Eagletac 900 lumen competition


Newly Enlightened
Dec 4, 2008
Are there any other lights that even come close to the eagletac 900 lumen M2 or MX2?

In the catogory of power, quality and price?

What other 900+lumen lights can you get for under 200 dollars?

Because, I think im gonna pre order one. I already have a P10C2 and I love it.
There are other P7 lights for under 200 dollars. The Eagletac probably won't have much more output than the better of those.
If this wasn't the LED section, I would say HID. There are several HID lights under $200 dollars which are much more than 900 lumens, but I don't think that is the answer you were looking for.

As for Eagletac's quality... I still haven't really decided. I have had some issues with my T10L. The original light I got had a flickering issue that made me return it to them. The reverse polarity spacer also came out. I got a replacement, and the polarity spacer fell out of that one too, teh first time I took the battery out of the tube. The tailcap anodizing also has some bare spots on part of the threads that make it quite difficult to screw it on. Hopefully Eagletac will send me a new tailcap. Their quality is decent, but definitely not "the best built flashlight in the world."
Ok, yeah I just want and insanely powerful light for under 200 bux, what HID options do I have? Infact what is the brightest light for under 200 bux
Most of the HIDs are larger than the Eagletac.
There are "generic" HID lights that are more maglite sized. TacticalHID has some, but I don't think they are in stock right now. Advanced Automotive Concepts sells a similar model for $169:
It only states IPX3 waterproofing however, which is really just water resistance. The Eagletac is IPX 8 I believe, which makes it fully submersible. That 24 watt HId will be brighter, but it will also have less runtime and fewer mode choices than an LED light. If you want a spotlight, there are several options available. The HID and spotlights section has a few threads about them.
For LED lights, the Neofab Legion 2 claims to be 742 lumens, which is probably comparable to the Eagletac. It is $179 at the marketplace.
I think that the 900 lumens rating for the EagleTac is probably optimistic. That said, the Epsilon ED-71/72 and the solarforce L950M is somewhere close.
I think the Fenix TK40 deserves a mention here. Although it is rated at 630-730 lumens(disputed due to rumors of a brighter 2nd generation) Fenix has recently been much more conservative with their output numbers. Also the Eagletac has 900 lumens at the emitter meaning that you can expect somewhere around 750 lumens usable lumens out the front. The TK40 runs on AA's which may be a positive or negative depending on your personal preference. Just something to think about.
The Eagletac appears to have good heatsinking and It could potentially make the 800 advertised lumens. Other lights to look at for price and output.

1. A D bin Mag P7 build
2. Leggion II
3. Solarforce P7
If you take the 900 lumen as emitter lumen's I pretty sure it will be over 750 out front,however we must be patient for someone to test this :)

@bigchelis yes you could say the legion II is a option but they aren't or wont be readily available IMHO the Eagletac is the safer bet at this time :twothumbs
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I think the Fenix TK40 deserves a mention here. Although it is rated at 630-730 lumens(disputed due to rumors of a brighter 2nd generation) Fenix has recently been much more conservative with their output numbers. Also the Eagletac has 900 lumens at the emitter meaning that you can expect somewhere around 750 lumens usable lumens out the front. The TK40 runs on AA's which may be a positive or negative depending on your personal preference. Just something to think about.

I actually had been seriously considering the TK40 myself until I began reading this thread. One of the things the TK40 offers is a smooth artifact free beam. I am not sure about the beam with the EagleTacs.
The beam shots on flashlightconnection.com, don't tell the whole story.
I am anxiously awaiting reviews that will compare these two lights since they are priced so much the same and claim to have similar outputs (can you really see a difference between 730 lumens and 900?) Whether their beam quality, throw, runtimes, and spills are comparable remains to be seen. While for me that is more important than the interface, I do like the interface on the EagleTac a bit more that the TK40's. With a larger flashlight, I think having level controls near the head of the light is more convenient than having everything controlled from a tailswitch, as on the TK40

Besides this, what has made me hesitate about the TK40 is the battery supply. I personally don't think a flashlight that uses 8 cells of any type is a very advantageous thing, even if they are readily available as primaries. Since most chargers only charge 4 cells at a time, the use of 8 cells, even AA cells, seems too time consuming to me. Using primaries is out of the question both in terms of expense and poorer runtimes compared to NIMH cells.
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I personally don't think a flashlight that uses 8 cells of any type is a very advantageous thing, even if they are readily available as primaries. Since most chargers only charge 4 cells at a time, the use of 8 cells, even AA cells, seems too time consuming to me. Using primaries is out of the question both in terms of expense and poorer runtimes compared to NIMH cells.

+1 that makes sense.