Does anyone know what UPS does with stuff they broke AFTER they pay you for it?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2007
Guys, long story short. I had a custom built computer that UPS trashed and after jerking me around for TWO months they now seem like they will be paying. The computer is pretty much totaled but I was hoping that maybe SOME parts were salvageable and that they would let me keep it, if nothing else to maybe compensate me a little for the TWO months AND the $270 I had to spend on my lawyer to even get anything done..

The woman that called me and told me that they were finally going to pay up (not even an apology) told me that IF I wanted to buy it, they wanted 20% of the insurance value and it's not really worth that much..

Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.

I tried to find out who decides what's done with the stuff and what to sell it to me for but she was no help at all (surprise..).
Obviously, SOMEONE has to be in charge of this and it's really not worth more than a few hundred bucks because pretty much everything is trashed.


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there is a business here in Salt Lake City called NPS that sells a lot of it. Most companies use separate insurance carriers that take damaged units and sells in lots. Most of the time when products I ship (electronics) are damaged we are paid and I just throw them away.
Well, in this case they want it back. Prolly due to the high amount they had to pay for it.
check their website and link to ebay auctions,
npsstore (dot) com

Check for salvage companies in your city. It may show up there.
Well, unless I knew where it was going and when it was going to be there I wouldn't bother. It's not worth that much to me and also, someone indicated that it might make it home with some UPS employee. The case is very cool looking but unfortunately, right now only a big paperweight. Of course, a UPS employee would have no way of knowing this.