single vs double reflector spotlight


Newly Enlightened
Jul 31, 2006
I was wondering which type of spotlight are worthy to upgrade with higher wattage lamps if single or double reflector.

I haven´t tried it yet but it seems that there is not much difference between doubles over singles in term of lumen output based in advertise, sometimes 30 per cent instead of 100. (eg. a single with a 75w halogen vs a double with the same bulb).

Does it have to do because of the electric circuit design?

As you might guess I not a big fan of electronics.
Hi karlos,

Theoretically, you should have twice the amount of lumens with two bulbs.
However, due to the much higher currents, the battery-voltage drasticly drops, causing a severe decrease of lumens-output..

So two bulbs with two reflectors only give twice the lumens when they are regulated!

Someone here at CPF did something like this with two HID-systems.. If I can find the thread I will edit this post..

EDIT: OK.. take a look what you can do to a double-reflector spotlight:


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