In search of the perfect EDC - The X-Candle Challenge


Newly Enlightened
Oct 1, 2007
S. Salem, NY
In search of the perfect EDC:

We all have great lights, but which manufacturer/modder has the best EDC? I'd easily toss away my Surefire M2, L1, L4, and E2L as well as my OLight T20 - Q5, LumaPro MRV, and Ultrastinger for one 'perfect' EDC.

IMHO, the perfect EDC should have the following characteristics, listed in order of priority:

1) Must be well made. Water tight, good gaskets, good crystal lens, etc.
2) Must be multistage. 3 stages would be fine, fully adjustible would be best.
3) Must have a full power momentary switch (maximum brightness).
4) Should have good throw but have flood characteristics similar to L4
5) Should have at least 250 lumens on high (run time could be low at this setting - momentary should be near the LED's limit).
6) The light should be the right size, No bigger than Olight T20 or Fenix P3D, but no smaller than an L1. It's gotta fit nice in the hand and in a shirt pocket.
7) It should have power source options: Disposables, removable rechargables and dockable charge (throw whole flashlight in charger to charge)
8) No planned obsolescence. Should have drop-in modules (electronics and LED) to easily upgrade.
9) It should have a pocket clip that could be mounted either between the lamp and the battery (lamp up in pocket) or between the tailcap and the battery (lamp down in pocket)

10) Strobe and SOS would be nice, but not necessary

I think that does it - for now!. Thanks for all of the great suggestions folks!

Now for the $64 question: Does this light exist and where can it be purchased?
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Re: In search of the perfect EDC

Hope you're patient.

250 lumens from sub P3D size with internally rechargeable batteries and wall-of-light flood like the L4 but also with great throw. You don't ask for much.
Re: In search of the perfect EDC

WHile you're at it, I'll take one too!!!

That is a very nice light you have described. I think with the next few years of development, it will be possible. Right now, I don't think it exists.
Re: In search of the perfect EDC

I have lights from Surefire (M2, L1, L4, E2L), OLight (T20 - Q5), LumaPro (MRV), and Streamlight (Ultrastinger) and would toss them all away for one 'perfect' EDC.

The L1, and Olight come close, but don't quite make the bill. The L1 just isn't bright enough and the T20 doesn't have a momentary switch.

IMHO, the perfect EDC should have the following characteristics:

1) Must be well made. Water tight, good gaskets, good crystal lens, etc.
2) Must be multistage. 3 stages would be fine, fully adjustible would be best.
3) Must have a full power momentary switch.
4) Should have great throw but have flood characteristics similar to L4
5) Should have at least 250 lumens on high (run time could be low at this setting).
6) The light should be the right size, No bigger than Olight T20 or Fenix P3D, but no smaller than an L1. It's gotta fit nice in the hand
7) It should be rechargable - without having to remove the batteries.
8) It should have a pocket clip that could be mounted either between the lamp and the battery (lamp up in pocket) or between the tailcap and the battery (lamp down in pocket)
9) Strobe and SOS would be nice, but not necessary

I think that does it.

OK, now for the $64 question: Does this light exist and where can it be purchased?

I think you need to add a few more criteria cause you are not asking for a whole lot...just kidding:nana:.

Nothing like that out there as far as I know so don't hold your breath. You may have to compromise on some things to get your perfect EDC for now. With technology the way it is maybe down the road you'll find a light like this and if you do, count me in for one as well.
Re: In search of the perfect EDC

I've always been a big believer in setting a high bar...:thumbsup: Think of it as a challenge to the really good modders as well as manufacturers.

Let's face it, if this light existed today, I'd be willing to bet that over 2/3rds of the CPF subscribers would want to buy one - most wouldn't even worry too much about the price...

It seems that the real challenge is getting the right throw/flood characteristics out of a Cree or a Seoul. I imagine that a lot can be done to shape a beam using optics at the top of the lamp assembly. Are there any Opticians out there with some clever ideas on this?

As far as the electronics go, I gotta believe that there has to be a way to create a forward clicky switch that works as follows: Momentary press - full power. Full press with click engages digital contols circuit. A separate control (e.g. knob) would control the full-time light output. How does the U2 work?

As far as power goes, there are lots of ways to get a rechargable solution working. Definately NOT new technology there.

I imagine the reversable pocket clip could be a challenge...

We need a name for this challenge... How 'bout the 'The X-Candle Challenge'
Re: In search of the perfect EDC

Hope you're patient.

250 lumens from sub P3D size with internally rechargeable batteries and wall-of-light flood like the L4 but also with great throw. You don't ask for much.

...You don't get if you don't ask.:grin2:
Re: In search of the perfect EDC

The Novatac 120P fits all except 4(not much throw), 5(120 lumen max, at least until more efficient LEDs come along), 7(can use rechargeable batteries but requires you to remove the batteries) and maybe 8.

The WiseLED Tactical(review) also fits many of your points.
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The WiseLED looks great BUT, it's too big for an EDC. Won't fit in shirt pocket.

