SST-90 Mag 2D aspheric build, low resistance, direct drive


Nov 16, 2007
in the brightly lit suburbs of NYC (Long Island)
I received my 4500K SST-90 emitter from Avnet today. The packaging was laughable. It came in a box about the size of a shoe box. Buried under much bubble wrap was an anti moisture bag with very specific handling instrutions. Within that was a large bag of dessicant, a moisture indicator card and finally what I'd call a jewelry box if it was designed by the military.

I used Jo's BrightLumens deluxe SST-90 Mag D heatsink. It does the trick, but having done it once, I'm not looking forward to doing it again. I can't think of a better way to mount the emitter, but it was nerve racking working on a $50 LED that's so delicate and so hard to mount.

I used the fattest wire that would possibly fit through the holes, 20 gauge stranded copper, and ran into trouble getting the fitment right. I had the emitter heatsinked by resting it upside down on top of the jaws of my vise, and that made the solder cool immediately on the pads. The thick pos wire was encroaching on the space of the center just a hair, but it was enough to cause it to sit improperly in the heatsink. My iron wasn't hot enough to melt the solder again and in the end I carfully used a dremel with a cut-off disc to shave back some of the solder so it would sit right. The other complication is getting the thick wire laden with solder bent just the right way to position it so it goes straight down the hole from the corner of the LED. Pics below explain it better than I can here.

I used AAA in the wire troths and Arctic silver thermal adhesive under the main pad. Adding the AAA to heatsink the wires to the HS is something I always do to improve thermal management. It's that much more surface area to transfer heat with.


As for reflectors, I did what I usually do and searched for the cheapest possilble solution. I experimented with the DX P7 reflector (sku 12229) and managed to make quite a mess of it with the dremel. Even more scary than the soldering, I had to use the dremel to cut a camphered edge to the inside of the heatsink after the emitter was already monunted.


The DX P7 reflector actually gave a much better (tighter / more intense) spot than the KD V2 reflector that I opened to 16mm. I had to raise the heatsink about 2mm to get the short DX reflector to focus properly. I was surprised to see a spot about the same size as given to the smaller MC-E emitter by other 53mm reflectors I've used for MC-Es.


I played around with some other refelctor/optic options, but I'm not done yet. I tried the 40mm+ deep reflector that comes inside the Mag 2D LED after cutting off the cam and opening the hole to 16mm. That gave the best focus yet, but I couldn't screw the head down passed the O-ring. If I cut the lip off the heatsink, I might be able to drop it down the tube until it sits on the Mag switch. That's about a half an inch, which might be just enough to make that reflector fit.

I tried the KD aspheric but what I found to be even better (much to my surprise/delight) was the $4 DX aspheric sku 12834. It's glass, not plastic, only 18mm deep and while it does not perform as well with the CREE XR-E, it seems to be better suited to the SST-90. Perhaps the difference in the domes affects the performance with the optic.


Oh, by the way, until the Sector_Cleared driver is available, I'm running the emitter direct drive on 2 parallel Sony 26650VT with a slapped together carrier that I described here.


I had to add copper braid to the tail spring. Tailcap mearurements were only ~3.5A on the bare spring, but over 7A on the braid. The Vf of the emitter drops as it heats up, but the batteries sag after use. The highest I've measured so far at the tail was 7.95A. The warmer color SST-90 must have a pretty high Vf. Also, I tried some slightly used NiMH C cells. Three yielded a 5-6 amp draw and with four cells current draw shot up to 11A before I quickly disconnected the leads. Maybe a 4s2p pack of AAs might be the direct draw sweet spot for the SST-90, assuming 2pAA sags more than 1C. I may just have to find out.

(update: after replacing the spring/braid with a cut down "golden" mag spring from KD and using deoxit on all the contacts, I'm measuring 8.5A draw at the tail and 8+ through the spring)

Until some of my other cheap reflectors come in, I'm keeping th DX aspheric in it. It's freaky fun - much larger and also more intense than the KD Q5 + Aspheric kit. I'll add beamshots later this week.

Update: finally experimented with 4s2p AA - see post # 25 below
Update #2: New reflector experiments. Stopped-down photos show improvement with a reflector that actually fits, post #28
Update #3: the experimentation and aggressive burn-in has significantly reduced the Vf of the emitter see post #31
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Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

beamshots! :)

I'm hoping to build something similar when my parts come in. I'm a little nervous about not using a driver...
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

I'm a little nervous about not using a driver...
Practice man, practice. Try it out a few times with cheaper emitters and it may easy your mind.
What might also be helpful is to deliberately sacrafice one, overheat it and see it turn blue and ... depart this land of lumens :candle:
experience is great if you can afford it
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Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

I tried the KD aspheric but what I found to be even better (much to my surprise/delight) was the $4 DX aspheric sku 12834. It's glass, not plastic, only 18mm deep and while it does not perform as well with the CREE XR-E, it seems to be better suited to the SST-90. Perhaps the difference in the domes affects the performance with the optic.

Until some of my other cheap reflectors come in, I'm keeping th DX aspheric in it. It's freaky fun - much larger and also more intense than the KD Q5 + Aspheric kit. I'll add beamshots later this week.

