Got me my first HID (stanley)


Dec 2, 2007
here and there
I know what everyone means once you get an HID you'll want nothing else. And this is even a low end HID but it really is astonishing the amount of light and the throw this thing has. I stay in the Pine Barrens in south nj for the summer spring and fall. And i took the dog for a walk tonight in the sand pit out in the woods tonight and this thing lights up across the whole 30 acre pit. Is by any chance this even slightly waterproof? Cause i had it out in the rain the other night for a while and had no problems. Just wondering for future references.
No, not really. It's only as water RESISTANT as two molded pieces of plastic bolted together can be.

There's no going back now! 35 Watts is nice, MORE is BETTER!
It is impressive. soon i might give it the 4300k bulb just for some more excitment. Roughly how much does a 4300k bu;b cost for this I havent really researched it at all. Even the light i was at walmart getting candy for haloween and i saw an HID for $70 so i decided to grab it. then i saw a few threads on it and was relieved that people seemed to like it.
Got mine a few weeks ago... what a bright light!!
Now I keep looking at the regular style HID's....whats next?:whistle:
Ya i just wish i had enough money for a maxabeam. Hey where in NJ do you live? My normal residence is up in north nj, But im in in South Jersey for a while
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i'm sorta out your way for work alot then. I've been in princeton a few times hamilton area. and the rest of the state as well but central to north alot.
HID's have an immense appeal because of their very high output, but their warm up time can be a drawback. The "overdrive" of the stanley is good, but it is fairly dissapointing to go from a 60+ watt HID to a 35 watt HID...:mecry:

I wonder if some kind of waterproof tape would help water resistance at all... Of course, it would be very hard to tape certain seam areas, such as the bottom of the grip.
a4d;3126106]Ya i just wish i had enough money for a maxabeam.
If you're just after having a lot of lumens you'll want to stick with long arc HID like your Stanley. The 40W Polarions, and 50W Xeray and L50 would be better choices for lumen lust. The Maxabeam is only about 1500 lumens but it has extraordinary throw due to it's short arc technology.

I'm glad you're enjoying your Stanley. Regarding the water resistance, carefully applied clear RTV silicone and white-ish, clear medical tape can get you pretty close to immunity from rain or light spray. I just the tape on RC aircraft and it doesn't come off. Very good stuff.
You are making me jealous now - I REALLY want one of these, but can find no UK suppliers :(

"Ya i just wish i had enough money for a maxabeam."

HID Stanley=$70

The Maxabeam is cool but not that cool.

You are making me jealous now - I REALLY want one of these, but can find no UK suppliers :(

Make that "EU suppliers". *sniff*

Grats on your first HID a4d! But .. what to get next? This is a slippery slope :D
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You are making me jealous now - I REALLY want one of these, but can find no UK suppliers :(


Got mine delivered to the UK - posted how to do it on the other Stanley thread.
Has anyone else had trouble with the LED's on top after opening up this light to get that ceramic sheath off? I opened mine up and broke off the sheath (boy was I sweating!) but I couldn't figure out exactly how to "shim" the bulb. Firstly, I wasn't sure what was meant by it . . . I assume it means to back the bulb out of the reflector some. I wasn't brave enough to put material behind the bulb, though since I had a hard enough time getting the bulb off the reflector without touching it. I was afraid I'd break it or the oils on my hand would burn when I fired the bulb up again.

Anyway, now the LED's won't work. It was a lot of trouble getting the thing open and if anyone else has had this happen to them, I'd feel more encouraged taking the trouble myself. Otherwise, I'll leave it as is. Also, has anyone seen one at Walmart lately? The ones by me (SE Florida) have stopped selling them.
Looks like all of Mr Ted Bears pictures of the Stanley, both inside and out, are not showing up in Part one of the original Stanley thread. It's been quite a while since I had mine open. I'm not sure what you mean by getting the ceramic sheath off?

You are correct in what "shimming the bulb" entails. Usually backing it out of the reflector by a small fraction of an inch. You could use surgeons gloves to keep the oil off the bulb. If you do touch it with your fingers, use a Q-tip and alcohol to clean it and it will be fine. Be sure to clean off any fibers. IIRC, it was fairly easy to pinch one or both of the LED wires when putting it back together. Maybe that's what happened.