Remember These...?


Jan 16, 2004
Southern California
Got bored today so I thought I would post some pics of some old 'TOYS' that I have lying around.

1st - The Beeman Com Bow Slingshot. This has got to be the most powerful Slingshot made back in the days. It looks like the Starship Enterprise from Star-Trek. Having a pulley system similar to compound bows, it has launched 1/2" steel balls out of sight before I noticed the arc in dropping using the heavy band. Loosening one hex head screw, one can adjust this sling to twist and tilt to ones own preference. With a simple change of the band, it can even shot arrows. The arrows shown are from Beeman specifically made for this slingshot.


Next we have the 3,000 per minute BB guns made by Larc International - The M19. When using the now discontinued R12 one pound freon canisters, that was once available, you had a very fun toy in hand... well as long as you kept the can from freezing during discharge. They made two versions, a pistol and rifle. Installing the optional stock, you can change the pistol to a rifle hold for more accuracy (yeah right!) I do have the compressed air line hook up so that I can have unlimited air supply though I am restricted to lugging an air-compressor around or make a back pack of some sort. Unscrew the back cap and just POUR in the BB's, hook up air and watch out!


And now the old style but original "Sky Writer" I don't even know what company made these back in the BC era. By entering text, using the alpha/numeric keypad on the back and waving the wand in the air, in an arc fashion, it displays your message using the sequencing of seven flashing LEDs. hmmmm..? Can I change them to SSP4's or Crees? No mercury switches used in this back then. It has a metal ball of some sort that shorts out two electric contact posts ever time it gets to one end of the arc as you are waving it making an annoying clickie-clacky sound..


I know that these have been replaced by newer ones with a more modern or advanced technology. I have more that I may post later.

I just thought I would share some oldie but goodie 'TOYS'.

Anybody remember them??

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Nice toys. Ahhhh....the childhood days. I went throught some of my old toys last week. I found a box of my old Stomper 4X4 toy trucks. Most of them still ran (AA battery). Just for fun I put a 14500 in one and boy did it literally take off across the room like it had turbo! I did this just for a short time. Want to preserve them as long as i can.
I played with LEGO and such

Do you know how dangerous those things are? Do you know how many kids and drunk adults choke on those little bricks every year? :D

I had Legos too. Loved them.
Kiessling said:
Interesting "toys" there are for US children ... :eek:oo:
I played with LEGO and such :)

Yeah, they don't call us cowboys for no reason.

But I have to agree, too much emphasis on violence here, and too uncomfortable with love and sexuality.
light_emitting_dude said:
Nice toys. Ahhhh....the childhood days. I went throught some of my old toys last week. I found a box of my old Stomper 4X4 toy trucks. Most of them still ran (AA battery). Just for fun I put a 14500 in one and boy did it literally take off across the room like it had turbo! I did this just for a short time. Want to preserve them as long as i can.

Ah man I miss my Stompers! I loved the way the rubber tires smelled. So sweeeet.
qarawol said:
Next we have the 3,000 per minute BB guns made by Larc International - The M19. When using the now discontinued R12 one pound freon canisters, that was once available, you had a very fun toy in hand... well as long as you kept the can from freezing during discharge. They made two versions, a pistol and rifle. Installing the optional stock, you can change the pistol to a rifle hold for more accuracy (yeah right!) I do have the compressed air line hook up so that I can have unlimited air supply though I am restricted to lugging an air-compressor around or make a back pack of some sort. Unscrew the back cap and just POUR in the BB's, hook up air and watch out!

Anybody remember them??

I remember drooling over the ads for these back about 22years ago (damn, I'm getting old). They always had this guy in camo, steel pot helmet unstrapped and hanging. He's chompin' on a stogie and letting loose! 3000 rounds a minute - full auto BB Gun. Damn, that was cool!

I never could afford one, much less manage to convince my parents that I could be safe with it!

Anyone remember the crossbow pistols? Used to sell for $89.95 in the ad in the back of Field & Stream. Never got one of those either.
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swampgator said:
I remember drooling over the ads for these back about 22years ago (damn, I'm getting old). They always had this guy in camo, steel pot helmet unstrapped and hanging. He's chompin' on a stogie and letting loose! 3000 rounds a minute - full auto BB Gun. Damn, that was cool!


All you saw coming out of the barrel was a stream of copper BB's heading towards the glass bottles and annihilating them. That is what prompted me to buy them. It was in the year of 1983 when I was still a teenager.

Thanks 'swampgator'

At least I am not alone.

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Now days you can get an even better one, those LARCs were pretty flimsy. Drozd from Russia:
Might be better quality but it only holds 1% of the Larc - that is 30 bb's versus 3,000. Too bad it doesn't hold more. I used to have a Daisy that held 200 bb's and you'd pull a lever to load about 10 in at a time then shoot auto 1 at a time. Very cool gun.
Thanks for the memory lane visit.