But yeah. That Tactical 1500 looks like one awesome light. Might just have to get one ... just because.
Re: In search of the perfect EDC

The Novatac 120P fits all except 4(not much throw), 5(120 lumen max, at least until more efficient LEDs come along), 7(can use rechargeable batteries but requires you to remove the batteries) and maybe 8.

The WiseLED Tactical(review) also fits many of your points.

The Novatec is close and I've used it. On paper, it looks like a great EDC, but candidly it's a bit awkward in the hand. It would be better if it had the second battery (make it a bit longer) and did the L4 wall of light thing.
I'm no expert but I don't know of a light that meets all the requirements. However, the Peak First Responder meets a fair number of them -

1) Must be well made. Water tight, good gaskets, good crystal lens, etc.
Yes - built like a tank by all reports.

2) Must be multistage. 3 stages would be fine, fully adjustible would be best.
Fully adjustable

3) Must have a full power momentary switch.

4) Should have great throw but have flood characteristics similar to L4.
User reports focus on the great hot spot and the wall of light

5) Should have at least 250 lumens on high (run time could be low at this setting).
Yes and then some.

6) The light should be the right size, No bigger than Olight T20 or Fenix P3D, but no smaller than an L1. It's gotta fit nice in the hand
See the pictures in the Peak forum thread - bigger than the Olight and just slightly bigger than your hand, not huge but not really a pocket light...

7) It should be rechargable - without having to remove the batteries.
About a zillion battery options. Seriously it will run on just about anything including a whole host of rechargeable options, but you have to remove the battery. As a duty light (which is what any cradle charging light is likely to be designed for) that may be a logical next development step but not yet.

8) It should have a pocket clip that could be mounted either between the lamp and the battery (lamp up in pocket) or between the tailcap and the battery (lamp down in pocket)
No pocket clip at all, lanyard only.

9) Strobe and SOS would be nice, but not necessary

See the update, pictures and field reports.
I'm no expert but I don't know of a light that meets all the requirements. However, the Peak First Responder meets a fair number of them -

1) Must be well made. Water tight, good gaskets, good crystal lens, etc.
Yes - built like a tank by all reports.

2) Must be multistage. 3 stages would be fine, fully adjustible would be best.
Fully adjustable

3) Must have a full power momentary switch.

4) Should have great throw but have flood characteristics similar to L4.
User reports focus on the great hot spot and the wall of light

5) Should have at least 250 lumens on high (run time could be low at this setting).
Yes and then some.

6) The light should be the right size, No bigger than Olight T20 or Fenix P3D, but no smaller than an L1. It's gotta fit nice in the hand
See the pictures in the Peak forum thread - bigger than the Olight and just slightly bigger than your hand, not huge but not really a pocket light...

7) It should be rechargable - without having to remove the batteries.
About a zillion battery options. Seriously it will run on just about anything including a whole host of rechargeable options, but you have to remove the battery. As a duty light (which is what any cradle charging light is likely to be designed for) that may be a logical next development step but not yet.

8) It should have a pocket clip that could be mounted either between the lamp and the battery (lamp up in pocket) or between the tailcap and the battery (lamp down in pocket)
No pocket clip at all, lanyard only.

9) Strobe and SOS would be nice, but not necessary

See the update, pictures and field reports.

Yup, definately looks good, but can't walk into a business meeting with that casually tossed into your jacket pocket. By the way, who sells this?
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Peak LED Solutions makes the First Responder.

I like some of your ideas ... I'd say the CPF should build a consensus light but we'd never reach a consensus!
Just for curiosity, how many "buying members" of CPF are there?
I am new to CPF and have absolutely no idea.

ag94whoop: That would be a great subject for a poll. I know there are around twenty thousand, but how many of them are actually in the market for a light is unkown.

Mark: The light you're asking for seems possible, it just hasn't been put together yet. If you make enough noise, someone will listen. The only problem is that a lot of manufacturers may decide that this light is too specific for their market base.
ag94whoop: That would be a great subject for a poll. I know there are around twenty thousand, but how many of them are actually in the market for a light is unkown.

Mark: The light you're asking for seems possible, it just hasn't been put together yet. If you make enough noise, someone will listen. The only problem is that a lot of manufacturers may decide that this light is too specific for their market base.

OK, I'd agree that a reversable pocket clip is a ...bit specific, but the rest of the requirements seem pretty desireable - a light that has negligible run cost, can light up the side of a barn, keep you and a good book company for a week without charge, can fit in your shirt pocket and cause retinal damage to bad guys? Come on. That would be a cool light.
"7) It should be rechargable - without having to remove the batteries."

This part I disagree with. Then your light is not usable the whole time it is being charged. Which is not my definition of an EDC light. In my opinon it is much better to have spare batteries already charged and change them out, which takes only seconds, then back to EDCing the light. So I vote for a light with the rest of your criteria, but runs off of some good rechargeable batteries.
Just for curiosity, how many "buying members" of CPF are there?
I am new to CPF and have absolutely no idea.


It says near the bottom of the CandlePowerForums page that there are around 30,000 members and 6,000 active members...whatever that means.