Hi guys,
Below I hope to comprehensively and honestly identify and describe a collection of titanium lights being offered up in auction here. This thread will focus on the lights themselves as well as any questions or comments in regards to the lights. There will be a second thread in process to keep track of actual bids and it will be limited to simple and concise bid posts by those sincere in their interest (I hope!
) The actual bidding thread, is HERE.
The way this auction will works is the following:
Acceptable bids will be restricted to bid posts in the Bid Thread. I respect your privacy and you can have a bid posted by another member as your proxy or you can even claim that your bid is a proxy bid for someone else (even though it is for yourself). The Auction will end sometime next thursday or possibly friday (7-30 or 7-31). I will not post an ending time and the reason here is to keep some of the games typical of auctions from bogging down the forum or putting undue pressure or stress on any of you. I realize this will not be appreciated by some members but hopefully others will prefer this approach. Regardless, that's the way it will be played out.
I have no reserves on any of these lights and any legitimate bid of $1 or greater will win if it is the highest bid. My only reservations in this auction are in having it at all and a reluctance to let some of these lights go; even though they have just been sitting in drawers.
If you see a light you would like to bid on, please place your bid (after confirming it will be the current highest bid) in the Bid Thread. Identify your bid with the item number and brief description of the light.
These lights are offered as is and I am not receptive to modifications, swaps of components or any other alteration or changes. Within reason, all sales are final and it would be a bummer for the high bid winner to change their mind, for obvious reasons. If you do decide to retract your bid during the auction time period, please post at the end of the thread as a new post of your intention as well as clearly edit and comment in your original bid post that you have retracted your bid. There are 20 lights in this auction and I have hopes of another auction later with likely more items. I really hope this format and auction process can work but it is up to all of us to make it clean and easy to follow.
After I close the Auction, I will tally the bid winners and list them with a request that they then contact me with their contact and shipping information in an e-mail order request and I will hopefully process these in the same manner that seems to have worked with the waves.
If you have any questions about how the auction will work, please ask them here. Unless I have made some obvious mistakes or there are problems with how I plan to process this auction, I am not open to sugestions as to how I should alter or change it, once it starts.
It is my hope that none of the pictures of these lights do them ultimate justice as it would be best if the light presents itself to the new owner better than the picture portrayed it! Most of these lights saw minimal if any actual use but there is absolutely no claims made that they are perfect or without cosmetic irregularities. I promise that each of these lights has its own unique character.
I also want to state that a portion of the proceeds of this auction will go to Greta AKA Sasha .
The bold text below the image is what I have used to identify these individually and is part of the image file name. If you can use it along with the item number in a bid post, that might make it easier for all of us. :shrug:
Item # 1
This is a Ti Mule PD similar to those I offered up in waves in the past with the exception that it has been plated thanks to Modamag. Unfortunately I don't recall the actual nomenclature for the film. My interest in any of the plated lights and there are more to follow below was in durability and I went with the carbo nitride or what ever it was called. (TiCN?) At any rate, the clip, head, piston and sleeve here have all been plated with this dark and oily looking film that is harder and more durable than the parent material under it. The converter is the stock GDx2 converter driving a Cree XE-E LED.
Item # 2
This is another Mule PD the same as item #1 but this light has a diamond film in addition to the carbo nitride or whatever it is called. :duck:
Same converter and LED package. I can't recall how many lights Jonathan did for me with the diamond in addition to the carbo nitride and I am confident that i have errored on the conservative side here in the sense that some not identified as such may well have the diamond as well as the carbo nitride. Some of the dark clips have the diamond film on them but I will claim that the dark clips are only plated in the carbo nitride.
Item #3
This light started out as one of the series of my first Ti waves which were two speed heads on a twisty body VS a PD pak. Internally, this light is now host to a Seoul P4 LED instead of the Luxeon III and the converter is set for the Mizer power range (~330 mA on high). The titanium surface was altered with bead blasting, diamond engraving and a number of anodizing steps. The Bezel ring has three small H3 vials installed in it. The bling or blop inherent in this light is to be determined by the beholder.
