Earth Day 2024?

I'll either do nothing, or possibly run some extra incan lights in the house for a bit in protest. I'm not a fan of so-called "Earth Day". The message is always anti-human.
Pila lights that are incan are eco friendly since they use rechargable batteries. There are also 3.7V P60 drop ins and 16650 batteries so older tac lights can be green.
It feels rather hypocritical when you have people turning off the lights to show their support, meanwhile they run their dryer, have two TV setups running, have several heaters on, are using the oven and so on during that time. In Sweden we have something called Earth Hour, an absolute BS thing in which people for one hour turn off the most superficial electrical applications and keep using the most power hungry ones.

What's worse in this i feel is that the responsibility is put on households and there's no proper explanation of why this would help whatsoever apart from making people feel good because they "made a difference".
Earth Hour is a good time to test and practice your power failure preps.
Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM

StarHalo used to remind us.

The last time I actually participated, my one grandson and I were home. I told him that I was going to cut the power for an hour and we could practice having a power outage.

He asked if I could wait fifteen minutes so that he could see the end of the show he was watching, and I agreed. When I killed the power, my auto-on emergency lights went on. My grandson then proceeded to get a flashlight, and bring it to his bedroom where he tailstood it.

He then changed into his PJs, and went to bed!
Every day is earth day. Not in the political or neo-religious sense, but common sense.

Take care of your planet. Conserve where you can but enjoy the bounties it provides while you're here for about as long as the morning steam from your breath compared to eternity. It'll be here long after we're gone.
I'll probably just hang out here...

Earth Hour is a good time to test and practice your power failure preps.
Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM

StarHalo used to remind us.

The last time I actually participated, my one grandson and I were home. I told him that I was going to cut the power for an hour and we could practice having a power outage.

He asked if I could wait fifteen minutes so that he could see the end of the show he was watching, and I agreed. When I killed the power, my auto-on emergency lights went on. My grandson then proceeded to get a flashlight, and bring it to his bedroom where he tailstood it.

He then changed into his PJs, and went to bed!
We had a storm 2005 during which everything was pretty much all ****ed, i was still a kid at the time and lived at my parents, we didn't have solid power for 3 weeks after that. I have my entire setup always ready both in my head and among my things, those who don't learn from these things don't really have much use for practising it either way since people here rarely ever are prepared either way. We had a power outage in my city a few months back and people had no awareness and weren't prepared at all.
Who is Starhalo?
You were a former member here, would probably remember. He/she liked photography and helped keep us updated on television technology.

He made some classic threads. I believe he got disgusted with the COVID fighting (which some people are still yanking chains over) and left CPF.

He made some classic threads. I believe he got disgusted with the COVID fighting (which some people are still yanking chains over) and left CPF.

No, Starhalo got really political and with a superior boy attitude toward it.
Greta gave him several chances and he ignored her (Greta was the owner of CPF)

In the end Greta told him to **** off with no more warnings,, he was shown out to the sanctuary of his phone & his semi Socialist State.

He became a total d-bag