I wanted one of those Freon powered guns, but circumstances were never right. I had most of the other toys of boys my age. The Daisy air rifle, the Crossman pellet pistol, the Wrist-Rocket sling shot, the Fred Baer 30 lb bow, the solid fuel rockets.

I learned a lot from those toys, and it's sad that most kids will never be able to experience them. I doubt that any of them are legal to use outdoors in my city.

Some of the things I learned? Well, I learned that it's the mass AND the speed of a projectile that causes a it to shatter a window. Small slow rock or fast moving BB. I learned that I could create a reasonably precise model rocket that went nearly a mile high. I learned that stupidity IS it's own reward when my buddy said "watch this" and shot an arrow through his own tennis shoe.

It's amazing that we ever managed to grow up.

gadget_lover said:
..It's amazing that we ever managed to grow up..
Ditto. When I was a kid, I hung around with 4 neighbor brothers and two others where we had completely unsupervised play in our formative years. Firearms and pellet guns being illegal in New Jersey, we nonetheless did stuff which would make any parent blanche today.

We would see how long we could hold on to the wires of a portable hand cranked generator while our "friend" turned it as hard as it could. You can hold on a long time if you're young and your heart restarts easily...

We made and tried many versions of slingshots, bows, arrows, harpoons, etc. I understand now that it was a statistical fluke, but only one of us ever had to go the hospital for stitches.

We made and tried many kinds of explosives and pyrotechnics which I don't even want to talk about. Safety glasses? What are those?

Once we uncovered a shrew (small rodent) which we chased and cornered. One of the brothers reached down to grab it which was not a good idea. It bit him on the finger, hung on while he tried to shake it off, let go, flew about 15 feet, and ran away. Rabies shots? What are those...

Of the 6 of us, 2 became professional engineers, one a Navy seaman, one died in a car crash when he was 20, and I don't know what else.

Lucky to be a kid then...
Got bored today so I thought I would post some pics of some old 'TOYS' that I have lying around.

1st - The Beeman Com Bow Slingshot. This has got to be the most powerful Slingshot made back in the days. It looks like the Starship Enterprise from Star-Trek. Having a pulley system similar to compound bows, it has launched 1/2" steel balls out of sight before I noticed the arc in dropping using the heavy band. Loosening one hex head screw, one can adjust this sling to twist and tilt to ones own preference. With a simple change of the band, it can even shot arrows. The arrows shown are from Beeman specifically made for this slingshot.


Next we have the 3,000 per minute BB guns made by Larc International - The M19. When using the now discontinued R12 one pound freon canisters, that was once available, you had a very fun toy in hand... well as long as you kept the can from freezing during discharge. They made two versions, a pistol and rifle. Installing the optional stock, you can change the pistol to a rifle hold for more accuracy (yeah right!) I do have the compressed air line hook up so that I can have unlimited air supply though I am restricted to lugging an air-compressor around or make a back pack of some sort. Unscrew the back cap and just POUR in the BB's, hook up air and watch out!


And now the old style but original "Sky Writer" I don't even know what company made these back in the BC era. By entering text, using the alpha/numeric keypad on the back and waving the wand in the air, in an arc fashion, it displays your message using the sequencing of seven flashing LEDs. hmmmm..? Can I change them to SSP4's or Crees? No mercury switches used in this back then. It has a metal ball of some sort that shorts out two electric contact posts ever time it gets to one end of the arc as you are waving it making an annoying clickie-clacky sound..


I know that these have been replaced by newer ones with a more modern or advanced technology. I have more that I may post later.

I just thought I would share some oldie but goodie 'TOYS'.

Anybody remember them??

Hi Garawol,
Thank you for the vary nice picture and kind comments of my Com Bow Sling. Patent # 4458658 that I built for Beeman quite a number of years ago. Your Com Bow Sling looks to be in great condition. I have made a number of improvments since then. I am not really making them now but sometimes make parts.

I am and older guy now and some of the things I have done in the past are on the inter net. If anyone would like to see any of them by typing my name and slingshot things pop up. I had my first slingshot in 1967 called Slingthing. By typing my name and Slingthing it should come up. Your post never came up until I typed Beeman Com Bow Sling on Google Images.

I am sorry that I did something wrong on this Forum yesterday. I added links to my web site that I still have but don't take orders. As I said I am getting older and hope of get someone else involved. To get going once again. As I said I am sorry I only thought that some on this fine Forum might be interested in the history. I stated things only to show that I was the inventor. That is why I put in the patent number and web page.

Again thank you for remembering and your fine post. And hope that this post will be alright as I am not really selling anything now. Robert Blair combowslingguy
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