Has there ever been a silver Maglite 3C?


Newly Enlightened
May 31, 2006
I want one for my mod. I've looked and searched everywhere but to no avail. Maglite's own website says they only have it in black too. But I remember I've seen one before..... maybe my memory fails me?
Hello ciam:)

So far I know, silver C-Mags doesn't exists.
I think you mistake them with pewter ones.

Best regards

AFAIK, "C" Maglites only come in black, with the possible exception of special ordering them in other colors.

Of course you could always just strip the paint off a 3C Maglite. Then you'd have a silver 3C Mag:p.
Thanks guys, that's what I suspected after my extensive search failed. I've a few mods in black already, just want some other color for a change. Well, I guess I have no choice.
I've bought a few 3C in gray (Used to be called pewter some time ago). In fact I sold one to a CPFer in Finland who wanted to mod it. If you want, I can do a run to check out local stores to see if any are left.
I have a Silver 3C (older style) no "C" on the Serial number.. It was one of the first purchases I made at this place.. It houses a TWOK running direct Drive (don't quote me on the LuxIII, it's not in front of me..)

I'll see if I can find a photo...

Gordon aka:skillet

Edit.. Maybe it is pewter.. But is a silvery pewter and not the greyer color.. The link I found is dead.. But I will keep looking for a photo....
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AFAIK, "C" Maglites only come in black, with the possible exception of special ordering them in other colors.

Just to clarify, C cell Mags do come in other colors. Home Depot has black, pewter, and blue (looks purple) 2-C cell models.