Hey Techjunkie, Just wanted to say I am also a big fan of the inexpensive DX aspheric lens. I also prefer it over the no longer available KD aspheric. The image that the DX lens throws up is a bit brighter and to my eyes a bit warming as if there is a slight color shift? I even prefer using it with the CREE Q5 R2. The DX lens also has less side spill ( I wanted to call it flood but that is really not what it is ) than the KD lens. Currently I am working on a SST-50 build. When complete it will be time to play with the aspherical lenses again.:thumbsup:
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

The contestants (again). This time with a new addition, the WF-008 recoil thrower. It seemed only fair to include it, considering the aspherics here and the 450ft target tree in the distance shots.


This time, white balance is set to Sunlight aprox. 5200K for all shots.

Indoor settings: ISO 200, 0.4 Sec, F4
Outdoor settings: ISO 200, 4.0 Sec, F4



02. <--This is the 4500K SST-90 being discussed here.





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Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

the dx 50 mm lens are true aspheric lens or are sferic lens?
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

Hey Techjunkie,

How's the color on that emitter?? Compared to the MCE, is it closer to 5A tint or WH?
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

Hi Teckjunkie,

Nice work, I lile the 2 imr cells to boost the amperage.

I realize this thread is mostly about your SST mod, but what is PVC on the end of your first light for? A coupler I am guessing, did it fit right on or did you sleeve it somehow?

Thanks for sharing.
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

Hey Techjunkie,

How's the color on that emitter?? Compared to the MCE, is it closer to 5A tint or WH?

Closer to 5A. The closest I've got to it tint-wise is my XX-Ray, which uses 4B tint MCE. That's exactly what I was expecting, because the 4B is in CREE's neutral white group (adjacent to 4500K on that chart) whereas 5A is more toward their warm white group (although not quite in the 3000K range of 7A) whereas WH is at the warm end of their cool white group (~5500K).

I expect that the 5700K SST-90 is a pretty close match to CREE's WH tint.

After experimenting with neutral white tints, I was immediatlely hooked, which is why I went straight for the highest bin 4500K (GM400) instead of the 5700K or 6500K tints.
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

Hi Teckjunkie,

Nice work, I lile the 2 imr cells to boost the amperage.

I realize this thread is mostly about your SST mod, but what is PVC on the end of your first light for? A coupler I am guessing, did it fit right on or did you sleeve it somehow?

Thanks for sharing.

Ha! That was to eliminate the laser like corona produced by the KD aspheric kit. (And also allow the torch to headstand in my cabinet.) It's a 2.5" PVC coupler with a slice of 2.5" PVC in it and bound to the Mag bezel with electrical tape. I was too cheap to spend $50 on a custom bezel. I call it my redneck aspheric bezel.
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

I just replaced the beamshot post with a revised post with better beamshots. I decreased the shutter speed for the outdoor night shots, but I also used a lower ISO setting of 200 to match the indoor shots, so the longer shutter lag only brightened things up a litte. I should have gone for longer exposure still, or higher ISO.

More imporantly (to me) is that the fixed white balance setting of "Sunlight ~5200K" really does an awesome job of differentiating the emitter tints. You can even tell the difference between the 4B MCE tint of #5 versus the rosier 4A MCE tint of #3.
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress

I just replaced the beamshot post with a revised post with better beamshots. I decreased the shutter speed for the outdoor night shots, but I also used a lower ISO setting of 200 to match the indoor shots, so the longer shutter lag only brightened things up a litte. I should have gone for longer exposure still, or higher ISO.

Hey what brand and model of camera are you using to take your pics?
Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress (better beamshots)

I realize that the distance shots dull down the appearance of the beamshots. I purpously didn't zoom in to perserve the perspective of the distance, but I wish I had used a higher ISO. The fact that the tree has no foliage really hurt. Lessons learned.

Here's an animated .gif showing the difference between the three throwers. First the recoil XRE Q5, then the KD Aspheric Q5 kit and then finally the SST-90 aspheric. I think it tells a better story than the pics do by themselves:



I'd performed most of the resistance reduction rituals on my direct drive torches in the past, but for a long time, felt like that's all they were, just rituals. Reducing resistance by milliohms seemed like a fanatic's obsession even to me. That was until I saw what a huge difference that shorting the tailspring of my carrier with copper braid made. I began to consider the drastic effect of every milliohm of resistance on a device that draws 9 Amps at only 3.6 Volts input, and how much voltage drop is caused by the slightest resistance at that current.

Tonight I bit the bullet and bought the Deoxit/DeoxitGold kit from RadioShack for $15 and,
now I am a believer!
On half spent batteries, this torch was only pulling 4A at the tail. After using Doxit and Deoxit Gold on the internals (and externals) of the Mag switch all contact points on the carrier the Mag tailcap, end of tube and even the battery contacts themselves, the same batteries without additional charging measured a 6A draw.

I repeated this excercize on my Lil' Giant and the result was identical. This deoxit stuff is a fortune, but for a high current, low voltage direct draw application, it's worth every penny. I might just try some of this stuff on the only hotwire I have that doesn't require conditioning the batteries to avoid popping the bulb.
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Re: SST-90 Mag 2D build in progress (better beamshots)

Very cool animated gif shot. Thanks!