Item # 4
This is another twisty just like Item #3 with its only difference in surface finish. There are some bead blasted surfaces as seen. Same Seoul/ Mizer light package and H3 vials in the bezel ring.
Item # 5
This is a 1 speed SunDrop hosting a SOB converter driving the Nichia 083 High CRI LED behind the sapphire lens. The battery pak is a clickie 2x123 pak so high and low levels are selected by a twist of the head and momentary or latched on are accomplished by the clickie switch in the tail. the surface has been treated to some regions of bead blasting as seen.
Item #6
Now this is the only light in this auction that is not 100% titanium in exposed metal. This is a Ti PD power pak hosting an aluminum PD head with Ti bezel ring. The converter is a GDx2 and it drives an Osram Golden Dragon LED. The modified McR-20S reflector works well with the dragon LED and I had been informed of this so I wanted to have a working sample for personal evaluation. This light was assembled in the time frame where I had advanced to the LunaSol program and there was neer any thoughts or plans to do a wave of this configuration. I did do a couple of these with IR dragons for special applications and I think I did one with a red dragon too but don't hold me to that.
Item #7
This light is basically a Ti PD-S but the LED in it is a pre production sample LED from Seoul.
Item # 8
This light is a PD Mule head hosted on a 2x123 clickie power pak. The Cree LED is driven by a DBx2 converter and lock out, low and high are achieved by virtue of twisting the head and momentary or latched on is accomplished by the tail switch. This light has a crudely formed disk of abalone shell inserted as a LED mask in the head.
Item #9
This light is definitely a one of a kind and was the precursor to the LunaSol program. It has dual converters driving a Seoul 1/2 watt LED for the low flood as well as the Seoul P4 in a collimated high beam. The overlap of the low flood and high spot is asymetric by virtue of the offset LED's and the interference of spill due to the Bezel ring. I did use this light considerably but don't recall any accidents with it in terms of dings or added use marks. the pocket clip was modified with a 1/4"x20 thread so it can be mounted on a tripod or such.
Item #10
The light above is nothing more or nothing less than a Ti Mule PD.
Item #11
This light was made during the aluminum PD era but I wanted a simple twisty in titanium with more of a flood and I turned and machined this light myself. Unlike the PD's or the Ti lights that followed, this light is host to a CR2 battery and not CR123. It is a twisty two speed with Luxeon LED behind a bead blasted reflector. It's a goofy one of a kind light. It has 7 tiny H3 vials mounted in a most inefficient manner so that you only see their ends. If you are totally dark adapted, you can see them (last time I checked) but you don't need to worry about them keeping you awake from their glare!
The light is 2 3/4" overall length. It has a stainless steel split ring and Ti 26 mm clip on it.
Item # 12
This light is an unused (reserve stock) LunaSol 27 in stock configuration.
Item #13
This light is a Ti PD-S with another proto Seoul LED. It has a warm grass tint to it and you can quote me on that.
It also has some surface texture treatment as you can see. The exposed portion of the piston is also bead blasted.
Item #14
This light has a twin being offered below as item #15. These are essentially Ti XR19 PD's that host a Nichia 083 HighCRI LED and modified XR 19 reflector. You basically get a ram of warm light with a cool spot in the center. I think it is a useful beam in the near to mid range but certainly no candidate for white wall competition or throw. The drive level on high is ~330 mA so these are mizers in terms of run time. I think anyone bidding on this light or the one below should do so with a certainty that you really don't know what it is you are getting.
Item #15
This light has a twin being offered above as item #14. These are essentially Ti XR19 PD's that host a Nichia 083 HighCRI LED and modified XR 19 reflector. You basically get a ram of warm light with a cool spot in the center. I think it is a useful beam in the near to mid range but certainly no candidate for white wall competition or throw. The drive level on high is ~330 mA so these are mizers in terms of run time. I think anyone bidding on this light or the one above should do so with a certainty that you really don't know what it is you are getting.
Item #16
This light needs some explaining. In terms of performance, it is a titanium S-27 PD. However the head is based on the 27LT head and it has dual O-rings (currently polyurethane). It has a threaded Ti bezel ring. I had a hand full of these heads machined along with fewer PD paks and 2x123 twisty paks. This was before I planned or decided on offering some Ti lights and I wanted to splurge and have a good base and quiver of Ti for myself. I have since then been coaxed by some of you to let these lights get away from me to the point that this one here is the last one. It originally had a Luxeon LED but now is host to a Seoul P4.
