Please excuse me if this has already been covered, as the search didn't turn up anything on this topic.
I'm trying to learn how to calculate the approximate lumens an LED will have when it's driven at a certain amperage. I understand this won't be exact due to all the different bins, and things like an efficiency curve, but I'm still trying to learn the general ideas of how it's calculated.
For my example, I've purchased a SST-50 drop-in (WJ bin if that matters) with a 2.5 amp regulated driver. I've downloaded the SST-50 spec sheet from Lumius, and it says "over 1250 lumens", and that the current can be from 1 to 5 amps. So I'm assuming 5 amps = 1250 lumens. Therefore my 2.5 amps will be around 625 emitter lumens, correct?
The rough conversion to OTF lumens is to subtract a third of the output (right?), so you're looking at around 417 Lumens OTF?
For a bonus question, if I'm using an AW 18650 2600mah protected cell, how long can it drive the SST-50 at 2.5 amps (assuming the 2600mah cell really is 2600mah, the regulator doesn't sap any power, and heat buildup doesn't kill efficiency, etc)?
I'm really looking for the proper formula. I want to say a few minutes past 1 hour, but want to make sure. If there's any general rules for power loss from the regulator (like there is between emitter and OTF lumens), I would love to know that rule of thumb. Thanks!
I'm trying to learn how to calculate the approximate lumens an LED will have when it's driven at a certain amperage. I understand this won't be exact due to all the different bins, and things like an efficiency curve, but I'm still trying to learn the general ideas of how it's calculated.
For my example, I've purchased a SST-50 drop-in (WJ bin if that matters) with a 2.5 amp regulated driver. I've downloaded the SST-50 spec sheet from Lumius, and it says "over 1250 lumens", and that the current can be from 1 to 5 amps. So I'm assuming 5 amps = 1250 lumens. Therefore my 2.5 amps will be around 625 emitter lumens, correct?
The rough conversion to OTF lumens is to subtract a third of the output (right?), so you're looking at around 417 Lumens OTF?
For a bonus question, if I'm using an AW 18650 2600mah protected cell, how long can it drive the SST-50 at 2.5 amps (assuming the 2600mah cell really is 2600mah, the regulator doesn't sap any power, and heat buildup doesn't kill efficiency, etc)?
I'm really looking for the proper formula. I want to say a few minutes past 1 hour, but want to make sure. If there's any general rules for power loss from the regulator (like there is between emitter and OTF lumens), I would love to know that rule of thumb. Thanks!