When you start getting past fifty dollars you might want to look at better lights. I hear you can get a tiablo A9 for 55.00. with the money you spent on the taskforce and the dorcey, you could have had a DBS v2, one of the best throwers out there!I actually just bought a Dorcy (Yes...a Dorcy!!) light at Sears that not only out throws this light, but out shines it as well (better spill). It is $50.00, but is made a lot better in my opinion!! Now back to the channel we all have been watching......
When you start getting past fifty dollars you might want to look at better lights. I hear you can get a tiablo A9 for 55.00. with the money you spent on the taskforce and the dorcey, you could have had a DBS v2, one of the best throwers out there!
When you start getting past fifty dollars you might want to look at better lights. I hear you can get a tiablo A9 for 55.00. with the money you spent on the taskforce and the dorcey, you could have had a DBS v2, one of the best throwers out there!
Wait if I use 18650s I should get 25% more power? How bad is this for the LED and will this be any brighter then just swapping the LED with a Q5 running on normal Alkalines, how long is the run time? / what about running on 18650s and having the Q5 and lastly do you only use one of these cells? sorry for so many questions.
I'm running mine on a Q5 and 18650. It makes the stock setup look puny, sending ~1A to the emitter.
Can someone post the coupon link again, I think I'll head up and get my 2nd one of these @ $19.95 batteries included it just to good for me not to get another.