JetBeam Jet-III

They use slightly different LEDs. The Q3/Q5 is the flux bin for the LEDs (basically how bright they are), and the WC/5A refers to the color bin. The Q5 WC will be about 10+% brighter and the color will be on the cool side. The Q3 color will be in the neutral 4000K range. Look at this datasheet and it will explain the difference in the bins:

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Funny this light should be up for a thread, I just went out yesterday and looked up everything I could find , I ended up ordering one on ebay, here is the item:

I am hoping this is the warm white one. the listing does not say but the seller listed 2 different ones. they are listed as coming with the newest reflector which seems to be a hybrid , SMO on outside and texture on inside.
Clg is correct, the Q5 model will have a "cool" tint similar to a garage fluorescent light, while the Q3 will be "warm" like a household incandescent bulb (or a regular incandescent-bulbed flashlight).

Which is better is a matter of preference - I find the warm tint works better in outdoor/nature situations where the tint brings out natural colors, whereas the cool tint is right at home in an urban area, where it resembles pure white streetlight.