"Potted Meat Food Product"


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
With all the anxiety about recent availability of true actual cuts of meat, who has memories of eating this stuff, maybe when growing up?
  • Hormel edit: Armour Dried Beef
  • Spam
  • Hormel Corned Beef Hash
  • Vienna Sausages
Working in a grocery store out in remote AK, all of these were pretty popular as none of them required refrigeration.


I loved sandwiches made with that sliced dried beef, that was our 'fast food' out in the bush.
Had to be rinsed before eating tho, oh my goodness that salt.

The only way I liked Spam was diced & fried, then fried with an egg or two for a quick omelet.

The corned beef hash came out only when there was nothing left in the cupboards.

Vienna Sausages no thank you. Seriously. :ironic:


Anything that I'm missing? :)
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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Spam is good in fried rice
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Hormel dried beef in the small glass jars is a delicacy. Agreed on the salt, though. 😁 A very occasional guilty pleasure is a can of corned beef hash, browned in a pan, with 2 or 3 over easy eggs broken up on top and mixed in for breakfast... There may be a can or three of that and Spam here at Casa scout..

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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Grilled Spam and Velveeta Cheese sandwich is one of my all time favorites!

If anyone travels to Minnesota be sure to stop at the SPAM Museum....it will amaze you. I am not joking, excellent museum including an exhibit of Spam during world conflicts.
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

I was raised with occasional "SoS" made with the dried beef in a jar. I thought we had Armour brand in the 60s, tho. Later we switched to the refrigerated Buddig or Land o Frost stuff when it became available. We never had canned hash, we always made our own from leftover beef roasts. We weren't big on Spam either. Vienna sausages just seemed like little bad hot dogs to me.

How about Underwood deviled ham/chicken?
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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Diced fried Spam into scrabbled eggs is a protein packed meal

Canned sardines packed in water sell for 1 buck can..
Put on fav bread with tomatoes avacado add cheese mustard.. Umm now I'm hungry!
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Yes, had all of the above growing up. Better than going hungry.

Would eat most of those still, except skip the Vienna sausage thanks.

Tinned sardines are great, and I keep buying them, then forget to get them back out of the pantry.

Always get spam musubi when in Hawaii or at a restaurant that serves it :)

Never could stand canned tuna, although fresh tuna is delicious.
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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

You have to have the Vienna sausages that are canned in hot sauce. That's where it's at.

I love the smoked oysters they are delicious.

Spam and eggs or spam and velveeta (small world) is a favorite.

The treat meat is great cooked on an open fire after hunting in deer camp and about 7 beers.
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

You have to have the Vienna sausages that are canned in hot sauce. That's where it's at....

Might need to be ~ ghost pepper level to "neutralize" the taste for me[emoji317]

EDIT - wow, never seen nor heard of "Treet" before :thinking:

According to Wikipedia, "it is made with chicken and pork and has a more finely ground texture than Spam, more akin to bologna or vienna sausages" ... uh oh :green:
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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

I will never voluntarily eat vienna sausages in the jar. My stepson still eats Gerber "little weenies" baby food on occasion, makes me want to vomit. Vienna's remind me of those. He's 25...
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Might need to be ~ ghost pepper level to "neutralize" the taste for me[emoji317] ... ....

A new topic in The Cafe, while munching on a batch of the hottest fresh Jalapeno peppers that I have gotten in the past five months.

"Potted Meat Food Product": Uhm.... uhh...... hmmmm...... No no no no, I don't eat it no more. I'm tired of my LDL through the roof. No, thank you, please, it only makes me wheeze. And then it makes it hard to refuse some more.

Apologies to Ringo Starr.
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

A new topic in The Cafe, while munching on a batch of the hottest fresh Jalapeno peppers that I have gotten in the past five months.

"Potted Meat Food Product": Uhm.... uhh...... hmmmm...... No no no no, I don't eat it no more. I'm tired of my LDL through the roof. No, thank you, please, it only makes me wheeze. And then it makes it hard to refuse some more.

Apologies to Ringo Starr.

Hottest strain of jalapeño I've ever had was called island fire. Don't know where the boy that brought them to me got them but I almost had to put them down after eating a few. That's saying a whole lot for me.
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

A new topic in The Cafe, while munching on a batch of the hottest fresh Jalapeno peppers that I have gotten in the past five months....

Slightly continuing the OT, with my apologies to the OP ;) .... I grilled up a nice batch of padron peppers last night. The fun part is guessing which ones are gonna bite back :D

Any of you all had the sweet habenero ? Pretty interesting pepper, without the spice. I like 'em, but they only are available for a little while each year at the farmers market.

The other pepper (not so spicy) which is truly excellent is Jimmy Nardellos. I buy bags of those for making sausage and peppers, delicious !
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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Not off topic if you mention that grilled peppers really makes spam pop!! Haha
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

I'd have the be extremely desperate to eat those. I remember trying Spam when I was young... never again.
There's a lot of canned tuna and salmon to go through, then the neighborhood rabbits and deer. 🙃
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

I know it's messed up, but I still buy Armour Vienna Sausages once in awhile...

Never been a SPAM guy, but I did fry some of the low sodium version about a year ago. It was okay. I don't think I'd want the regular version, as that had plenty of salt already.
Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

Deviled ham!.. I used to love that stuff when I was young

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Re: "'Potted Meat Food Product"

A defunct grocery chain called Winn Dixie had a potted meat with their name on it. The label of ingredients was very specific. Let's just say the kids dead dad in Sling Blade was right.

But even that stuff has been gone at times lately at my local grocer. Corned beef, Vienna sausages etc. Wiped out.
Now those vegetarian food products? Plentiful.

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