Fenix L2D Q5 turbo mode question


Dec 19, 2009
I bought a Fenix L2D Q5 for running and discovered after purchase that the turbo mode should not be used for more than 10 minutes. Does anyone have experience with running it in turbo mode for an hour or more? I note that reviews I read do just that, and do not mention the restriction. I wonder if it depends on the battery type. I use NiMH, 2100 and 2700 mAh.

(I asked this question before but the thread did not appear.)
You should be fine. Many have expressed using their light this way. So long as you are holding it in your hand, your hand acts as a heatsink. So long as you can hold it comfortably (it's not too hot to hold) you're ok. If you are not holding it, but have it mounted somewhere stationary, so long as you are moving (running) that should be enough to aid cooling and keep it from overheating. The too hot to hold thing is a basic guide as to whether or not it's hot enough to cause damage.
You should be fine. Many have expressed using their light this way. So long as you are holding it in your hand, your hand acts as a heatsink. So long as you can hold it comfortably (it's not too hot to hold) you're ok. If you are not holding it, but have it mounted somewhere stationary, so long as you are moving (running) that should be enough to aid cooling and keep it from overheating. The too hot to hold thing is a basic guide as to whether or not it's hot enough to cause damage.

Thanks. I imagine that using it outdoors in air temperatures of about 0 Celcius would help too. I tried turbo mode for 10 minutes last night, and it did not even get warm.
In your case it should not overheat. And it really gets no hotter in turbo than any other compact light that drives the XR-E decently hard in max mode. High is another good choice though, it looks pretty close but with much longer run time.
In your case it should not overheat. And it really gets no hotter in turbo than any other compact light that drives the XR-E decently hard in max mode. High is another good choice though, it looks pretty close but with much longer run time.

Thanks. Yes, the turbo does not seem twice as bright, more like 50%, but maybe that's psychological.

This evening I went for a 1 hour run in air that was close to freezing - 0 Celcius - and set the torch to turbo mode. At the end I checked the batteries and the head, and they were not even warm. So either they have modified the torch (lower turbo mode, better heat sinking) or the heat build up is localised around the LED with poor heat transfer, or the cold air was sufficient to keep the unit cool. I tried it for 10 minutes indoors, and again there was no heat build up, so I suspect they have modified the unit.

According to some they have added polarity protection in recent units, but the manual still warns against inserting batteries back to front.