N30 vs EO-M3T?


Nov 15, 2007
Hi guys, I've been thinking about getting my first HID, and I was wondering how the N30 compares to a EO-M3T (450 bulb lumens) in a SF turbo head as far as throw is concerned.

Thanks, jugg2
It's no contest and pretty much incomparable because the difference is so great. A 500 lumen 10W HID will out throw the EO-M3T by a huge margin, so you might be able to imagine what a 3000 lumen HID with a large, smooth reflector would do. Picture, 800-1000% difference....
The EO-M3T outputs what the MN16 does with a slightly rounder and tighter hotspot. See Beamshots: Mac Mini-HID (MOP) vs. SureFire MN16 of what a 10W HID did to the MN16. The EO-M3T would have done no better as I recently sold two of them here and here. Bottom line was that the throw was not increased over the MN16 by much at all and that the MN16 had much better spill. Notice how the 10W has even greater spill than the MN16 :thumbsup: .

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