Item #17
This light is a LunaSol 27 with a few twists. Instead of a Cree XR-E in the center, it hosts a Cree MC-E LED. The power pak is a 2x123 McClickie. Lock Out, low and high levels are obtained from twisting the head. Momentary or latched on is via the clickie switch. A bit more on it, HERE.
Item # 18
This is a S27 PD light with surface treated with bead blasting followed by the carbo nitride and diamond film. I think at this point I am totally confused by my nomenclature and hopefully you guys can see past the inconsistencies?!?! The light has a Seoul P4 LED driven by a GDx2 converter in the classic PD fashion.
Item # 19
This light is a prototype LunaSol 27 in a bead blasted and carbo nitride plated Ti host. Performance of light is stock LunaSol 27.
Item #20
This light is a DBx2 917 driving Seoul P4 LED. Low and high via twist. Momentary and Constant on via clickie switch. The Ti surface is bead blasted and then carbo nitride film. There is an ex CPF member who used to post and was always a man of mystery. I had assembled and was holding on to this light thinking it might be ideally suited for him and his needs but I have not heard from him now in close to two years and I can only hope he is OK. I see no reason to hang on to it further.
Ok, that is the lot of these and I hope I have fairly and accurately represented them.
Feel free to place an bid on any of them but only if you are serious, please.
I will be opening the bid thread momentarily as well as opening this one for any questions or comments.
Thanks guys! :bow:
Below I hope to comprehensively and honestly identify and describe a collection of titanium lights being offered up in auction here. This thread will focus on the lights themselves as well as any questions or comments in regards to the lights. There will be a second thread in process to keep track of actual bids and it will be limited to simple and concise bid posts by those sincere in their interest (I hope!
The way this auction will works is the following:
Acceptable bids will be restricted to bid posts in the Bid Thread. I respect your privacy and you can have a bid posted by another member as your proxy or you can even claim that your bid is a proxy bid for someone else (even though it is for yourself). The Auction will end sometime next thursday or possibly friday (7-30 or 7-31). I will not post an ending time and the reason here is to keep some of the games typical of auctions from bogging down the forum or putting undue pressure or stress on any of you. I realize this will not be appreciated by some members but hopefully others will prefer this approach. Regardless, that's the way it will be played out.
I have no reserves on any of these lights and any legitimate bid of $1 or greater will win if it is the highest bid. My only reservations in this auction are in having it at all and a reluctance to let some of these lights go; even though they have just been sitting in drawers.
If you see a light you would like to bid on, please place your bid (after confirming it will be the current highest bid) in the Bid Thread. Identify your bid with the item number and brief description of the light.
These lights are offered as is and I am not receptive to modifications, swaps of components or any other alteration or changes. Within reason, all sales are final and it would be a bummer for the high bid winner to change their mind, for obvious reasons. If you do decide to retract your bid during the auction time period, please post at the end of the thread as a new post of your intention as well as clearly edit and comment in your original bid post that you have retracted your bid. There are 20 lights in this auction and I have hopes of another auction later with likely more items. I really hope this format and auction process can work but it is up to all of us to make it clean and easy to follow.
After I close the Auction, I will tally the bid winners and list them with a request that they then contact me with their contact and shipping information in an e-mail order request and I will hopefully process these in the same manner that seems to have worked with the waves.
If you have any questions about how the auction will work, please ask them here. Unless I have made some obvious mistakes or there are problems with how I plan to process this auction, I am not open to sugestions as to how I should alter or change it, once it starts.
It is my hope that none of the pictures of these lights do them ultimate justice as it would be best if the light presents itself to the new owner better than the picture portrayed it! Most of these lights saw minimal if any actual use but there is absolutely no claims made that they are perfect or without cosmetic irregularities. I promise that each of these lights has its own unique character.
I also want to state that a portion of the proceeds of this auction will go to Greta AKA Sasha .
The bold text below the image is what I have used to identify these individually and is part of the image file name. If you can use it along with the item number in a bid post, that might make it easier for all of us. :shrug:
Item # 1

