Goodbye OLD CPF Friend From An Old CPF Friend! A Tribute To Greta And History Of A Great Forum!


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I am at the age that if I say I'll figure it out, it is more like I'll adapt to this new level of Hell yet again. :p
I celebrate putting on socks without losing my balance. It's not about what I can't do anymore. It's what I still can that makes my boat float. I still can do a lot of stuff, it's just not a good idea anymore. Riding a skateboard for example.

I've not reached the point where I see doctors for each of my organs (yet). Just ortho's from younger days and the guy who refills my prescriptions every 90 days.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2015
Phoenix, AZ USA
I am at the age that if I say I'll figure it out, it is more like I'll adapt to this new level of Hell yet again.
I hear ya, and 'feel ya' Bro'! Adaptation is the key.
I celebrate putting on socks without losing my balance. It's not about what I can't do anymore. It's what I still can that makes my boat float. I still can do a lot of stuff, it's just not a good idea anymore.
I haven't been able to do that while standing since I was 6...but I've adapted. I now have a handy little gadget that allows me to put them on relatively easily while seated (and takes up practically no space in a suitcase). Again, adaptation is key. Re: the skateboard thing (and such), good judgement and restraint cover much of what we cannot 'adapt' to. Getting older requires all the above to survive. Fortunately, with increasing age, judgement (for most) increases along with that age.


Oct 7, 2003
Near Silicon Valley (too near)
Bye Gretta.

I was not a founding member, but I recall joining in the very early part of the 2000s. My join date was reset by an inept IT guy who did an update on the software.

I really enjoyed meeting all the folks from the Silicon Valley area. They got me into machining my own designs as well as modding. Don (McGizmo) brought the VP of development at Surefire to several of our get togethers. We saw the Beast before anyone else knew that it existed. That was pretty cool. I was quite pleased when Don showed me a prototype where he used my "two stage tailcap" idea to modify one of his mules into a high/low output model. It was the first time that anyone had asked permission to utilize one of my designs for their own work. In the spirit of CPF, I gladly agreed to the use.

But then we started losing the more active innovators when Kelly started to set up separate sub forums for them. Mc Gizmo and Mr Bulk left for more wide open places.

I sort of dropped out of CPF when two things happened at about the same time. Earthlink was providing image hosting and they shut down support for that service without much notice. Around the same time yet another CPF software update wiped out the links from my posts to the images as well as screwing up a lot of the links to other posts. Gretta was not interested in providing any sort of migration path to find all the things that were lost with each upgrade. I was left with no way to fix all the posts that I'd made over the course of a decade or so.

I still check in once in a while, and I still have my "shrine of shine" with the first generation ARC flashlights, the inovative multi level VIP with the PWM Dragon dirver, my own designs and even most of the early Surefire LED models. See all ya all around.

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Feb 20, 2004
So sad to see Greta move on with "Honey" but this is how things develop. Congrats Mr. Ed and press on with the best compass heading. All the very best to all that have best intentions. Fair winds and following seas... Or is that SEES?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
Good riddance Greta! You and your merry band of mods, AKA censors and shills, will not be missed. You were far too heavy handed with the ban hammer. Like most women, you liked to hear yourself talk, mistaking that for actual intelligence. This site is much better off since you left. Thank you Mr. Ed for not speaking, unless of course you actually have something to say.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I miss some of the members who used to be moderators. Not because they were moderators, but because they were knowledgeable and shared their know how. Several of my nicest lights came from their collection(s).

With all things disposable anymore it doesn't really seem like things are as fun as they used to be.

There were a couple of moderators with itchy trigger fingers but some were just trying to keep threads on track and drama to a minimum. I respected that, even when it was me they cracked down on.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
I miss some of the members who used to be moderators. Not because they were moderators, but because they were knowledgeable and shared their know how. Several of my nicest lights came from their collection(s).

With all things disposable anymore it doesn't really seem like things are as fun as they used to be.

There were a couple of moderators with itchy trigger fingers but some were just trying to keep threads on track and drama to a minimum. I respected that, even when it was me they cracked down on.

+ 1 to all bykfixer posted.

Perhaps they collectively agreed they'd have targets on their backs and the juice wouldn't be worth the squeeze. And yes, I received my fair share of their attention 😏.... sometimes a little more. 😕