After lots of playing around, I finally settled on using two Buna-N o-rings which were 5/8" ID x 3/4" OD x 1/16" (.070" actual) cross section. Stretching the 5/8" o-ring over the 7/8" body reduces the cross section down to .056" (just a hair under the .0625" depth of the gap). The difference isn't visible. The tailcap contacts the o-rings one quarter of a turn shy of being fully tightened, and the extra resistance for that last quarter turn does make
one-handed twisty action a little difficult. As I've never found one-handed operation very doable anyway, I use a Z59 clickie, which makes the extra friction a moot point, as would using a McClicky in a Z41. I got the same "o-ring contact at 1/4 turn shy of fully tightened" using both my Z41 and Z59 so I'm going to assume that all Surefire tailcap tolerances are close.
For those wanting smooth, no-contact action all the way until fully tightened for their twisty Z41 you can use a 9/16" ID x 11/16" OD x 1/16" (.070 actual) cross section o-ring. Its cross section is reduced to .051" when stretched over the body. The tailcap almost touches the o-rings when fully tightened, but the o-rings looked a little shallow sitting in the .0625" deep gap, more so even than Fivemega's suggestion of two 18mm x 1.5mm o-rings would.
The absolute perfect size is going to be a 19.5mm ID x 1.5mm cross section metric o-ring. Stretched cross section will be .055" which will be just enough difference to let the tailcap fully seat easily while still filling the depth of the gap adequately. Metric o-rings are very hard to find locally in anything other than a box of 100 at an MRO supply warehouse, and even then, finding anything over 14mm isn't likely. But for the man who doesn't care to drop $10 to $15 shipped at McMaster Carr online, they are indeed available. I also noticed a few o-ring sellers online that offer single piece quantities and $5 shipping, so you could get 2 o-rings for around $6 from them. Since you're already dealing with shipping minimums, I'd also advise spending the extra money to get Viton o-rings, which aren't going to have any ozone cracking issues in the future.
Glad to now be able to move on from this; that gap has been bothering me since Xmas.
9P with 5/8" ID x 3/4" OD x 1/16" Buna-N o-rings