This is a Ti Mule PD similar to those I offered up in waves in the past with the exception that it has been plated thanks to Modamag. Unfortunately I don't recall the actual nomenclature for the film. My interest in any of the plated lights and there are more to follow below was in durability and I went with the carbo nitride or what ever it was called. (TiCN?) At any rate, the clip, head, piston and sleeve here have all been plated with this dark and oily looking film that is harder and more durable than the parent material under it. The converter is the stock GDx2 converter driving a Cree XE-E LED.
Item # 2

This is another Mule PD the same as item #1 but this light has a diamond film in addition to the carbo nitride or whatever it is called. :duck:
Same converter and LED package. I can't recall how many lights Jonathan did for me with the diamond in addition to the carbo nitride and I am confident that i have errored on the conservative side here in the sense that some not identified as such may well have the diamond as well as the carbo nitride. Some of the dark clips have the diamond film on them but I will claim that the dark clips are only plated in the carbo nitride.
Item #3

This light started out as one of the series of my first Ti waves which were two speed heads on a twisty body VS a PD pak. Internally, this light is now host to a Seoul P4 LED instead of the Luxeon III and the converter is set for the Mizer power range (~330 mA on high). The titanium surface was altered with bead blasting, diamond engraving and a number of anodizing steps. The Bezel ring has three small H3 vials installed in it. The bling or blop inherent in this light is to be determined by the beholder.
Item # 4

This is another twisty just like Item #3 with its only difference in surface finish. There are some bead blasted surfaces as seen. Same Seoul/ Mizer light package and H3 vials in the bezel ring.
Item # 5

This is a 1 speed SunDrop hosting a SOB converter driving the Nichia 083 High CRI LED behind the sapphire lens. The battery pak is a clickie 2x123 pak so high and low levels are selected by a twist of the head and momentary or latched on are accomplished by the clickie switch in the tail. the surface has been treated to some regions of bead blasting as seen.
Item #6

Now this is the only light in this auction that is not 100% titanium in exposed metal. This is a Ti PD power pak hosting an aluminum PD head with Ti bezel ring. The converter is a GDx2 and it drives an Osram Golden Dragon LED. The modified McR-20S reflector works well with the dragon LED and I had been informed of this so I wanted to have a working sample for personal evaluation. This light was assembled in the time frame where I had advanced to the LunaSol program and there was neer any thoughts or plans to do a wave of this configuration. I did do a couple of these with IR dragons for special applications and I think I did one with a red dragon too but don't hold me to that.
Item #7

This light is basically a Ti PD-S but the LED in it is a pre production sample LED from Seoul.
Item # 8

This light is a PD Mule head hosted on a 2x123 clickie power pak. The Cree LED is driven by a DBx2 converter and lock out, low and high are achieved by virtue of twisting the head and momentary or latched on is accomplished by the tail switch. This light has a crudely formed disk of abalone shell inserted as a LED mask in the head.
Item #9

