Galvanic corrosion. Any electrolyte will do.
I thought that I might be able to contribute some relevant materials data:
Thermal Specific _Den _"Thermal
conduct HeatCap _sity _volume"
(W / mK) (J / gK) (g/cc)_ (J/ccK)
Aluminum 250 __0.85 ___2.7__ 2.3
Brass..... 110 __0.38 ___8.6 __3.2
Copper... 400 __0.39__ 10.5__ 4.0
Silver..... 430 __0.23 ___9.0 __2.1
("thermal volume" would be the heat that a fixed-size part such as a volume-restricted heatsink will absorb, per degree rise in temperature)
So on top of copper having greater thermal conductivity, a fixed-size part made of copper would also absorb the most heat per degree rise in temperature. However, aluminum really isn't all that shabby, due to its more-than-adequate thermal conductivity and unusually high specific heat capacity. The 'thermal volume' of a brass part is good only because of its relatively high density.
BTW FWIW I spoke with Mr. Malkoff a while back and asked him about the possiblity of his drop-ins being made with aluminum instead of brass and he replied that he couldn't get the soldering good enough with aluminum to get an adequate thermal path to the heat-sink. I don't know that much about soldering, but could brass be easier to solder to than copper?
Also, could issues such as the formation of undesirable intermetallic precipitates in the solder-to-copper joint create a worse situation over the long term than solder-to-brass or solder-to-aluminum, impacting thermal-cycling fatigue issues in any electrical interconnects? Just speculation...:shrug:
A complicating issue with regards to any small electrical contacts is the possibility of induced kirkendall porosity due to electrical currents over long periods of time, potentially impacting long-term reliability of the electrical connections. Possibly more of a theoretical concern than a real one in a device which sees far less overall use than semiconductor components in computers etc etc...
Really fun stuff to think about though. Guess what kind of nerdy engineer I am??