I'm trying to decide if I should upgrade my flashlight. I currently have a Streamlight Scorpion incandescent. I love the brightness of it and how well it lights things at a distance (throwing?), but don't like having to order the batteries off the internet at the "bargain" price of $1/apiece.
I've been researching flashlights a little today, and have looked at the NiteCore D20, LiteFlux LF5 XT, Fenix L2D. If I'm going to spend $60, I want it to be a good all-purpose light, not JUST a super-bright "quickly investigate a noise before the battery runs out" light. I like these because they run on AA and seem to have decent battery life. That with the different settings could make them great all-round lights. I would use it for general use, investigating bumps in the night indoors, checking noises/critters outside at night, and occasionally lighting up the opposition during night-time paintball games
. The Scorpion has been great for all that, but like I said, the batteries are starting to get to me.
That said, how well do these lights "throw" compared to the Scorpion? I've read enough to know that these aren't typically considered throwers, so may be comparing apples to oranges, but I'll never know till I ask. I was hoping someone around here may have first hand experience with both...
I've been researching flashlights a little today, and have looked at the NiteCore D20, LiteFlux LF5 XT, Fenix L2D. If I'm going to spend $60, I want it to be a good all-purpose light, not JUST a super-bright "quickly investigate a noise before the battery runs out" light. I like these because they run on AA and seem to have decent battery life. That with the different settings could make them great all-round lights. I would use it for general use, investigating bumps in the night indoors, checking noises/critters outside at night, and occasionally lighting up the opposition during night-time paintball games
That said, how well do these lights "throw" compared to the Scorpion? I've read enough to know that these aren't typically considered throwers, so may be comparing apples to oranges, but I'll never know till I ask. I was hoping someone around here may have first hand experience with both...