This light is definitely a one of a kind and was the precursor to the LunaSol program. It has dual converters driving a Seoul 1/2 watt LED for the low flood as well as the Seoul P4 in a collimated high beam. The overlap of the low flood and high spot is asymetric by virtue of the offset LED's and the interference of spill due to the Bezel ring. I did use this light considerably but don't recall any accidents with it in terms of dings or added use marks. the pocket clip was modified with a 1/4"x20 thread so it can be mounted on a tripod or such.
Item #10

The light above is nothing more or nothing less than a Ti Mule PD.
Item #11

This light was made during the aluminum PD era but I wanted a simple twisty in titanium with more of a flood and I turned and machined this light myself. Unlike the PD's or the Ti lights that followed, this light is host to a CR2 battery and not CR123. It is a twisty two speed with Luxeon LED behind a bead blasted reflector. It's a goofy one of a kind light. It has 7 tiny H3 vials mounted in a most inefficient manner so that you only see their ends. If you are totally dark adapted, you can see them (last time I checked) but you don't need to worry about them keeping you awake from their glare!
Item # 12

This light is an unused (reserve stock) LunaSol 27 in stock configuration.
Item #13

This light is a Ti PD-S with another proto Seoul LED. It has a warm grass tint to it and you can quote me on that.
Item #14

This light has a twin being offered below as item #15. These are essentially Ti XR19 PD's that host a Nichia 083 HighCRI LED and modified XR 19 reflector. You basically get a ram of warm light with a cool spot in the center. I think it is a useful beam in the near to mid range but certainly no candidate for white wall competition or throw. The drive level on high is ~330 mA so these are mizers in terms of run time. I think anyone bidding on this light or the one below should do so with a certainty that you really don't know what it is you are getting.

Item #15

This light has a twin being offered above as item #14. These are essentially Ti XR19 PD's that host a Nichia 083 HighCRI LED and modified XR 19 reflector. You basically get a ram of warm light with a cool spot in the center. I think it is a useful beam in the near to mid range but certainly no candidate for white wall competition or throw. The drive level on high is ~330 mA so these are mizers in terms of run time. I think anyone bidding on this light or the one above should do so with a certainty that you really don't know what it is you are getting.

Item #16

This light needs some explaining. In terms of performance, it is a titanium S-27 PD. However the head is based on the 27LT head and it has dual O-rings (currently polyurethane). It has a threaded Ti bezel ring. I had a hand full of these heads machined along with fewer PD paks and 2x123 twisty paks. This was before I planned or decided on offering some Ti lights and I wanted to splurge and have a good base and quiver of Ti for myself. I have since then been coaxed by some of you to let these lights get away from me to the point that this one here is the last one. It originally had a Luxeon LED but now is host to a Seoul P4.
Item #17

This light is a LunaSol 27 with a few twists. Instead of a Cree XR-E in the center, it hosts a Cree MC-E LED. The power pak is a 2x123 McClickie. Lock Out, low and high levels are obtained from twisting the head. Momentary or latched on is via the clickie switch. A bit more on it, HERE.
Item # 18

This is a S27 PD light with surface treated with bead blasting followed by the carbo nitride and diamond film. I think at this point I am totally confused by my nomenclature and hopefully you guys can see past the inconsistencies?!?! The light has a Seoul P4 LED driven by a GDx2 converter in the classic PD fashion.
Item # 19

This light is a prototype LunaSol 27 in a bead blasted and carbo nitride plated Ti host. Performance of light is stock LunaSol 27.
Item #20

This light is a DBx2 917 driving Seoul P4 LED. Low and high via twist. Momentary and Constant on via clickie switch. The Ti surface is bead blasted and then carbo nitride film. There is an ex CPF member who used to post and was always a man of mystery. I had assembled and was holding on to this light thinking it might be ideally suited for him and his needs but I have not heard from him now in close to two years and I can only hope he is OK. I see no reason to hang on to it further.
Ok, that is the lot of these and I hope I have fairly and accurately represented them.
Feel free to place an bid on any of them but only if you are serious, please.
I will be opening the bid thread momentarily as well as opening this one for any questions or comments.
Thanks guys! :bow:
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