Keychain Light Build


Mar 27, 2010
Picked several of these little keychain lights up at a Big Lots for my kids and a few for me to tear apart, of course.


The thing that caught my attention was they have a clicky rather than a twisty, that and they were only $1.50 each.

They come apart pretty easy and have five white LEDs.


Had this 60Lumens Black and Decker light being underutilized.


Not sure what type of LED this is but it is crazy bright for its size.


The LED and reflector fit perfectly. The plastic lens would have fit as well but I used a 15.9mm mineral glass crystal from I put the lens on a solid table and pressed it into the light to hold all together.


Running it on a 10280 lithium ion battery. It was slightly longer than the original battery pack. The new LED and reflector were slight shorter so it all worked out.


Original beam shot.


Modified beam shot.


Picture really doesn't do it justice. This tiny torch really lights up a room. The original Black and Decker advertised 60 Lumens running on 3 volts and about 220 mah at the switch. The 10280 fresh off the charger puts out about 340 mah direct drive at the switch. Fun watching peoples jaws drop when I fire this thing up.

Been using the light for about a month now and so far the switch has held up fine.

Thanks for looking.
hehe nice job! big difference in those beamshots. :twothumbs

im no expert, but that LED looks to be a Cree XP-E.
That's funny, I have that exact same light. Haven't gotten around to modding yet. Like your build though.
Haha, leave it to someone on CPF to mod a dollar store light :laughing:. Nice job though, how far away from the wall are your beamshots?
Yeah, that gives you an idea what my "hobby" budget is. :candle:

Beam shots were about 10 feet. It's a pretty short reflector, so more of a flood than a spot.

Works well for what I use it for though. Tracking down cables behind server racks and digging into computers and such.
The black and decker light is pretty much the best 10 bucks spent on a non modded light though. durable and bright for non flashaholics.