Ok, so what is the best Long throw Cree light you can buy??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Connecticut Shoreline
Since it seems that TigerhawkT3 doesn't know when to quit I'll play his game. I apologize to anyone who is interested in the actual discussion that was occuring in this thread.

-"The Gladius can start its constant-on from its highest output, its lowest output, or the last output you used. It also seems to have better electronics, with smoother regulation and timed step-downs for extended use. It also has a depth rating of 50m."

Timed step-downs that occur after the output has already dropped from thermal heatsoak. Not an issue with a properly heatsinked light like the Striker.

-"What's that supposed to mean? Does the Striker VG have a super-bright GITD around the opening of the battery tube?"

No, since "Reattaching the tailcap is a process that needs to be executed properly to prevent damage to the light and possibly rendering it inoperable." (FLR) isn't an issue as battery changes are a simple matter of unsecrew, insert, unscrew no GITD opening or additional lightsource is required to keep you from rendering the light inoperable during a battery change.

-"If by "you," you mean me, as in TigerhawkT3, then you're wrong. Perhaps YOU need two hands to change modes, but not everyone does."

Really? Let's play police. You have your light on a suspect and your concerned he might be going for his gun. Do you tap three times or do ask Mr Criminal to wait while you holster your gun, twist the tailcap from postion 3 to position 2, remove your weapon from the holster, reaim your (finally strobing) light and reaim your gun?
Let's have a video of you switching modes with one hand while keeping the light fixed on a target.

-"I'm not a soldier, and I'm not on a SWAT team. I'm an armchair commando, a mall ninja. I'm certain that the Gladius would be perfectly suited to use by security or police officers."

I'm none of those things but we have LEO's in here almost every day of the week and I've had many lengthy conversaations with them about how they USE their light on a day to day basis so I get firsthand information on a regular basis.

-"Also, FR gave the Gladius 5 stars, while the VG received 4.5."

True, of course QB reviewed the Striker 6 months later and despite the lower score ranked it higher among the 3/5W lights in his top picks.

-"I'm sorry you feel that way. From what I've read, the Gladius is more high-end, but I haven't tried a VG myself. I'll see if someone can bring one along to the next CPF get-together in my area."

Again, you're claiming the Gladius is superior yet you've never even SEEN a Striker never less handled one or used it in a situations for which it is designed.

-"I didn't describe how it's better in that first post because I thought it was obvious, but it seems not."

How is it obvious that a more expensive light with less throw and less output is inherently superior? Because you own one and need your expensive purchase to be validated?

-"I wish you would do the same. A lot of the things you said about the Gladius and its differences from the VG were incorrect."

Like what? I have at least stated my case withot resorting to childish and malicious name-calling.

-"Dear lord, not this again. The Gladius's channels add ONE STEP to the procedure, and it takes about two seconds: Aligning the tailcap before tightening."

An act that if done improperly can render the light inoperable and thus requires a light source to be done properly. Not sure that's the light I want in a life/death situation.

-"So, is perceived snide a reason to start hating someone? "

I don't hate you - I don't CARE enough about you to waste the energy. I'm only replying because you are calling me a liar and my reputation is important to me. Frankly I probably don't need to worry - you should see some of the IM's I've gottten in support since you posted. Apparently some folks here do not think so highly of you.

-"I would NEVER have expected such a response from a business representative like yourself, but now I know better. "

Clearly at 20 years of age you haven't had much business experience.

You keep calling me a liar yet where did I lie? Again, just as in your very first post in the thread, you make a point then fail to back it up.

Are we done now?

Again, my apologies to the rest of you but I can't stand idly by while someone calls me a liar.
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Art Vandelay

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2006
EngrPaul said:
The reason the moon is full is that I am aiming my Striker-VG-"HC" at it. :laughing:

Sorry if I'm responsible for all that crime. :naughty:

Is that the CPF version of mooning?:grin2:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
Yes, I get it, modded lights cost more than pure factory lights. That was kind of my point - it would have been a lot cheaper if it was designed with that emitter at the outset (plus you'd still have the warranty). I never said that you were overcharging for a custom emitter swap, but rather that it's more than I'd like to pay to have a different emitter.

1. has all of the same features
2. the Gladius is only for soldiers and SWAT
3. you need two hands to use the Gladius
4. really, really difficult to change batteries in the Gladius
5. good environmental seals are meaningless

1. Totally, totally wrong. If MattK knew as much about the Gladius as he says he does, this statement was a lie.
2. Maybe he actually believes that you should only have a Gladius if you're a soldier or SWAT member. If not, then it's extremely misleading at best.
3. Okay, this one's just a half-truth, as he might have been so overwhelmed by the Gladius that he was convinced that everyone else should be, too. Still, it's clearly wrong.
4. Again, he's either ignorant or lying. He maintains that he is neither, so I don't know which one it is.
5. No, a feature that the Striker doesn't have is not automatically meaningless. The Gladius just has an edge over the Striker in that regard.

If you look at what I first posted, I said that it was cool to have a brighter light, but I still preferred the Gladius. MattK then tried to tell me why I was wrong and how the VG is so much better for a lower price (his arguments were illogical and inaccurate, too). Back off, MattK; I know what I like and I don't like a pushy salesman.

It is indeed quite likely that the mods will lock this thread. Thanks, MattK - at least your falsities will be buried, even if they're not corrected and exposed.

MattK introduced his new offering (after telling us a bit about some of his other products), and I posted what I thought of it. I was under the impression that I was allowed to do that. (I could have posted my opinions in his sales thread instead, but I didn't. You're welcome.) MattK could then have said that he accepts that I like the Gladius, but that perhaps the OP would like an extremely bright Striker regardless of how it compares to the Gladius (or how much it costs).

The OP hasn't said anything in a while...

MattK posted while I was typing this. I'll respond shortly.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006
TigerhawkT3 said:
MattK posted while I was typing this. I'll respond shortly.

I don't think any of us want you to.

Please stay on topic. Thank you.

I'm looking for a monster throw Cree light. What should I spend my hard-earned money on? Any recommendations? Beam shots? Help me spend money and make me happy!!!


Sep 13, 2006

Just want to you know that although I won't be able to snatch one Super Striker from this particular run, I still think that you're offering a great product at a very reasonable price. I want to remind my fellow CPFers that $50 for the upgrading of an emitter in a torch is reasonable considering this is a VERY limited run (less than 20 units), and the scale of economy, in the case of a manufactured unit of 5,000, does not apply here.

I understand your point that a flashlight is more than the sum of its lumens, and that the Super Striker's vastly superior output and throw capabilities over the Gladius do not necessarily make it a superior light to the Gladius.
BUT, considering the title and context of this thread, MattK has done no deception calling the Super Striker a better light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
MattK said:
Since it seems that TigerhawkT3 doesn't know when to quit I'll play his game. I apologize to anyone who is interested in the actual discussion that was occuring in this thread.

-"The Gladius can start its constant-on from its highest output, its lowest output, or the last output you used. It also seems to have better electronics, with smoother regulation and timed step-downs for extended use. It also has a depth rating of 50m."

Timed step-downs that occur after the output has already dropped from thermal heatsoak. Not an issue with a properly heatsinked light like the Striker.
No, those are on purpose. That's in the FR review, right after the runtime plot.
MattK said:
-"What's that supposed to mean? Does the Striker VG have a super-bright GITD around the opening of the battery tube?"

No, since "Reattaching the tailcap is a process that needs to be executed properly to prevent damage to the light and possibly rendering it inoperable." (FLR) isn't an issue as battery changes are a simple matter of unsecrew, insert, unscrew no GITD opening or additional lightsource is required to keep you from rendering the light inoperable during a battery change.
Listen to me - it's not a difficult battery change. I can indeed do it blindfolded, as shown in the video I posted earlier.
MattK said:
-"If by "you," you mean me, as in TigerhawkT3, then you're wrong. Perhaps YOU need two hands to change modes, but not everyone does."

Really? Let's play police. You have your light on a suspect and your concerned he might be going for his gun. Do you tap three times or do ask Mr Criminal to wait while you holster your gun, twist the tailcap from postion 3 to position 2, remove your weapon from the holster, reaim your (finally strobing) light and reaim your gun?
Let's have a video of you switching modes with one hand while keeping the light fixed on a target.
No, you would have the Gladius in constant-on but set to Channel 2. As soon as you needed it, just squeeze - once, not three times. If my video wasn't enough for you (or perhaps you didn't watch it), I'll make another and hope you look at my evidence this time.
MattK said:
-"I'm not a soldier, and I'm not on a SWAT team. I'm an armchair commando, a mall ninja. I'm certain that the Gladius would be perfectly suited to use by security or police officers."

I'm none of those things but we have LEO's in here almost every day of the week and I've had many lengthy conversaations with them about how they USE their light on a day to day basis so I get firsthand information on a regular basis.
And...? What do they like? I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't mind owning a Gladius.
MattK said:
-"Also, FR gave the Gladius 5 stars, while the VG received 4.5."

True, of course QB reviewed the Striker 6 months later and despite the lower score ranked it higher among the 3/5W lights in his top picks.
Quite true. Perhaps he enjoys the Striker more than the Gladius. That's his choice.
MattK said:
-"I'm sorry you feel that way. From what I've read, the Gladius is more high-end, but I haven't tried a VG myself. I'll see if someone can bring one along to the next CPF get-together in my area."

Again, you're claiming the Gladius is superior yet you've never even SEEN a Striker never less handled one or used it in a situations for which it is designed.
By your "logic," I would only know whether I wanted a light once I had already purchased it. Obviously, I read everything I could find, then made my best guess.
MattK said:
-"I didn't describe how it's better in that first post because I thought it was obvious, but it seems not."

How is it obvious that a more expensive light with less throw and less output is inherently superior? Because you own one and need your expensive purchase to be validated?
Once again, more output doesn't necessarily make a better flashlight. It's not "inherent," it's because of its overall design and features. The Gladius has also decreased in price pretty steadily, and you can buy the same light under a different name, made by the same factory (from what I've read, it's all legal) for about $110. That's the same price as a stock VG.
MattK said:
-"I wish you would do the same. A lot of the things you said about the Gladius and its differences from the VG were incorrect."

Like what? I have at least stated my case withot resorting to childish and malicious name-calling.
I've mentioned your inaccuracies many, many times.
MattK said:
-"Dear lord, not this again. The Gladius's channels add ONE STEP to the procedure, and it takes about two seconds: Aligning the tailcap before tightening."

An act that if done improperly can render the light inoperable and thus requires a light source to be done properly. Not sure that's the light I want in a life/death situation.
It's really not that hard. I don't know of any lights that work even when you put them together incorrectly. Maybe you'd be better off with a shakelight.
MattK said:
-"So, is perceived snide a reason to start hating someone? "

I don't hate you - I don't CARE enough about you to waste the energy. I'm only replying because you are calling me a liar and my reputation is important to me. Frankly I probably don't need to worry - you should see some of the IM's I've gottten in support since you posted. Apparently some folks here do not think so highly of you.
It's not my fault that you're posting inaccuracies and portraying them as facts. If your reputation was important to you, I don't know why you do that and then bash someone who tries to set you straight.
MattK said:
-"I would NEVER have expected such a response from a business representative like yourself, but now I know better. "

Clearly at 20 years of age you haven't had much business experience.
I don't own a business, but I do work in a customer-service type position. I try to make it a point to be polite and provide accurate, useful information.
MattK said:
You keep calling me a liar yet where did I lie? Again, just as in your very first post in the thread, you make a point then fail to back it up.
Once again, I've showed where you were wrong many times.
MattK said:
Are we done now?

Again, my apologies to the rest of you but I can't stand idly by while someone calls me a liar.
And I can't stand idly by while someone lies. I've clearly listed where your facts were wrong and why I feel the Gladius is a better light.

Perhaps if you're going to keep saying that the VG has more output, I should start repeating the fact that the Gladius can go much lower, which is also important.


Sep 12, 2003
I'm not taking sides here, but it seems to me that dealers have their own forum, for a good reason, and they really shouldn't be hawking their wares in this forum. Especially when they tend to be contentious. For a dealer there's a fine line between being helpful and spamming the group. It's making me uncomfortable. Having a dealer promoting and defending his products in this forum seems inappropriate.


Sep 12, 2006
Rocky Hill, CT
LightScene said:
I'm not taking sides here, but it seems to me that dealers have their own forum, for a good reason, and they really shouldn't be hawking their wares in this forum. Especially when they tend to be contentious. For a dealer there's a fine line between being helpful and spamming the group. It's making me uncomfortable. Having a dealer promoting and defending his products in this forum seems inappropriate.

:clap: :goodjob:

Art Vandelay

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2006
LightScene said:
I'm not taking sides here, but it seems to me that dealers have their own forum, for a good reason, and they really shouldn't be hawking their wares in this forum. Especially when they tend to be contentious. For a dealer there's a fine line between being helpful and spamming the group. It's making me uncomfortable. Having a dealer promoting and defending his products in this forum seems inappropriate.
Answering accusations is OK with me. However, it seems that this is never going to end because each side does not want to give the other the last word. I wish both sides would continue the discussion in a different thread. I still want to know the answer to the question "what is the best Long throw Cree light you can buy???".


Sep 12, 2006
Rocky Hill, CT
Art Vandelay said:
Answering accusations is OK with me. However, it seems that this is never going to end because each side does not want to give the other the last word. I wish both sides would continue the discussion in a different thread. I still want to know the answer to the question "what is the best Long throw Cree light you can buy???".

its really simple... d-mini and M1
no need to modify, out of the box, put some battery and boom! throw monster :rock:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Connecticut Shoreline
Art - I'm done, no worries. I'm pretty confident the Striker we've been discussing is going to be 'the best long throw 'Cree' one can buy' - and remember we do, or will, carry the LumaPower line, our shipment is due in a matter of days.

