Is Tiablo going out of business?


Aug 16, 2010
Is Tiablo going out of business or as has it already? Any remaining stock of Tiablo's merchandise from the two authorized US retailers is either gone or will be shortly. Something is going on here.

Info please! Thanks!

They're probably releasing new models.

There's been some discussion here on the new EDC lights they're releasing right now.
They responded to an email I wrote to them recently asking about when their new "E" series lights would be available and they wrote back to say that the new Tiablo Exquisite Series E3A flashlight was now available at Kit-Tronics in Canada and the others (123 and 14500/AA) in the series would be released in October. And just yesterday member selfbuilt posted his review of the new Tiablo AAA/10440 E3A, so no, I don't think they are or have gone out of business. Then again, Tiablo seems to have a certain odd stealth approach to their marketing so I can appeciate your question here.
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Tiablo is a strange company. I haven't been able to figure them out. They claim they're "Canadian Managed" but the lights seem to be built in China. Kit-Tronics is somehow associated with Tiablo. It is more than a "Dealer" relationship. KT has shops in Canada, Thailand, China IIRC. The same person who answers questions for Tiablo, at the Tiablo web-site, has the same email address as a person at Kit-Tronics. Tiablo lights that are defective are sold in China. Tiablo implies they are counterfeit, but won't outright deny the A50's out of China are not made by them. Their web-site goes unattended for long periods of time. Seems to me it's a half-assed attempt by Kit-Tronics to have a flashlight brand. A real shame because their reflectors are some of the best in the business. They can't seem to build a powerful flashlight that can run on a single 18650 fully-regulated though.
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I love Tiablo. I got the first "real thrower" A9 and it was the WOW factor when I first turned it on. Then I bought the King of Throw A10 with extension, ACE w/extension, and the aspheric for A9. Just wonder they don't make it for the A10. And now the new E3A.
A real shame because their reflectors are some of the best in the business.
Yes totally agree!!. A9's(XR-E) are now 'out of stock' with most dealers now. I see Kaidomain has smooth reflectors available at less than $7, I just bought a few for spares.

I've modded a few A9's & 2 are being used by other hunters, they are amazed at the performance of the torch, particulary after the R2 WH / 4xAMC7135 mod

They can't seem to build a powerful flashlight that can run on a single 18650 fully-regulated though.
Thats easily fixed!! as you know.:D
I sent Tiablo a few emails recently asking this very question, they were quick to respond, and didn't use "eh" even once, I didn't know they were Canadian...God bless Molsen..but unfortunately they said they have no plans for the collemator (sp) head
for the A10

and the aspheric for A9. Just wonder they don't make it for the A10.
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Yes totally agree!!. A9's(XR-E) are now 'out of stock' with most dealers now. I see Kaidomain has smooth reflectors available at less than $7, I just bought a few for spares.

I've modded a few A9's & 2 are being used by other hunters, they are amazed at the performance of the torch, particulary after the R2 WH / 4xAMC7135 mod

Thats easily fixed!! as you know.:D

Yep. I have 4 new A9 reflectors I bought a while back for future projects. I got over 42,000 lux with A9 reflector using WH Bin EZ900 and 1.4A AMC driver. An amazing amount of throw for such a small light. AND... the A9 reflector is perfect with the SST-50 LED.