Need Lux Meter with Logging! Any Ideas?


Jul 17, 2006
Sydney Australia
Hi all!

I've reached the unfortunate stage in my CPF addiction that i want to do runtime tests on all my lights, and be able to save and graph my results!!

(Can hear the wife sighing right now!)

I'd like a lux meter with a large range. Hopefully up to 200,000 lux, wit the ability to save results and export them into supplied software to create graphs....

What's a reasonable quality, but affordable meter, that can do this? I really only can afford maybe up to $70-$80. Am i dreaming?

I don't have a multimeter with logging abilities or anything i can plug a lux meter into. Whats my best bet?

Thanks fellas and ladies if any... :whistle:
I have an Extech 401036 - can't find the manual at the moment but I don't think it does the 200,000 lux part - but does the rest of what you want - bit more $ than your wants.

I have been happy with it - I made 2 mods - it uses 9v batteries and I ran the battery snap outside the case to an external power supply and I made a 10 ft extension cord for the data link so I can put the meter out of the way but still reach the PC when I want.

It does standalone data logging and I just hook it to the PC when I want to grab data or change the data logging interval.
