small collet out of Delrin ...


Jan 10, 2005
Texas, USA, Earth
In order to do the deep tail mod in my custom 1xD's (which allows the spring on a D Mag to sit at the bottom of the tailcap to utilize this "dead" space), I have to tightly grip the tailcap on the chuck while I bore it out.

The problem is that largest diameter part of the tailcap is the one with the radial grooving, so it is extremely easy to damage this part on the chuck, even when using a 6-jaw chuck to distribute the holding force. Even with my typical 2 layers of blue take the pressure is large enough that the tailcap slids backwards, deeper into the chuck, and if I increase the pressure in the chuck, it then damages the finish on the tailcup.

To prevent this damage I have been using a cup/collet made of a soft plastic, but it was wearing out, so I decided to make a new collet one out of Delrin:

The tailcap fits but not super tight, so it is easy to remove:

The back is about 5 mils thinner, so that then chuck puts pressure, the cup will transmit the pressure to the hollow part which holds the tailcap:

Here it is in use - before:

and after:

and now the spring seats all the way to the bottom:

Here is the new black collet compared to the old one (white):

Maybe not accurate enough for space shuttle parts, but this Delrin collet is a life saver for modifying these tailcaps with zero damage to the part :D

I use my little lathe for doing that :) the through bore is 1" so the cap sits perfectly square against the chuck.

Dedicated fixtures are a real time saver on repeat jobs. I spent a few hours and under $200 on one fixture (plus dedicated tooling) about five years ago, and it's paid back that investment many times over. The job took just under an hour without the fixture, and right at twenty minutes with it :D

Nice job.