Natures light...

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
I just got these pictures of one of the nicest rainbows I've ever seen yesterday over the Lynn Canal!

This rainbow lasted for well over an hour with my first sighting of it at about 3 in the afternoon and my last picture just after 5.

Here's the best of them and this can be a place for everyone else to contribute rainbows, sunbeams, sundogs, aurora and moonlight photos. Anything to do with natures light can go here!



Beautiful rainbow pics kaichu dento! :twothumbs So where in Alyeska or Girdwood do you live? I lived in Anchorage for over 22 yrs.
Thanks for the props but I know there's better stuff lurking on some of your hard drives that we'd like to see too!

The Lynn Canal comes up to Haines and Skagway, but I'm now in Juneau and looking at lots of mist and eagles...
Wow, really nice pictures! I sure wish I would find that pot of skittles (errrrrrr, gold!) :D

Here's one that I took last year :

Wow KD! That's an incredible photo man! The wide angle first picture renders the bow so flatly and it's amazing to see the whole thing like that. The separation of colors is so strikingly vivid as well.

You sure life in some beautiful country!

Thanks for sharing that. :thumbsup:
Wow, really nice pictures! I sure wish I would find that pot of skittles (errrrrrr, gold!) :D
Nice picture and nice house too! Did you look in the basement? :devil:
Wow KD! That's an incredible photo man! The wide angle first picture renders the bow so flatly and it's amazing to see the whole thing like that. The separation of colors is so strikingly vivid as well.

You sure live in some beautiful country!

Thanks for sharing that. :thumbsup:
It's so frustrating trying to get pictures of rainbows and I think this is one of only two times I've been successful. Cameras that let you focus on the brightest part of the sky, then re-frame made it possible!

I'm going to post some aurora pics and the other rainbow as soon as I can find them.
Aurora pics are a must! I want to see this in person someday, but for now I make do with pics.

I got to go to Alaska when I was younger. Beautiful place. I was on a cruise ship, and there was tons of stuff to do on the ship, but I spent almost all my time on the top level, right outside the door, sitting on the steps and watching the outdoors.

Rainbows are strange. ever notice how the area inside looks brighter than the area outside it? And how if the sun is really bright, you get second refraction that causes an inverted rainbow above it? and how the rainbow is 180* from the sun.
Guess I'll throw a few into the ring...

Click thumbnails for full size...

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Pictures 1 and 2 are some double rainbows I caught while working in the southern Idaho desert.

Picture 3 is facing 180° from picture 2.

Picture 4 was a "ruined" camping trip. Weather forecast said "party cloudy", not "You better start building an Ark". The clouds in the picture turned in a deluge of rain about an hour later.

Picture 5 is a the beginning of a total lunar eclipse over campus. My building is the tall one on the right.

Picture 6 is another one I caught while working in the desert. It's the full moon rising over Orovada, NV and the Santa Rosa mountains. You can see the stars are stretched out and the clouds are blurry because the exposure time was about 30 seconds.

Hope you enjoy.
Wow, I really love some of these shots and it's better knowing they've all been taken by other CPF'ers.

Here's my only other rainbow pics that I'll probably be posting. Sorry if there's too many, as I just couldn't decide which to post and which to leave out.



Double rainbow! Jumped the shark a while ago, but still funny.

Best comment: "I had this same exact reaction when i opened my fridge and saw double stuffed oreo's"
Some absolutely gorgeous photos above. This is one I took a couple months ago with my Verizon Incredible phone. It looked even more impressive in person.
