I feel like a new flashlight...

Kentucky Rifle

Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2002
Louisville, Ky.
After three Arc's, including an LSH-P, I'm going to buy something different. Not that I don't like my Arcs any longer, it's just that any good collection is varried...eclectic even. For those of you who own both, which of these is *brighter. (And I do realize that brightness is somewhat subjective.) What about my Arc LSH-P vs a Surefire E2? Both with the single #123 lithium battery. What about the "bulb" on the E2? I wonder how quickly THAT burns out?
Thank you in advance for the opinions.

The E2 uses two 123 lithium batteries not one. The E1 uses one 123 lithium battery. Go for a new Surefire L4, 5 watt LED, no need to worry about a bulb to blow, and it is BRIGHT!
I cant help answer your question, but, I'd would like to point out that the E2 is a 2x123 light. The E1 is the 1x123 version.
Or, did you mean to put a dead cell spacer in the E2, and run it off one 123?
Sorry guys, I just got the name wrong. I meant the E1. Just the single #123 lithium. I want to know what to expect.
The ARC LSH-P is a wonderful flashlight. I've seen a lot of people walking around with that little one battery "E1" clipped to their pockets. The little Surefires are about half as expensive as an LSH-P, but if they wern't great little lights, I wouldn't be seeing so many of them. Some people are going to the large gun shows around here just to look for a deal on these little jewels. The "gun metal" color is pretty nice.

Are you just looking for a replacement EDC for your Arc LS? It sounds that way from your posts. If so, there's a great E1-KL4 thread in the dealer forum that you'd be interested in... What's important to you for a new light? Brightness? Runtime? Size? Battery cost? Color light? How will you use it?
Phaserburn & Other Guys~
Well, I ordered the E1e-KL4. Also, I wanted to thank all of you for not making me feel like the novice I am. (At age 53 too!) What's important to me in a light is brightness and durability. I keep a number of items on me as "EDC". (Weapons too.) I'm a pilot and sometimes ramps are REALLY dark places. I wish the new light ran a little longer however, there are great deals on #123 lithiums in a lot of places. Having to actually carry a spare battery is a different matter.
I keep a small leather pouch in my pocket that holds a Leatherman "P4 Squirt", a flat fingernail clipper, EDC flashlight, Windmill "windproof" lighter, and small metal pill vial. A larger kit is in the plane with several "other items" that will keep me safe, feed me and help me build that all-important fire. I'm NOT spending another cold, dark, hungry, night under the wing of a disabled airplane in the middle of nowhere. That's why I figure I need a couple of nice, bright, small flashlights. (But I have more.:) ) I also keep a Chris Reeve "Sebenza" clipped to my right pocket and a Spyderco stainless steel "Cricket" clipped to my right pocket.

Nice to be *almost one of you, (Getting better all the time!)
Kentucky, what type of plane do you fly? My flying days are over because I can't pass a medical any longer. For years I was a member of a club that had a about 90 members. We had an old Piper Cherokee 140, two Cessna 150's, three Cessna 172's and one Cessna 182. I got the 182 as much as I could because it was my favorite. Our club president had a PA18 Super Cub that was his personnel plane and I was one of the very few that he let use it. I always had a problem with taxi in a tail dragger until one day this old man (he look like he was 90) took me for a ride in his 7AC Aeronca Champ. The old man showed me his secret for keeping a tail dragger straight.

I found this forum by accident one day. The more I read it the more I liked it. I discovered there was something better out there than a Mag Light. I have a draw full of Mag Lights. It got to be a family joke that ever Christmas the kids would say, just get dad another Mag Light. At least I have a lot of lights to do mods on. I now have Streamlights, Brinkmanns, Pelicans and I ordered my first UK last night. Seems the most popular lights on this forum are the Arc and the Surefire. I don't have any of those "yet".

Keep the Airspeed in the green, keep the ball in the center on your turn coordinator, keep a flashlight handy and you'll always be safe.
PlayboyJoe & Lightofmine,
No, I just "load up" and head for the ramp. Usually just me.
Light/mine--I like to fly a Bonanza. Fast, easy to fly, plenty of room. I remember passing *very close to a DC-3 (snuck up on top of him really..shhhhuuussshhh) and zoomed right by his cockpit window. HAHAHAHA~~~you should have SEEN his FACE!!! 200MPH for the Bonanza vs ~156MPH for the DC-3. I could read his lips as he turned to his copilot and said, "Did you see that"??? Of course~~~that was "back in the days".... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have a Ukraine-made "squeeze light" (hand crank generator) with a 4-Nichia cluster replacing the dim yellow incandescent bulb. Not bad brightness, provides (at least one of) your hands some exercise, great for Y2K-type situations, and talk about eclectic. Esoteric, even!

Squeeze light, huh? One of those. I had 2 once upon a time and couldn't get spare bulbs. They didn't last long (bulbs). At least you could mod yours into something useful in a squeeze. hehehe

I am one of those that is now prohibited from flying anywhere, as that means buying a one way ticket, and that means instant arrest, if not worse. Never mind that those terrorists could buy round trip tickets and do their thing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif