A bit of a lose end today so modded a sccP7 into a P60 drop in for my trustfire TR-C1 it's direct drive from a 18650 blue trustfire battery it draws 2.1amps has a small doughnut hole in the beam but got to say quiet bright as soon as it's dark i'll put some beam shot's up!
Ok a bit more info it's a c bin using 6amp wire (this is way to thick) removed cree led from std one that comes with this, had to grind away some of the top wall, and fix with arctic alumma thermal adhesive, removed all componets from driver, drill and solder wires from P7, filled void thermal grease and resolder back to the under side of the drop in
using a hand tapperd reamer open the hole to except P7 check it with a fluck 83 to make sure all is ok
other photos are P60-cree R2 rated at 225lm
here's some photos cheers DocD
cree r2 at 30 feet
sccP7 at 30 feet
A bit of a lose end today so modded a sccP7 into a P60 drop in for my trustfire TR-C1 it's direct drive from a 18650 blue trustfire battery it draws 2.1amps has a small doughnut hole in the beam but got to say quiet bright as soon as it's dark i'll put some beam shot's up!
Ok a bit more info it's a c bin using 6amp wire (this is way to thick) removed cree led from std one that comes with this, had to grind away some of the top wall, and fix with arctic alumma thermal adhesive, removed all componets from driver, drill and solder wires from P7, filled void thermal grease and resolder back to the under side of the drop in
using a hand tapperd reamer open the hole to except P7 check it with a fluck 83 to make sure all is ok
other photos are P60-cree R2 rated at 225lm
here's some photos cheers DocD
cree r2 at 30 feet
sccP7 at 30 feet
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