I'm not worried about it.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
I hear this from WAY too many people with regards to all sorts of subjects.

Usually when it involves being prepared for the unexpected as if nothing bad could or will go wrong.

I think most people that are into EDC stuff, such as lights, tools, knives have a different outlook.

When we say "I'm not worried about it" it's because we have the edge as far as being prepared so we have less to actually (mentally) be worried about.

I just keep hearing people say "I'm not worried about it"
Do others hear this statement a lot?

I'm sure we are all guilty to a degree, but it seems to be a motto some people live by........and they wonder why "it always happens to me"..:thinking:

You are so right - and those of us that choose to carry a self defense firearm get even more of a chiding from the blissfully ignorant - I mean, carrying a flashlight during the day is silly, but a gun?! All the time?! I must be NUTS!

The gun is the only thing people carry that could actually save their life, or someone else's.

It's very rare that I tell anyone I'm carrying. It avoids a lot of pointless discussions and the possible dangers of the entire restaurant/party/theater overhearing that I'm packing.

In the rare instance I get grief over it, I just pull out my "I saved a bunch of kids from a knife wielding maniac" story. It's true, more or less, and ends the discussion while making me look good.
There is not point in owning, if you dont EDC 24/7...( or V-best efforts)

My Friends think I'm nuts ( they dont see the point) to EDC a torch(S)/Knife/etc.etc....but guess where they come if they need a tool in a pinch :duh2: :devil:

My Friends wife tried to talk me out of EDCing a pocket knife...I pointed out its a tool that I use everyday...but she argued it could, and would, also be used for self defence if need be, and that I should take self defence classes instead; I told her I had done for years, and still did, So the pocket knife was just one of the many tools I have at hand for tipping the scales in my favour.
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The gun is the only thing people carry that could actually save their life, or someone else's.


There is not point in owning, if you dont EDC 24/7...( or V-best efforts)

Another, Umm...

I hear more often than not, "I am scared and I don't know what I'll do. I worry incessantly."

I think this leads to what you describe as, "Not worrying about it."

These are the same people that are scared/intimidated when they realize you're carrying (anything).

People don't want to think about how if, 'something goes down' you are going to be prepared and they are going to have to depend on you because of their own un-willingness to do anything or even think about it.

When people know that you're carrying tools such as ours, It's like being passive aggressive. They know you're not saying, "I'm in charge because I'm prepared." But in the back of their minds they feel like, if something does happen, "He'll be in charge because he's prepared."
That notion makes people uncomfortable. They then take comfort in 'knowing' that nothing will happen, and they seem to 'make-fun' at will.

If I ever catch grief I instantly bring up, "I'm was a boy scout." I don't know why, I think it's because not too many people are intimidated by the Boy Scouts, but this always seems to bring relief after they've seen something peek out from a seemingly hidden spot (That sounded terrible).

When it comes to the average 'Joe Morone.' It's better to just let them feel 'at-home' in the notion that everyone is as unprepared as they are.

Also, I think scrounging and finding, in a pinch, tools that work is just as important an EDC as any light, pry-tool, kubaton, or pistol.
I hesitate to throw in the pistol with this one, in that EDC(fire arm) is a kind of, "I'll have it or I wont; and then I'll be dead or lucky."

Just a thought.
If you're worthless without your tools, you're worthless in an emergency.

My .02
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Just a thought.
If you're worthless without your tools, you're worthless in an emergency.

My .02

I agree with this, as well - preparedness is a state of mind, not the stuff in your pockets... but given that the government has not yet seen fit to strip me of my right to carry a firearm, would it not be prudent to exercise it?

I mean, just because you can make fire by rubbing a skunk against a porcupine doesn't mean it isn't easier, safer, or more practical to just carry a Zippo. People say that if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail - but sometimes you do indeed have to nail something down, and only a hammer will do.
Generally folks say that about something that is beyond their control...or is to expensive to protect against. If it`s something you can do something about...and it`s reasonable...and does not create other problems...fine...do it. If not, just say I`m not worried about it and hope for the best. ;)
Other things to carry which may save a life:

Epi pen
flashlight--primarily for car accidents at night
knife/mag lite (self defense)
cell phone (strictly speaking, you're calling someone else to save the day but I'll take it)

Of course, if you're in the desert or the mountains, or at sea, it's a different story. People's lack of preparation for those environments makes them twice as clueless.
I just keep hearing people say "I'm not worried about it"
Do others hear this statement a lot?

Yes, actually I do hear it used quite a bit. It usually comes at the end of a conversation with someone after a brief, cause and effect, type of discussion. After sharing in conversation about the likelihood of different scenarios and possibly a few basic hard facts, they'll say, "I'm not too worried about it." In other words they're saying, "I'll play the odds and take my chances being ill prepared for anything beyond the ordinary." Maybe this is because your points weren't convincing enough, or maybe it's just because they're lazy and it would require effort to consider such things...the bury your head in the sand and pretend it's not happening psychology.

