the knife in question, and get a "feel" for it, lol...You cna do this by visiting your nearest knife shop...
2) Price vs quality/maintenance - A cheap knife will sport a cheap steel most likely...So its a metter fo how much youw ant to spend, the more you spend the more of a chance your buying a decent knife, and when I sau decent I mean a low maintenacne knife...for example, a cheaper steel will dull faster, which means sharpenign more often...this can be a pain in many cases...but I also understand not everyone wants to buy or use a $100 + knife...Also, my idea here has soem flaws in it, but this is just a generalization I came up with...A cheapre knife tends to need more maintenance...but a really cheap knife can just be dangerous...with cheap locks that fail, and knives that get one use out of thembnefore they are dull, and a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp one (since you need to apply more pressure to cut what you need, thus more of a chance for slipping etc.)
So....I hope my mumbo jumbo helps you decide what to buy, lol...In any event good to hear another gentleman has decided to buy a nice knife!