Flashlight Enthusiast
Any colour (of Red, Green, Blue) that snakes can't see? so I could use coloured light and not spook it?
A few hours ago I was walking from my home office to the kitchen for some tea and I noticed something on the carpet. I turned my head to see a snake immediately crawl under the couch (snake maybe 2ft long, dark, not very thick - curtians were drawn and room was dark). Now there's a heatwave here so I was typing in my boxers with the A/C off, no shoes no gloves I didn't figure myself geared up for trapping unknown possibly posionous snake. I backed up a few steps and called my partner to come assist. Unfortunately she spent a bit of time getting boots and gloves on, and though I thought I had the snake quartered, after I got boots and gloves and started pulling apart the room piece by piece, we didn't find it.
I have zero snake experience. After looking all through stuff, again, and again, I did some googling and came across a few ideas for catching it. But I was wondering if there is any part of the spectrum snakes are blind too (my options are Red, Green, Blue emitters, and a yellow filter). Being a flashaholic I thought a coloured light would make waiting in silence hoping the snake moves over a noise trap a less draining experience.
The snake headed straight for the couch infront of an old fire-place cut-out: the solid cement block firewall has a section cut away where previous owners had a fireplace insert. Meaning the wall could have a breach. Given that the snake headed straight for the only place that there could be a breach in the wall, can I hope this was a one-off event and if the wall is properly sealed up, I can expect to not see the snake again?
All comments welcome,
A few hours ago I was walking from my home office to the kitchen for some tea and I noticed something on the carpet. I turned my head to see a snake immediately crawl under the couch (snake maybe 2ft long, dark, not very thick - curtians were drawn and room was dark). Now there's a heatwave here so I was typing in my boxers with the A/C off, no shoes no gloves I didn't figure myself geared up for trapping unknown possibly posionous snake. I backed up a few steps and called my partner to come assist. Unfortunately she spent a bit of time getting boots and gloves on, and though I thought I had the snake quartered, after I got boots and gloves and started pulling apart the room piece by piece, we didn't find it.
I have zero snake experience. After looking all through stuff, again, and again, I did some googling and came across a few ideas for catching it. But I was wondering if there is any part of the spectrum snakes are blind too (my options are Red, Green, Blue emitters, and a yellow filter). Being a flashaholic I thought a coloured light would make waiting in silence hoping the snake moves over a noise trap a less draining experience.
The snake headed straight for the couch infront of an old fire-place cut-out: the solid cement block firewall has a section cut away where previous owners had a fireplace insert. Meaning the wall could have a breach. Given that the snake headed straight for the only place that there could be a breach in the wall, can I hope this was a one-off event and if the wall is properly sealed up, I can expect to not see the snake again?
All comments welcome,