That's not to say that even EDCers, whether of tools, knowledge, or both don't play the odds to some extent. Even the best prepared only carry with them the things that could be most broadly helpful. For example most of us wouldn't carry a shortwave radio around with us, but in the event of the Homeland Security Advisory System was "high or severe" we might at least toss that pocket radio into our car kit. Some tools are very broad in their uses and applications though and stand out above the rest. I once had a wise instructor tell me that I should never find myself without a sharp instrument, fire or light. If you have those three things you'll be more prepared for the highest number of scenarios. Anything that you add to your kit beyond this is a bonus as long as it's still practical to carry.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of people won't even carry the most basic of tools to make life easier and safer. If they ever to come around to the idea of changing their ways, it's often after a stressful or troubling experience has happened. They seem to be able to relate to trouble if it's happened to them but won't give it much consideration if you tell them about someone else's difficulties during trouble as an example for helping them.

Of course we all know this idea extends to the next level where instead of saying, "I'm not worried" they say, "you're a fool" or "you're paranoid." Of course this is illogical reasoning since being minimally prepared is a necessity of any higher organism living on earth.

Originally Posted by Lightraven
The gun is the only thing people carry that could actually save their life, or someone else's.
Originally Posted by Raoul_Duke
There is not point in owning, if you dont EDC 24/7...( or V-best efforts)
Another, Umm...
I agree with jeeves on these points but since we've got some pretty smart people here in the cafe, I suspect they meant these statements in a particular context that wasn't articulated. Obviously paramedics EDC equipment that saves more lives in their case that a guns do. Likewise, you can't ECD everything that you own 24/7. Obviously most of what we own isn't EDC'd even if you only include camping/survival type gear. Just because I can't carry it into the office doesn't mean there's no point in owning. Those item may be helpful or get used at other times. :)

Generally folks say that about something that is beyond their control...or is to expensive to protect against. If it`s something you can do something about...and it`s reasonable...and does not create other problems...fine...do it.

Certainly this is one of the possible scenarios. Perhaps a security system is out of their budget, for example. More often than not though, I hear this about simple, inexpensive measures. It's not like I go around saying, "hey, you should build a panic room in your house!" Instead it's more like "you should put a flashlight in your glovebox or trunk" or "you're a police officer, you should really carry a basic clip knife of some type...even a rescue knife" or "hey, it would be wise to install a dead bolt lock on this side door." Nevertheless, "I'm not too worried about it" is the all to common response.
Judging by numerous EDC carry threads, men typically like to carry keys, wallet/billfold, cell phone, lighter and cigs (if a smoker), chewing tobacco and a gun and/or knife. Women carry makeup. It's the gun that will save a life. Guy walks into McDonalds in San Ysidro (where I eat occasionally though the actual restaurant was torn down after the massacre and moved across the street) shooting the place up with an Uzi, a folding knife might seem a very slender reed.

The other items I listed aren't carried routinely by most people, but certainly could save someone's life.
Another, Umm...

OK, Prehaps I should be a bit Clearer....There is no point having, what I would term, EDC Items, if you dont EDC them as frequently as possible.

I have a basic EDC...that I carry everyday, I shall continue, despite what other people think is crazy to carry or not. It would be sods law that If I didn't bother on day, that'd be the day I'd probably need it.

And yes, if I don't have something that I need, then I will adapt what I have to hand, where possible.

And no, I don't tell people what I'm carrying, untill its required. No Need.
The average person can't even handle a 4 way stop sign.
I pay about as much attention to what "they" say as I do the wind blowing.

I'm all about preparedness, and cool tools(and toys!), but gear dependency is a big pet peeve of mine. It's a killer. Literally.

Some people have already said basically the same thing, but carrying some inanimate object around has nothing to do with whether you're prepared to handle an emergency. I think sometimes it might even make things worse, because it gives the perception of preparedness, but not the reality.
Gear can only supplement competence, not replace it.
Most people who obsess on the former, are sadly lacking in the latter.

'Course I'm a gear freak, but I tend to keep my head in emergencies, too:)
Those same people were the ones who weren't worried about Katrina, while sitting in an apartment complex that was technically underwater to begin with, who also cried when they had to go to the Superdome, because there was no other safe place to go, because "they weren't worried about it".

Sheeple are idiots, and will continue to be so, until they either A) die from there general unpreparedness, or B) experience a traumatic experience, and decide to learn from it.

In regards to Katrina... Yeah, it was bad, and a horrible experience for all those involved, but, hey, in the three days they all knew it was coming their way, I could have walked half way across that state. And I would be willing to bet money, that there was at least one person there who stayed because they thought they would get to steal a bigger tv. Just one. Truthfully, i would have warned people early on, that if the levee's broke, it could take more than a week to get to them, so MOVE YOUR BUTTS! wHATEVER IT TAKES, GET OUT OF N'oLEANS... And afterwards, when every idiot who decided to stay, I would have said, "and, oh yeah, here's the bill for the rescue helicopter and team it took to save you." Sorry to be harsh, but that's what I think.


But, then, I'm not worried about that...
It's called Natural Selection.

Speaking of which, it's about time to fix some things.
"Everything is fine."

Mom always say "Don't worry until something happens, then worry and improve on it. Don't make the same mistake twice"

I've always been "I worry when something does not happen, and go into improbability drive when something does happen":ohgeez:
Great link Ted. :thumbsup:

You'll probably find that many people aren't willing to state publicly that they've prevented or averted criminal activities with a firearm. ;)
How about "How many of those killed by guns, would not have been killed, if they had a gun?"

But it's not the gun that saves lives. No matter what, it's still the person that saves lives.
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