LightScene - My posts here were entirely within the TOU. Ironically had Tigerhawk posted what he has in Dealers it would have moderated in a heartbeat. I may be a dealer but I'm also a member of this community and have a right to post relavent posts to relavent threads. If someone attacks my product here I definitely have a right to defend it.


Sep 13, 2006
To answer the original poster's question, it appears that the super striker from MattK is now the throw king of 2-cr123 lights. From the beam shots, the D-Mini didn't come close to the hotspot intensity of the Striker; the M1, being only marginally better than the D-Mini at the moment, will probably have to wait for 1) a Q bin XR-E upgrade and 2) increase drive level of emitter to 1 A before it can claim the top thrower spot.


Nov 29, 2005
Savannah GA
...Nobody ever wins an internet fight but in this one as in most of them the more excited you get and the more you post the worse you look to we innocent bystanders. Whomever decides to let the other have the last word will impress the heck out of me and a whole bunch of other people who came into this thread hoping to learn something about which long throwing Cree light is best.


Apr 18, 2006
since its using 2 rechargable CR123, do I need to test the CR123 to ensure that they are both equal in power output before I use them in the striker torch?



Apr 21, 2005
The Netherlands - one foot below sea level
My goodness,

This pissing match was both out of topic and annoying. Somewhere down the line I stopped reading in an otherwise interesting thread. They just wouldn't stop! One can only take so much Testosteron trivia.

Last edited:


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2007
DoubleDutch said:
My goodness,

This pissing match was both OT and annoying. Somewhere down the line I stopped reading in an otherwise interesting thread. They just wouldn't stop! One can only take so much Testosteron trivia.


totally agree. wasnt necessary.

@MattK: personally i think you made your point clear with your first postings. what i dont understand ( and i think you didnt do yourself a favor) why you did let yourself get dragged into such an "offtopic" contest. you could have sent TigerhawkT3 a PM, stated that here in the forum and thats it. next step you could have asked sascha or unforgiven to step in. they seem to be very quick in enforcing the rules here, and calling somebody a liar without proof should be a violation of them.

calling a M1-Cree my own i am still very interested in this thread, would be a shame if they closed it....


Jan 21, 2007
S.E. Michigan
daveman said:
To answer the original poster's question, it appears that the super striker from MattK is now the throw king of 2-cr123 lights.
It's looking that way, isn't it?

Then again: If one's not limiting the field to production lights (and the Striker-VG/"HC" isn't a "production" light, per se), I think you'd have to consider others, as well, such as Icarus' customs. Elektolumens has some pretty impressive 3- and 4-emitter designs, as well. (Dunno if he's got any CREE or Seoul emitters yet.) (Icarus' customs are way more expensive than the moded VG, but Elektolumens prices aren't bad, comparatively speaking, I believe.)

daveman said:
From the beam shots, the D-Mini didn't come close to the hotspot intensity of the Striker; the M1, being only marginally better than the D-Mini at the moment, will probably have to wait for 1) a Q bin XR-E upgrade and 2) increase drive level of emitter to 1 A before it can claim the top thrower spot.
Agreed. It doesn't look like either one of those will touch a Striker-VG/"HC", from what (little) I've seen so far.


Sep 12, 2003
If you want to know what is the best Long throw Cree light you can buy, we will have to invite all of the other dealers and modders to answer this question on their own behalf. I think they can all challenge the Stryker VG-HC mod for bragging rights.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 30, 2004
Connecticut Shoreline
Back on topic at last I hope :)

I believe the Striker's advantage will lay in the optical system. There's no question a full custom multi-emitter light can output more total lumens but few of them incorporate anything besides a reflector and it's the focusing of the lumens that will provide the throw.

Wayne has a few Cree lights on his page but I don't believe any incorporate any sort of optic outside of a reflector. His prices are extremely reasonable considering the basically custom nature of the product and I'm pretty tickled that he named a light 'DeCree.'

It's a good time to be a flashaholic. I can't wait for a shoot-out - it's almost inevitable now. :)


Jan 17, 2006
MattK said:
Wayne has a few Cree lights on his page but I don't believe any incorporate any sort of optic outside of a reflector.

FWIW, A good majority of Wayne's offerings are optic-based. I just received my Elektrolumens Lucidus-XR2 with the Cree collimator and it has the nicest beam of any of my Cree lights. It puts my other reflector-based XRE lights to shame, actually. No more "Lord of the Rings"!

I am starting to think that the Cree is just not meant for a reflector.